Numb eyes, stupid soul. A man is laughing and swallowing a whole bottle of pills. Another man banged his head against the wall, blood dripping into the basin.

The head nurse watched all this with a stiff smile on the corner of her mouth. She took Mo Fei's hand: "Welcome, you will get the best treatment here."

Could it be that he just lowered his head and avoided making eye contact with her.

Because he was pretending to be crazy in order to escape from prison, for fear that others would see his flaws.

They walked through the rec room, and the man was still banging against the wall. As they passed by, blood dripped onto Mo Fei's leather shoes.

The head nurse suddenly turned her head, and the woman's eyes were lifeless, like a dying fish.

"Don't worry, this is normal."

She repeated: "Don't worry."


"Follow me and lift the basketball high."

Could it be that he stuffed the ball into the arms of the strong man, but the other party was unmoved, just looking at everything around him blankly, like a newborn baby.

"You want to teach the Chiefs how to play basketball? It's a waste of time."

This sentence sounds very logical, and it seems that it should not appear in a mental hospital.

But the person who said this quickly squatted down, uprooted the weeds, and began to eat them.

"Who knows." Mo Fei shrugged, ready to try again.

The sun is very good, could it be possible to teach the stupid big guy nicknamed [Chief] how to play ball over and over again.

The chief lowered his head and looked at Mo Fei who was jumping up and down. There seemed to be light overflowing from his eyes.

He slowly raised the ball.


"I said, can't this symposium be held at night? I want to watch the basketball league!"

Could it be that he patted the stool to express his dissatisfaction. The head nurse turned her head slightly, her eyes hidden behind the reflective lenses.

After a long time, she said coldly: "This violates the hospital regulations."

"Go to the fucking hospital regulations!" Mo Fei yelled, and several patients laughed and quickly covered their mouths.

The head nurse changed her sitting position and leaned forward, full of pressure.

"Mr. Murphy, I must remind you."

Her voice was very soft: "If you continue to hinder the normal management of this hospital, we will take some... not so pleasant means."


Several nurses carried Mo Fei out of the electrotherapy room, threw him on the ground, and then turned and left.

Could it be like a distressed dog, panting non-stop while lying on its stomach, finally regaining some strength.

The patients gathered around and looked at him worriedly. The chief stretched out an arm and helped Mo Fei get up from the ground.

Could it be that he rubbed his face vigorously, and then smiled.

"She won't let us watch the basketball league, I have a solution."

He led the way, and the patients followed.

Mo Fei led the people into a remote consulting room, the head nurse's room was on the other side, so no noise could be heard anyway.

Could it be that he went around the room and finally chose a wall. He asked the patients to stand together while he walked into the center of the crowd.

Pointing at the wall, he said excitedly: "Okay, let's go back to the basketball league, the Men's Basketball World Cup qualifiers! Iran vs. Brazil!"

The patients gradually realized something and cheered, pointing at the whitewashed walls.

It was as if there was a TV there, and a game was actually live.

Mo Fei said in a deep voice, "Iran's main players were injured tonight, and unfortunately they can't play."

The crowd let out sounds of disappointment.

Mo Fei waved his hand: "But Iran's tactical choice is very aggressive. The opening is a fast break, and the inside pass...a good shot! A beautiful hook!"

The patients stomped and whistled as if they had witnessed a wonderful goal.

Mo Fei kept explaining, and the patients became more and more emotional.

His mouth was dry and his throat was burning and sore. Finally, Mo Fei concluded with "Iran defeated the Brazilian men's basketball team 87:53".

Even though the patients present didn't even know where Iran was, everyone embraced excitedly.

Mo Fei stood in the middle, surrounded by the crowd, with a smile on his face.

No TV, no games. But tonight there is Murphy, and they are happy.

After a few hours, the enthusiasm finally dissipated.

People came out of the room in twos and threes, talking about the wonderful game. Could Fei be the last one, staring at a sink thoughtfully.

"If we can lift the sink and smash the windows, we can get out."

He walked to the sink and moved it vigorously.

The sink didn't move at all.

The crowd burst into laughter, could it be that he couldn't hold back his face, and cursed: "At least I tried."

He keeps up with his friends.


I haven't seen Mo Fei for a long time.

The day before, someone asked, where did he go? No one knew the answer, so they could only shake their heads in confusion.

But soon someone answered: "He is going to prepare for the next game!"

People laughed and their hearts were full of longing. Nobody thought anything would happen to him, because that's what it was.

On the seventh day, someone asked, where did he go?

This time, there was much less laughter. Some were silent, and a man stood up and banged his head lightly against the wall.

His forehead had been scarred a long time ago, but now that he hit it, the wound showed signs of opening again.

On the fourteenth day, the lounge was quiet. Suddenly someone said: "Could it be back!"

So everyone rushed out, and the smiles reappeared on their faces.

Could it be that nothing happened, he always has so many ways.

Only the chief, the chief stood in the corner, motionless. After a while, he stepped out of the entertainment room and saw Mo Fei.

Mo Fei was lying on his back on the hospital bed with his eyes wide open, like a dying fish.

There was a clear line of sutures on his forehead where someone had cut open the skull and taken something.

The chief lowered his head and looked at Mo Fei. He found that although Mo Fei had his eyes open, there was neither happiness nor sadness in his eyes. Nothing, nothing.

Friends are back.

It's just his body.

At the corner, the back of the head nurse flashed away.

The chief stood silently by the hospital bed until sunset, and everyone left cleanly. He slowly leaned down and hugged his best friend in his arms.

Then strangle.

After doing all this quietly, the chief closed his eyes for Mo Fei.

He went to that remote consulting room, what patients called the "ball game place," and found the sink.

The chief clung to the sink, his muscles bulging.

There was a toothache creaking sound, and the water pipe was disconnected.

The Chief lifted the sink into the air.

Throw it at the window that traps everyone.


Feng Su read the script quietly, over and over again.

She read the script over and over four times, and rushed forward to pinch Li Si's face: "How did you grow your brain? Oh my god. This, this, this is so wonderful."

Sister Susu speaks incoherently.

She sat down, forced herself to calm down, drank several sips of tea, and finally calmed down a little.

"There are so many metaphors, so many, I can only see a small part."

She stroked the teacup: "You really wrote this story in only half an hour?"

Feng Su put down her teacup, hugged the script in her arms, and said cautiously, "It's amazing, where does your inspiration come from?"

Li Si glanced at the bean sprouts and coughed lightly:

"You may not believe it, it comes from a little girl who is tired of studying."

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