"Under the cliff?" Ir asked doubtfully as he looked at the cliff in front of him.

"Yes, Roger has already gone down." Alok nodded and replied.

Seeing El's confused look, Elok continued to explain: "There is a cave in the sea below, and there is a boat in it. It is my boat - the 'Ghost Pirate Ship'. The money is on it."

"Then let Roger go down by himself. Aren't you afraid that he will run away with the money?" El said.

"He won't get the money. Don't worry." Alok looked at El and said mysteriously.

Seeing El's puzzled expression, Alok felt very satisfied. He pointed at his back and smiled:

"I climbed down last time, but I can't climb down this time. It's up to you, El."

Looking at Alok with a flattering expression, Il couldn't help but think: What's the point?

Shaking his head helplessly, El waved to the distance, and a long wooden stick flew towards him. A little crooked but sturdy enough.

She first sat down on a wooden stick floating in the air and said to Alok:

"Sit up. This is the broom."

"Huh? But this is a wooden stick." Alok retorted, looking at El in surprise.

"Now it's a broom."

Hearing this, Alok curled his lips and sat down on the wooden stick floating in mid-air angrily, holding the stick firmly with his hand. Comforting himself:

"Yes, this is a broom."

Don't tell me, apart from a little bit of irritation in the butt, it's pretty stable. Alok thought with a silly smile.

Taking off slowly, the wooden stick carried the two of them smoothly to the 'Ghost Pirate Ship'. Alok jumped off the 'broom' handsomely and landed firmly on the ground.

The windbreaker on his back looks like a hero's cape, which is indeed very handsome. Alok couldn't help but think in his mind.

It was just the wound on his back that warned him not to move too much.

He smiled slightly, and first patted the holster on the right side, letting Annie float freely on the boat.

Then he looked at Roger who was twirling anxiously at the door, smiled as expected, and shouted loudly: "What's wrong, Roger, why don't you go in?"

"Damn Alok, what do you mean by letting the little bear guard the door?" Roger shouted angrily.

"Hahaha~ I'm helping you look after your treasure. Also, call me Captain Jack." Alok laughed.

"Go away, do you still need to look after my treasure for me?" Roger jumped in front of Elok's head, as if he wanted to attack him.

"Hey~ You can't say that. I'm not fulfilling the responsibilities of a captain." Alok said nonsense.

"Where is my money? Captain Jack?" El's light and confused voice came from behind.

Hearing this, Alok showed a somewhat sinister smile. Ignoring Roger who was surrounding him, he waved to El who was behind him and said, "Follow me."

He strode to the captain's cabin at the back of the ship, smiled comfortingly at the dazed bear at the door, and strode into the captain's cabin.

Ellock, who followed Elok into the captain's cabin, looked around under the eerie green flames on the table, frowned and asked:


Stomping on the floor hard, Alok said:


"Alok, do you know?" Roger, who had just entered the captain's room door, shouted anxiously. "Did you steal them."

Glancing at Roger with disdain, Alok said nonchalantly: "Do you still need me to steal it? That belongs to El in the first place."

"Damn it. How did you know it was there?" Roger shouted, his voice getting sharper.

"I am the captain, Captain Jack." Alok showed a mysterious smile.

He suddenly opened the stall on the ground so fast that Roger didn't even react. Then he quickly lifted up a piece of floorboard from the ground. Reveal the small box inside. He turned back to look at El with a smile that was as inviting as a reward. said:

"How about it, right here."

"Well done, Alok." Elle clapped his palms twice and praised.

"I knew it, I knew it. You two were in cahoots. Damn it. I'm going to curse you. Just wait until I change back." Roger shouted anxiously. But he didn't dare to attack these two people directly, for fear that he would be killed or unable to change.

Alok ignored Roger's shouting and smiled slightly, then brought the small but heavy box from under the floor to the table. Makes a "bang" sound.

He looked at the simple wooden box with metal frame in front of him with admiration and said in admiration:

"When I thought about the money inside, I felt that this simple box became gorgeous."

"Hmph, you can't open it." Roger suddenly fell on the table, glanced at Alok and sneered.

"Huh?" Alok was suddenly surprised by Roger's blind confidence. He quickly said in Azeroth to the lock of the box:



The heavy and huge lock on the box made a crisp sound. Then it fell on the table.

The smile on Roger's face gradually disappeared. Wings held his head and screamed in despair:

"Oh. No~"

"Hahaha~ Let me see how much money there is. Ah~ This is the most money I have ever seen. I can smell the wonderful smell of gold coins. They are all mine. Hahaha~~~" Alok Continue to stimulate.

"Why are there so many nonsense? Open it up quickly." El's urgent voice interrupted Alok's laughter.

Alok suddenly stopped smiling and replied expressionlessly: "Oh!"

I forgot that villains always die from talking too much.

But why can't I help it? Hey~ Is this a common problem among villains?

but. . . . This is so cool. No wonder the villains are obsessed with it.


With a silent sigh, Alok opened the box in front of him, revealing the glittering gold coins inside.

I’ve never seen so many gold coins, it’s so beautiful. Tsk tsk tsk~ It’s a pity that they all belong to El.

He seemed to be blinded by the golden color.

After calming down, he looked back at the stunned Roger and asked:

"Roger, how much is the total?"

He made no sound, and the fire in his eyes seemed to be extinguished, full of despair.

Alok, who had no intention of robbing Roger, looked at this scene helplessly, frowned and comforted:

"Okay, I just want to see how much money I have. If there is more, I will return it to you."

I really just want to scare you, am I that kind of person?

"The problem is, it's not enough." Roger seemed to have come to his senses and collapsed on the table and said in despair.

"Huh? Not enough? What's not enough?"

"What else is not enough? Not enough 900 gold coins!" He suddenly jumped up and said excitedly.

This startled Alok and he asked:

"How much difference."

"Only 875 gold coins and 25 kats." Roger collapsed to the ground again.

This sudden surprise scared me to death. Isn’t it just a shortfall of 124 gold coins and 75 kats? Sick?

Looking at each other, Alok didn't know what to say.

I thought it was enough. Daqing is still a poor guy.

Looking at Roger who was lying on the ground again, Alok also felt a little pity for him. It seems that it was me and El who caused this misfortune.

No, it's all his own problem.

He looked at El and said softly in a consultative tone:

"Why don't you let him owe it first and then you can change him back?"

"No, the contract will not be terminated until the money is paid back." El refused. Then he continued to explain: "This is the rule of the God of Contract. There is no way."

She suddenly showed an evil smile, looked at Roger and said:

"I have another idea. I can change you back first and solve your debt problem at the same time. Do you want to listen?"

"What's the idea?" Roger asked with hope burning in his eyes.

"Aren't you the second mate of the 'Ghost Ship' now? Then use your salary as a mortgage. When you finish the job, you will be able to cancel the debt. How about it?" El looked at Roger's sinister smile. road.

"What? Isn't that a contract of sale? Who do you think I am? I will never be a slave." Roger shouted excitedly, flapping his wings.

"No, no, no, not a slave, just working for Captain Jack. You can just be the second mate. How about that?" El explained, and then she changed her tone and said: "Otherwise, you will continue to become Blue-haired seagull."

"Have you thought about it?" El said in a seductive tone.

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