No one at the scene seemed to understand what Alok was saying. Richie just glanced back, while Hector Palmer looked back at the calm Alok in shock.

Roger, who was still riding on the horse behind him, did not react at all. Florian and Maryman were puzzled.

"What?" Florian asked in surprise.

"Nothing." Alok was relaxed, as if what he had just said was just an ordinary sentence.

He looked at the sunset comfortably, took a deep breath and stretched comfortably.

Then, he turned his head and walked slowly towards his horse.

The horse was taken out of the stable of the police station in Shimian Town. Remember to return it. He thought humorously.

He took the reins from Roger and quickly climbed on the horse.

Without the tension when he came just now, Alok let the horse walk slowly on the way back comfortably. Squinting his eyes, he said softly:

"Let's go back to the Ghost Pirate Ship."

While letting Roger lead the way, he sat on the horse and thought about his own things.

Since we are going to Damia, it will probably take a long time to get there.

Now there are no flying vehicles, only ships and carriages can get there, but either way takes a month.

In this case, it seems that we need to make some plans.

After upgrading, I will first flip through the "Book of Prophet" to see the skills of the second-level pirates. Then find a few skills of the same kind to match.

This is the most important thing.

Then wait for the reward to be issued and use it as money for the journey.

Even if I am anxious, I can't be anxious. You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

Along the way, Roger seemed to have become a transparent person, without speaking or making any extra movements.

Quietly leading the horse in front, it seems that he is also enjoying the unique beauty of the wild.

Wait until Alok arrives at the port again. What I thought of just now, the plan to read the book first was completely abandoned.

Sure enough, it still smells good.

Alok sat in his special seat in Sanhe again.

Now the regulars here basically all know this strange captain.

He said he was the captain, but I never saw him on the ship. He came to the bar every day, but he never came to eat.

"Mrs. Harry, is my meal ready?" Alok asked loudly.

He knew it was a busy time, but he still felt that Mrs. Harry was a little slow today.

Without waiting for the response he wanted, Alok shook his head helplessly.

He took out the revolver-like pistol he picked up today and played with it.

There was still a little blood on the silver gun body, and the wooden grip just fit his palm. There were only four bullet slots on the revolver, and there were four bullets in it.

Tsk tsk tsk~~

Yes, it's mine.

It looks like a pistol that can load four bullets at a time. It's four times better than the Hunter's Hammer.

Although it's not an extraordinary weapon yet, I have Rona and Little Bear.

It takes a little time and money. Whose crystal is it made of?

What is enchanted?

After seeing several extraordinary items, he now has a general understanding of the difference between enchantment and binding.

In general, enchantment should be done first and then binding.

Enchantment can only make extraordinary items passively strengthened, while binding allows weapons to have some active skills. Of course, the side effects of extraordinary items are also due to binding.

I still have three crystals on hand, one for a first-level necromancer, one for a second-level judge, and one for a second-level assassin. Although they are all traitors, it seems that Xiao Xiong doesn't care about it and can still make them.

Assassin's? Cut throat? Shadow action?

I already have it, and it doesn't seem to be needed.

The same goes for the necromancer.

Then I can only use the judge's. For enchantment, let's see what Rona recommends. I don't seem to understand this.

Hmm! I'll go to Rona's house tomorrow.

But I don't seem to have money now~~~~~Fuck.

Em~~ But given my relationship with her, it shouldn't be a problem to buy on credit.

Her family is so rich, I'll give him the bonus after I give him the bonus. It's not a big problem.

At worst, I can mortgage a crystal to him.

Yeah, that makes sense.

He turned the pistol around in a cool way, but he was unexpectedly skilled.

"Great Captain Jack, where did you get this musket? It looks much more domineering than your hammer. Why don't you find a girl to celebrate?"

A teasing voice sounded. Alok knew that this was just a joke from a familiar customer.

He turned around and laughed and scolded:

"Come on, old ghost. Any gun can send you to see the god of death."

Everyone called it the old ghost, a familiar customer who often sat next to him. Ever since Mrs. Harry promoted Alok's glorious deeds in the bar, and he himself fueled the flames. Every time he saw him, the old ghost would tease a few words.

"Hahaha, great Captain Jack. I don't believe in the god of death. Only madmen would believe in the god of death. I now believe in the goddess of mist. Yesterday's mist was a gift from the goddess." The old ghost said like a charlatan.

What? Goddess of mist?

Who on earth spread this?

He looked at the old ghost helplessly and asked in confusion:

"Where did you hear about the goddess of mist?"

"Hey, Captain Jack wants to join the club too?" The old ghost suddenly became energetic and looked at Alok with shining eyes.

Alok did not express his opinion on this, and said: "I want to learn more. Let's see the situation first."

Hearing this, the old ghost suddenly dragged his chair to Alok's table, took a big sip of the flaming beer in his hand, and said excitedly:

"Just a few days ago, I heard that people who believe in fog will not be taken away by the fog of the mysterious sea god when they go out to sea. They will not get lost."

"Oh? Can you tell me more? You know, I am also a captain. I believe in these things." Alok continued to ask.

"Of course, Captain Jack." A little funny suddenly appeared on his face, and he said with some amusement.

"Recently, especially in the past month, there has been a lot of fog on the mysterious sea. And in the past month, there has been this god called the goddess of fog. Guess what. Those who encountered fog at sea and returned safely all believe in the goddess of fog. Everyone said that it was the credit of the goddess of fog. So, I also began to believe in it."

"How about it, for captains who often go out to sea in the mysterious sea, this is the best belief." The old ghost patted Alok's shoulder and persuaded.

Nodded silently.

This is a typical survivor bias. Such a statement is definitely not comprehensive. Because those who didn't come back were ignored. Who knows if there are any believers in the Mist Goddess?

After thinking for a while, Alok continued to ask: "Are all the believers in the Mist Goddess fishermen?"

"Well~~ Almost. There are also some other captains and sailors." The old ghost touched his chin and took a sip of beer.

Well~ It looks like a spontaneous organization of the people. It doesn't look like a very disciplined cult.

But no matter what, there must be interests in it, and there must be beneficiaries or profit groups. Otherwise, the scale cannot be so large.

It is estimated that a group of people created such a cult for money or some unknown purpose.

However, a big tree attracts the wind.

The temple is eyeing you. It's better to be careful.

"Have you asked those missing people if there are people who believe in the Mist Goddess?" Alok reminded in disguise.

"Those? Those unlucky guys definitely don't believe in the Mist Goddess. Otherwise, how could they disappear?" There was a little disdain on the old ghost's face. It seemed that he was very proud of his identity as a believer of the Mist Goddess.

"After believing in the goddess, even if I encounter fog at sea, I will not be lost. The goddess will send me back."


Erlok shook his head, a little speechless, not knowing what to say next.

I really don't know where your confidence comes from. . .

Even if there is such a goddess, she won't notice a small mortal like you.

"We still have to be careful. We can't always trouble the goddess to send you back. Right, the goddess is very busy." Alok reminded him at last.

"Although it is my honor. But of course I will be careful. Captain Jack, don't worry." The old ghost said with a smile.

"What do you think, Captain? Do you want to join us?"

"I'll think about it for a few more days." Alok politely refused.

"No problem, if Captain Jack thinks it through, feel free to find me. As long as the tide is high, you can find me." He said so. He showed a satisfied smile, not understanding Alok's refusal.

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