The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 61 Cooperation (Please save it!!!)

"The devil has a very strong fighting ability. It has a very violent 'violent attack' skill, which can quickly approach and strike the enemy, killing it with one blow. It also has a 'gravel' skill for long-range damage and control. In terms of passiveness, the longer you fight, the more damage you get. The heavier it is, the more powerful it is. The more blood around it, the more powerful and exciting it is.”

"Don't know what the items are, but be careful."

"I will ask my colleagues to help us control it. The target will be in a sluggish state. But he can only help us make the first move and cannot continue the attack." Florian straightened his posture and said.

"Well~ I can also ask Miss Witch to help us, but the reward may be a little more generous." Alok nodded after hearing this.

"I'll take half of the deduction from you, and I'll share it with my colleagues." Florian said ruthlessly.

"Okay. That makes sense."

"You and I are responsible for the main offense. Miss Witch is responsible for remote control and output." Florian continued.

"no problem."

"In that case, let's go directly. Demons can sense people's malice, which will make them know in advance the danger they will face and run away. This is also why they are difficult to deal with." Florian continued.

Hearing this, Alok put on his hood, lowered his head and stood up from the sofa. Followed by Florian who also put on his hood, he walked out of the room.

Standing on the left side of Florian, he saw that the devil at the bottom of the long table had disappeared and looked at him.

Damn it, that devil must have had a premonition of some evil intention.

Be quick.

Just as he was about to say goodbye, he heard Mr. Judgment directly above him say:

"Everyone is waiting for you. Mr. Devil couldn't wait to leave just now. Do you have any other requests?"

Everyone was silent.

"In this case, today's party is over." The ruling spoke again.

Still standing at the door of the room, Elok nodded slightly, stroked his left hand, and conveyed a message in his will.

"I have a commission, go out and do something."

Seeing that El was still sitting there, he added at the end of his words: "100 gold coins."

I saw El stand up quickly and bow slightly to Mr. Judgment directly above him. He walked out of the room without saying a word.

Seeing this, Alok smiled slightly. El's voice came from the body of the will again:

"Follow the claws in the sky."

Hearing this, Alok followed El's example and bowed slightly to the ruling. He strode out of the room.

Afterwards, Florian and the historian above also bowed and strode out of the room.

After seeing Alok waiting at the door, he quickly said to the person behind him: "Ron, look back and see which way you ran?"

"No need to do that, come with me." Alok said quickly.

Hearing this, Ron and Florian looked at each other.

What a professional.

Quickly walking out of the back door of the bar, Alok looked up at the sky. A black spot is flying south.

After waving behind him, Alok ran south along the alley.

On the way, he casually threw the obstructive cloak on the roadside. He didn't care whether the two people behind him could keep up with him.

As the claws in the sky got closer and closer, Alok found that he had reached the port city area.

Finally, we stopped in a narrow alley, with only claws flying in the sky and wild cats in the alley. El's voice came from Elok's will:


He quietly turned on his astral vision and cast an energy shift on himself. The body goes into alert state. He took out the cold musket under his arm.

Suddenly, there was the sound of the door breaking behind him. The sound that broke through the air seemed to tear out his eardrums. At this time, it was too late to protect himself.

But the white mask still lit up on his body. Then there was a bang, and it shattered in less than 0.1 seconds.

That was the protection imposed on him by Florian who came over. Saved his life.

Taking this opportunity, Alok reacted and hurriedly dodged to the right. Break away from the demon's attack.

Before he had time to cock the hammer, Elok shot directly at the demon flying past him. Hit him right in the shoulder. A burst of bright blood flowers burst out.

Then he hurried out of the way. Because he had already heard Florian shouting again behind him.

"For the sake of glory, go for it!"

The demon in front of him also turned around. Only then did Alok take a closer look at the demon. In his hand he holds a huge hammer. Thrust hard on the ground.

The ground of the entire alley was smashed, and even several surrounding houses collapsed. Large pieces of gravel were hammered out in front of him, flying towards Alok and Florian.

Elok shouted "Guard"

But not for himself, but for Florian, who was charging forward.

The effect of the guard was not as good as that cast by Florian, but it still blocked a large amount of rubble. Let Florian attack forward without any scruples. However, Elok's body was hit by gravel.

Fortunately, Airok was not the main target, and most of the gravel was blocked by the charging Florian. I was just hit a few times with stones.

Hey~ This is a knight, I can protect you. It's not like pretending.

The 'Gravel' skill cast by the demon did not achieve the desired effect, and there was no time to cast other skills again. Florian had already rushed in front of him.

He could only hold up his hands and curl up to protect his head.

Florian, with a white light shield, rolled over like a chariot. With one punch, he knocked the demon five meters away.

But it didn't seem to cause fatal damage.

The demon's curled body turned red, and the evil ghost mask on his face fell off, revealing a hideous face.

At this moment, the demon in the distance suddenly turned into a wooden stake. Alok saw the opportunity and let the banshee Annie, who was possessed by the pistol, break away and fly forward, opening her mouth and screaming with all her strength.

The wooden stake quickly got out of control, but was immediately hit by Annie's scream.

Although he had his back to Annie, the scream still reached Alok's ears. Fortunately, he had some experience before, so he was prepared.

But obviously Mr. Devil was not prepared in this regard. Moreover, he was facing Annie, and there was an echo in the narrow alley.

He held his head in pain. He shouted furiously.

Humph, impotent rage~

But he quickly got rid of Annie's control and damage.

It surprised Alok a little.

And the damage seemed to make him even more angry and aggressive.

As expected, Florian was right. The more seriously injured, the stronger the ability.

His whole body turned red, his eyes were burning with flames, and he no longer looked like a real human. He took out a short three-edged rapier from his boots. He put down the hammer in his hand.

He rushed towards Florian in front of him.

At this moment, a white ray hit his face. The flames in his eyes went out, but his figure continued to rush forward.

Knowing that this was the blinding cast by Il, and seeing that Florian already had two layers of protection on his body, Alok silently chanted "transfer". Targeting the demon, he applied an energy transfer initiative that made his attack lose its accuracy.

This skill is very effective, especially when the target is blinded, which makes the demon attack that can't find the target deviate again.

The demon and Florian's attacks collided. The difference is that the demon's rapier only hit the edge of Florian's light shield, causing the light shield to emit a crisp "dang" sound. But Florian's fist hit him right on the bridge of his nose.

His nose collapsed completely, and it drew a parabola in the sky and flew to the feet of Alok.

Seeing this, Alok stood up from the ground, showing a weird smile, and pulled the hammer. At the moment the demon fell to the ground, he aimed at his head.


The narrow alley echoed with a huge gunshot. The demon's head was completely smashed. Red and white covered the entire ground.

The only body left of the demon was still twitching. Legs and feet kept kicking on the ground.

Alok showed a smile on his face as if asking for credit, and looked back at the three-color tabby cat. But he just caught a glimpse of the star that was rapidly attacking him from the side.

His eyes suddenly widened. He shouted "guard" while rolling to the side.

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