The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 60 The First Commission (Three updates, please bookmark and recommend!!)

Seeing that it was Alok, whom he had met several times before, Florian opened his mouth and exclaimed:

"Is it you? Jack? I didn't expect you to be a transcendent. I thought you were really a passenger ship captain as you said?"

"No, no, no, I'm really a captain." Alok interrupted, shaking his head. "But I'm also transcendent."

"Well, I really didn't expect that. You even treated me to a meal before." Florian was still a little unbelievable.

"After all, it's raining so heavily, and there are not many people going to bars to eat or stay. Besides, I know you. Although you didn't know it at the time." Alok said with a smile.

Shaking his head, Florian gradually accepted the fact that an underground transcendent once treated him to dinner, but he was exposed without knowing it. This is so ironic to me. Miss Witch also knows that I am a policeman. Is my disguise really that bad?

He sighed helplessly and said:

"Okay, Jack. What is your profession? I should know that."

Hearing this, Alok opened his hands and said nonchalantly: "What does it matter? As long as you give me money, I will help you."

Florian sighed, put one hand on his waist and the other on his knees and said:

"I always need to know some information about peripheral people. Also, police officers have different attitudes towards different professions. So..."

"Oh? I don't know that. What's the difference?"

"Telling you it's okay also helps you do your job better."

After thinking for a moment, Florian said in a solemn tone:

"The police have no tolerance for demons, light-bringers, torturers, criminals and traitors. They eradicate whoever they are. You are not, I can tell. That's why we are talking."

Seeing Alok nodding across from him, Florian relaxed his tone and continued: "We attach great importance to pirates, assassins, mage binders, and undead scholars. If there are signs of criminal behavior, we will arrest them directly."

"As for witches, occult scholars, and indulgents, we will only arrest them if they have clear criminal behavior that disrupts social order."

"Next are alchemists, dreamers, astrologers, hunters and farmers. Dreamers are an ancient name, and now they are also called hypnotists or psychiatrists; astrologers are also called prophets, and hunters are called hunters. What we have to say about this The attitude of the five professions is that there is no need to pay attention to it. "

"Other professions either don't need to be concerned at all, such as knights, which can even tolerate some petty crimes. Or the Hutt Empire doesn't have them at all."

Carefully write down the names of these occupations. Many Eloks have never heard of it. I have never heard of the idea that light bringers, torturers, and criminals should all be eradicated.

The indulgent family has never heard of it.

Occultists, seers, and hypnotists mention it in the Book of the Prophets. It's the same profession as a witch.

The Traitor is a sibling of the Historian, Magebinder, Necromancer, and Assassin.

As for the hunter, my pistol is for the hunter profession.

Seeing that Alok was still deep in thought, Florian said with a nonchalant tone.

"Okay, that's all. Now can you tell me your occupation? Captain Jack. Those who sail on the sea must be a meteorologist or an oceanographer. Then what do you have to be afraid of?"

"No. It's a knight." Elok responded.

"Oh? Knight?" Florian was a little surprised when he heard this and exclaimed.

"Then what are you afraid of? The Hutt Empire is very tolerant of knights. Even if the police see you and know you, they might say hello and ask, 'What did you eat today?'. There is nothing to be afraid of."

With a chuckle, Alok didn't answer the question. Instead, he said: "Let's talk about the issue of remuneration."

Seeing that Alok was unwilling to answer, Florian stopped dwelling on the issue and replied:

"Okay. I will assign you a task and determine the reward based on the difficulty of the task. However, some criminal evidence must be recovered. We will not care about other income generated by the task."

"Not bad conditions." Alok nodded. "Then how to contact me?"

"Hmm~ This. I will contact you through a single line. You can go directly to the port management office of Drolcheng Port and find Miss Dana Harry. Just tell her, 'I'm looking for the big guy'. I will go back to the port to find you then. Florian said, then he paused for a second and asked:

"Then how do I contact you?"

After thinking for a while, Alok felt that Florian was quite reliable except that he was not very bright.

And because of his two lifetimes of experience, Alok has always believed that the government may be more reliable than the messy people in society. What's more, his father is in the government. No matter what, I can take care of you.

So he said:

"You can ask Miss Witch to contact me. Or simply send a letter to '77 Heaton Street'. I will sail the ship to the port then. You can go to Sanhe Bar to find me."

Florian looked at Alok with a somewhat surprised expression and asked:

"Is that your home?"

Shaking his head and denying Florian, Elok replied helplessly:

"It's Miss Witch's house. But you'd better not come looking for her. She has a bad temper. Especially with unfamiliar people."

Nodding in agreement, Florian replied: "I can see that. It seems that you and Miss Witch are very good friends."

"No, his brother is a very good friend of mine." Alok denied again.

With a gossipy look in his eyes, Florian looked strange and continued: "Okay, Captain Jack. What I have to tell you is that Miss Witch is a cold-hearted person on the outside but passionate on the inside."

Why don't you tell me who my sister is?

Tell me what you mean by this.

Looking at Florian in surprise, Elok said, "What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. A knight knows the home address of a young woman. He also became good friends with her brother. Is there any other reason?" Florian showed an expression that everyone understood and spread his hands.

Damn it, did I mean what I said?

Sighing helplessly, Alok replied depressingly: "I'm really just her brother's friend. And I met her brother first."

"Okay, okay, then you've lost eighty percent of the meaning of being a knight."

Seeing that Elok had no interest in this topic, Florian also stopped the topic and felt deeply sorry for this knight.

"Then let's talk about a topic that interests you. Commission and money." Florian said again.

Looking up at Florian, Elok's expression expressed what he meant.

"There is a devil outside." Florian pointed his index finger at the door and continued:

"The police's attitude towards demons is to destroy them directly no matter who they are. So, your first task now is to cooperate with me to destroy him."

"When?" Alok said bluntly.

"The party is over."

"How much?" Alok asked again, crossing his arms.

"According to the previous price, 300 to 500 gold coins. In addition, there are also things on him. But the crystallization of his will belongs to me. I have to go back and deliver the work." Florian explained, paused briefly, and continued to add:

"But since it's you and me this time, we split it equally."

Looking at the big man across from him in surprise, Alok's mouth twitched slightly and asked: "Do the police also want to share equally? Shouldn't it be a matter of their own duties?"

Curling his lips, Florian said helplessly:

"You know, the government's salary is really low, and you can only master extraordinary knowledge and items by accumulating merit. This is too difficult. So everyone does this. Make some extra money."

"Besides, it's true that you and I did it together. Right."

What else can we do?

It's true that you and I are together, but shouldn't this be part of your salary?

Is two-way charging really a good idea?

"This is an unspoken rule. Does the God of Order allow it? After all, you are also a government unit." Alok opened his mouth slightly and squinted his eyes, probably shocked by the policeman's behavior of plundering the country.

"Unwritten rules are also rules. They are much better than no rules at all. They are also a kind of order, so the God of Order approves of such rules." Florian showed an expression of 'what, I can't think of it'.

"Would you like to consider becoming a police officer? It's very good. The disadvantage is that it requires a full two years of examination. You must not break the law, and you must make contributions." He said in a seductive tone.

Although it is really tempting to become a policeman, I still like the freedom of pirates.

"Forget it, I don't want to be bound by my profession. Let's think about how to deal with the demons outside." Alok turned his head and looked aside.

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