[…The technique has a strong symbolic meaning, and some religious utensils also appeared at the crime scene. According to the police's speculation, the serial murderer is currently wandering around cities D and L. 】

[According to the existing information, this person is a male with a height of about 1.75 meters. Strong athletic ability, may hold controlled knives. 】

[In some coastal cities, there have been many victims. 】

[Among them, there are four males, aged between 8 and 15 years old. There are three women, aged between 35 and 45. 】

[The police appeal to citizens, please do not go out alone at night in the recent period. If necessary, please ensure that at least three people travel together. 】

[Next news, the diamond theft case has not been solved yet, and the thief has not been arrested yet. Some critics believe that the police ignored key clues in this incident...]

A small tablet computer was broadcasting the news, and Li Si and Bean Sprouts were stuck together, staring at the screen.

Suddenly, Li Si swished the tablet and hid it in the pile of books.

Bean Sprout quickly sat upright, pretending to think about a difficult problem.

The next moment, Sister Susu appeared at the door with a tray: "Are you hungry? Here's some snacks."

She brought iced oolong tea and fluffy English cookies.

One piece of this kind of cookie is the size of a palm, but Sister Susu made ten pieces and piled them up into a hill on the plate.

The sweet and creamy smell instantly filled the whole room, Feng Su put down his snack: "Bean sprouts, shall we rest for a while?"

Bean Sprout frowned, with a solemn expression: "No, I have to understand this question first." He showed the demeanor of a top student.

Li Si secretly pushed the tablet deep into the pile of books.

Bean Sprout's intelligence test results were normal.

Can't tell if it's a good thing or a bad thing.

On the one hand, she had to admit that she spent money to ask her classmates to do homework for her, and was criticized by Feng Suhao, and all her pocket money was confiscated.

But on the other hand, she at least kept her dignity, because she didn't have to pretend to be mentally retarded after the results came out.

Even so, the results of bean sprouts were really poor. After careful consideration, Feng Su decided to hire some tutors for her.

That's why both Bean Sprout and Li Si are in the mental hospital.

The former will receive a two-month cramming education here, while the latter is equivalent to a supervisor.

At first, Dou Sprout didn't understand what a tutor was, so he asked Li Si for advice.

Li Si also lived up to expectations and answered her doubts: "A placebo whose efficacy lasts until the final exam."

Bean sprouts seem to understand but do not understand.

According to Feng Su, the tutor she hired was of a high level, not only spent money, but also used some "connections". As long as Bean Sprout studies seriously under his guidance, it is no problem to be in the top ten in the grade.

After hearing this, Li Si's first reaction was that it was not reliable.

It's a bit like the catchphrase of [Brain Gold]: Take a pill and get double hundred in the exam!

But seeing Feng Su's enthusiasm, he didn't dare to persuade him.

If something really goes wrong, at worst, put some contraband in the tutor bag and report it to the police.

The tutor came from out of town and didn't arrive until ten o'clock in the morning on the third day.

He was a wrinkled, middle-aged man in his fifties. Wearing a long brown trench coat, his face was gloomy and uncomfortable.

He shook hands with Feng Su, claiming to be surnamed Sun, also graduated from Chang'an University, and Li Si is an alumnus.

Teacher Sun is definitely not an ordinary person.

Ordinary people don't go to teach in mental hospitals.

From the time he entered the hospital to the time he sat at the desk, there was no trace of superfluous expression on his face.

After Bean Sprout also sat down, he said preciously, "Textbook."

Bean Sprout was stunned for a second before she realized that she was asking her to take out the textbook.

After flipping through the textbook for a while, Teacher Sun coughed lightly and began to lecture in a muddy tone.

Li Si stood at the door and listened for a while, silently wished Bean Sprout good luck, and went to the next room to play games.

After two hours, it was finally time to rest.

Bean Sprout dragged his exhausted body out of the room, feeling hopeless.

Feng Su handed her a cup of hot chocolate: "How do you feel? Is the teacher teaching well?"

Bean Sprout shook his head, speaking softly that he taught well.

Feng Su is not blind either, and feels that the bean sprouts are not in the right state. But Bean Sprout didn't give her a chance to speak, so she wandered off to find Li Si.

Li Si's game is hitting a critical juncture, and this time is a wave of critical missions. He manipulated Galio to fall from the sky, causing the earth to tremble.

Bean Sprout pushed the door open and tugged at Li Si's sleeve.

Li Si was engrossed: "Don't make trouble, give me two minutes."

Bean sprouts nodded.

Then unplug the network cable.

Li Si was stunned, and turned to look at Dou Sprout, not understanding why she would do this to herself.

The girl pulled a chair and sat opposite him: "Quickly think of a way for me"

If the internet is disconnected for ten seconds, the family tree will definitely not be protected.

Li Si simply smashed the jar and said, "What way?"

Bean Sprout's expression collapsed: "Let me study for another minute, I'd rather jump from here."

Li Si looked out the window, it was the first floor. Bean Sprout stretched out his little hand and forced his head back: "That's what it means anyway."

Li Si had no choice but to think that Dou Sprout had learned the secret of finding life and death without a teacher.

But think about it too. She has grown up so much, and she hasn't taken a serious day of school yet, so it's normal for her to feel uncomfortable at the beginning.

Li Si stroked his chin, looked at the furnishings of the mental hospital, and suddenly had an idea.

He plugged in the internet cable and restarted the computer: "Wait a minute."

Feng Su looked at the watch at the door, and the rest time was only ten minutes, but Bean Sprout hadn't come out after staying in Li Si's room for half an hour.

After all, she was soft-hearted, and instead of getting angry, she knocked lightly on the door: "Bean sprouts?"

The door opened, and Bean Sprout stood in front of Feng Su, holding up a stack of manuscript paper.

"What is this? Is there another Sherlock Holmes story?" Feng Su picked up the manuscript and flipped through it, but did not see the familiar name.

Li Si turned the pen: "It's a movie script, I suddenly got inspiration, it must be a good story."

Feng Su touched it and found that the paper was still warm, obviously it had just been printed out.

She immediately understood what Li Si was up to.

Bean Sprouts is a child star, and the focus is on developing an acting career.

If Li Si really has a good script and let Dou Sprout participate in it, she can't stop it.

From the moment Bean Sprouts entered Li Si's room, until now, it took no more than half an hour to fill up the bean sprouts.

Based on Feng Su's understanding of the two of them, this crazy idea must have just come up with.

What good script can be written in half an hour?

Feng Su shook her head helplessly, thinking that Li Si was just doing useless work:

"I really have nothing against coddling parenting...but you know it won't work, don't you?"

Li Si smiled and raised her hand as a "please" gesture. It means let her read the script first and then speak.

Miss Susu sighed.

She has been running around for the bean sprouts for the past two days, and she is also a little tired at this time, so she can only forcefully pull herself together.

The first page of the script is the title of the film, and Li Si specially used cursive fonts to make it look more eye-catching.

Feng Su read the line:

"Fly over the madhouse?"

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