The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 70 Flexible Use (Please save and recommend!!)

Wilk District. It was dark before night, with a faint light occasionally shining through the turbid glass to give passers-by a little light. Probably only places like bars would be brightly lit until midnight.

This is obviously not the era of electrification, and electric lights are unimaginable. Although oil lamps are a necessity for all people, people in the middle and lower classes should use them as little as possible.

The moon has not yet risen, in the dark but damp alley, two cats walked towards the center of the Wilk District one after another in the night. The black and white milk cat behind seemed to stagger a little, with its left front paw raised in the air, making it look like it was lame.

"Il, I think I should change back. Walking on all fours makes the wound on my back hurt a little." The milk cat stopped and spoke in human language.

"We're almost there. Just hold on a little longer." The three-color tabby cat in front turned around helplessly and said. There was some heartache and some comfort in his tone.

"But it really hurts, and walking on three legs is not comfortable. It's jumping all the time." Alok continued to say with some grievance.

Before Il could speak, Alok suddenly said: "Why do I have to walk on three legs? Can't I just walk on two legs?"

"This is what you call flexible use of skills." He said with a complacent tone.

"You can do it if you want, but don't let anyone see you. It's better to become a human and walk." Il was a little stunned by Alok's wild imagination, and said helplessly.

"That's what you said. I can't hold on. Really."

Before he finished speaking, Alok canceled his transformation. He was afraid that Il would not allow it, so he simply chopped and played at the same time.

In the narrow alley, Alok's figure appeared, which seemed a bit abrupt and discordant. Of course, the most important thing is that this alley is too narrow and can only accommodate one person. If there is another person on the opposite side, he will have to turn sideways.

I really don't understand who designed it. The sewer is designed to be so wide, and the road on the ground is designed to be so narrow. There must be something wrong with his brain.

After silently complaining, Alok saw Ir sighing helplessly, and continued to walk forward.

Now I have learned to observe the cat's expression. Is this probably the cat's talent? Alok thought as he walked.

Came to a slightly wider alley, at least much better than before.

Alok did not take out the key, but opened a door directly and came into the room. But he could only see darkness, which made him a little worried, so he whispered:

"Roger. We are back."

Behind him, Ir also changed back to his original form, silently chanting a spell, and a fireball suddenly lit up.

This made Alok's sight appear Roger sleeping on the table.

Looking back at Ir, Alok asked:

"Is this also a flexible use of skills?"

"That's right." Ir's tone seemed very complacent, just like Alok just now.

She suddenly thought it was interesting to learn from Alok, so she shrugged and continued, "This is much more flexible than a cat that walks on two legs."

Alok's face wrinkled helplessly, but he didn't dare to shrug. He could only let out a bitter smile, closed his mouth and looked back at Roger.

He walked forward and gently patted Roger's body. He shouted:

"Get up, get up."

Unexpectedly, Roger jumped up suddenly, dodged Alok's attack, and exclaimed, "Who?"

"Hey~ Don't be nervous. It's us, Roger." Alok comforted.

"Heh~ It turned out to be you two. Bad, greedy devils." Seeing the brother and sister in front of him, Roger's tone was very bad, but his body relaxed. He glanced at them with his eyes slanted.

"Don't say that. After all, my sister saved you. And I helped you find your treasure." Alok was not angry when he heard this, but said.

Anyway, we are creditors. What's there to be angry about?

"You guys came back so fast. I was so impatient waiting. I even took a nap. Is it daybreak now?" Roger said sarcastically.

"I did some personal business. Hehe. Sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time. I saw that your saliva was almost flowing out just now. Did you dream of eating a whole fish?" Alok didn't care about Roger's words, and in order to let Roger understand the situation, he retorted.

"Come on. Alok. Don't mock me there. I know I'm still a bird now. Go." Roger flapped his wings a few times after hearing Alok's words.

"It's Captain Jack." Il reminded Alok from behind.

"Okay, okay. Captain Jack, go. You guys are so slow." Roger made an anxious voice.

"No problem." Alok showed his affirmation of Roger's words, then turned his head to look at Il and whispered:

"Let's go to the port to find a carriage first. That place is a bit remote, and it takes two hours to walk there."

Seeing Il nodded in agreement, Alok greeted Roger who was still on the table. Walked straight out of the room.

Arrived at the port, told the driver to go to the easternmost part of Shimian Town. After getting off the car, he gratefully handed the driver the fare and said politely, "This place is too remote. Sorry for bothering you." Then. Alok took a step and continued to move eastward along the coastline with Il.

"Is this place so remote?" Il asked, pushing away the weeds in front of him.

"This is the price for getting 1,000 gold coins." Alok replied.

"Oh my god. There are even snakes here." She saw a spotted snake suddenly appear in front of her, and the fire in her hand flickered a few times. "I'll have to pay more for this."

"Okay, Il. We're almost there." Alok comforted helplessly.

"You've said it three times, is it almost there?" Il wanted to hit Alok when he heard this.

"Soon, soon." Alok smiled slightly to hide his embarrassment.

He pointed to a cliff in front and said to Il: "Look, it's right there."

But Il was embarrassed to see Il holding the snake's head with one hand and lighting the fire with the other hand, and shouted to Alok: "Hurry, help me hold him down. This is an extraordinary species. Its venom is a very effective raw material for preparing medicines."

At the end, she added: "It's very expensive."

Weren't you afraid to pay more just now? Grab its head to squeeze out the venom? Alok didn't know what to say, and stayed where he was, at a loss.

"Why are you standing there? The venom is about to flow out." Ir shouted anxiously at Alok.

"Uh~ What should I do?" Alok asked helplessly.

"Grab his head. Squeeze it tightly."

Uh~ This is really a bit difficult for me. I have never dealt with snakes. Alok approached Ir with some fear, and took the spotted viper from Ir with a trembling right hand.

This is really no less than a fight. What if it bites me? Who knows what kind of snake it is.

Well~ Ir knows.

After handing the venomous snake to Alok, Ir magically took out a small bottle from his pocket, poured out the water inside, and pointed the bottle mouth at the venomous fangs of the venomous snake. He showed a sinister smile and pinched the head of the venomous snake viciously.

This really reveals the true face of evil. Alok couldn't help thinking when he looked at Ir's horrible expression.

Then, Ir plugged the wooden stopper at the mouth of the bottle and put it in his pocket, looking back at Alok who was still standing there in a daze. He sighed and said, "Get rid of him quickly. Don't let him bite you."

"Huh? I'm observing. This is not the same as the extraordinary species I imagined." Alok came back to his senses. He threw the poor spotted snake away with his right hand and said, "I thought the extraordinary species would have some extraordinary abilities."

"Indeed, but I transformed it." Il explained helplessly.

Alok recalled the snake that suddenly appeared in front of him just now, and then thought about the one in his hand. He said in surprise, "Ah? Transformed. Why do I feel that there is no change."

"Turn into a snake. In this way, his extraordinary abilities cannot be exerted, but it still looks like a snake, so he can make some snake venom." Il replied, "How about it, this is also flexible use."

This is also flexible use? Alok suddenly realized something.

I have to say that Il is more talented and imaginative than me. But what does it matter? He is Il.

Thinking of this, Alok smiled with relief. Pointing to the cliff in front of him, he said, "We are almost there, just in front."

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