Roger sat opposite Alok and looked at Alok in surprise.

He ordered a fried fish set meal and two large glasses of Damian beer. Of course, it was charged to Captain Jack's account.

After he finished the set meal, he looked up at Alok opposite. He found that he was picking up the big bone and had not finished it yet.

Looking at the distance, the old ghost was already drunk and ran to brag with those drunkards elsewhere. It would not delay his communication with the captain.

He touched his head and asked, "I didn't expect the captain to be really interested in the mist goddess. I remember you didn't seem to be interested."

"That's because I know what's going on. That's why I'm not interested. Don't you know that too?" Alok put the big bone back into the big bowl and said with a frown.

It's stuck in my teeth. The bones today are not soft enough.

"I thought the captain would believe those lies." Roger looked at Alok picking his teeth uncomfortably and pouted his lips.

Alok glanced at Roger, letting him experience it himself, wiped his hands on the sofa in the bar, stood up and said:

"Let's go. Back to the ghost ship."

Seeing this, Roger also stood up from his seat, patted his dress, and said:

"Come on, Captain. It's another unforgettable night with the skeleton. I'm not saying that you should buy some daily necessities. Beds and so on."

Alok didn't express his opinion on this. He pretended to be noble. But he kept thinking in his heart:

As the second mate, shouldn't you be responsible for these?

Is it not embarrassing for me to let the captain do everything?

Besides, don't I have my throne in the captain's room? It's enough for me to sleep. You're not feeling well and you asked me to pay for your bed. Tsk~~

Pushing away the crowded crowd, Alok took Roger out of Sanhe. He breathed in the fresh air and sighed that the air in the bar was really bad.

They walked towards the berth where the ghost ship was.

Alok had intended to go back to the captain's room to check the Book of the Prophet, but he unexpectedly saw something that surprised him.

He looked at the black raven that was parked at the place where the will-o'-the-wisp was burning at the bow, and exclaimed:

"Claw? Why are you here?"

Then, he laughed at his own stupid question.

Il was gone, so it seemed okay to come to me. It seems that she didn't take Claw with her. Poor child.

He walked up and gently stroked Claw's smooth feathers. He comforted her softly:

"Just follow me first. When you find Il, go find her."

When Claw nodded humanely, he turned around, glanced at Roger, who was obviously a little surprised, and ordered:

"Go to Sanhe to find some raw fish. Raw meat and the like. Feed Claw when you come back. I'm going to the captain's room. Don't bother me if you have nothing to do."

"Got it, Captain Jack. You just know how to order me around." Roger rolled his eyes and complained. But he still obeyed the order and turned around and walked towards Sanhe again.

Seeing this, Alok did not refute the employee's complaints. After all, it is normal to have complaints. I am a conscientious boss.

He touched the feathers of the claws again, smiled slightly, and walked towards the captain's room.

With the help of the green light on the table, Alok took out the long-sealed "Book of the Prophet" from the suitcase.

When he saw the book again, he felt a little bitter and guilty in his heart.

Sighed softly.

I also had a factor in Ir's going to the witch's spell against the will.

If I could be less selfish and show this book to Ir, maybe there would be no subsequent things.

However, it is obviously too late to say these now.

I will talk about it when I find her.

Gently stroked the quaint cover, took a few deep breaths to calm my emotions, and gently opened it.

When I turned to the parchment that was blank last time.

As expected, lines of Azera appeared again.

He smiled slightly and read it carefully.

At the beginning, it was not the skill that Alok expected. Instead, it said:

"Great, great. A second-level pirate."

Em~~~ Why does this look like a joke to me.

"At this stage, you should pay more attention to the problem of erosion. If you are not careful, you will fall into danger. It does not come from the astral world, but from the sea of ​​spiritual power. As for why, it is because of the skill."

"Same. There is a solution to every problem."

Well, I agree with this point. Alok nodded and continued to look back.

"What is the essence of the sea of ​​spiritual power? It is the sea formed by the sum of the spiritual power of all materials in the material world. Of course, it also includes your own. The essence of meditation is to absorb the spiritual power of the sea of ​​spiritual power to strengthen your own will. In this process, the danger I mentioned occurs."

"Now that we are here, the solution will naturally come out. One is not to absorb the spiritual power of the sea of ​​spiritual power at all. But this is almost impossible. Because your will body is in the sea of ​​spiritual power, it is impossible not to contact it."

"In comparison, the second one is much more reasonable. That is to selectively absorb spiritual power."

"How to do it? It's very simple. Do something in your life that is in line with your professional characteristics. When you do this, the will body will naturally selectively absorb those spiritual powers that are in line with the characteristics of your profession when meditating. Instead of aimlessly. In this way, the probability of being eroded will be greatly reduced."

Hmm~~What does it mean? I am a free pirate, so I want to be a pirate? ? ?

No, no, no, it's definitely not just like that.

Free pirates are different from pirates. The so-called conformity to the characteristics of the profession is definitely not in the literal sense.

The characteristics of free pirates are already very clear.

It's on the title page of the Book of the Prophet, in that poem.


Hey, as expected, the restrained gentleman is definitely not me.

Shaking his head, Alok smiled self-deprecatingly and turned the book to the next page. Continue reading.

"This is the third of the three principles of transcendence - the principle of will selection."

Principle of will selection?

I remember there is also a "principle of gravity and repulsion." That principle explains the same and different professions.

I don't know which other principles there are. Will it appear in the next level?

No way, no way!!

Continue to look back, fuck. There's really nothing. It really fits Azera's style. Speak halfway.

"Next. The second-level skill of the free pirate."

Well, there is no third principle, let's see what skill I have next is also good. I'll forgive you for the time being.

"The first one is the spirit of adventure. This is what I mean by risk. It will allow you to fully enhance your abilities in battle. In the face of danger, you will remain calm. But it will make you reckless in normal times. This recklessness is not only in dealing with people, but also in meditation. Your will will also be passively affected, absorbing those spiritual powers that are more easily eroded."

"It has no spell, it is a passive skill. The trigger condition for the positive influence is being in the adventure."

Am I not decisive enough? Should I be more decisive?

But I don't think I became reckless after becoming a second-level pirate?

However, what the hell is this trigger condition? Are you in the adventure? What does it mean?

I still want to go on an adventure in the wild?

Well~~It shouldn't be this meaning.

Who cares. Take a look at the skills behind.

"The second skill. Free will-toughness. It can passively reduce the time you are controlled, and it has a good restraining effect on control skills. For example, petrification and blinding. When you actively activate it, you can remove the current control."

"The spell is 'Resolve'."

This is a good skill. Remove control. The spell only has one character. It is very simple and suitable for emergency use. However, if I use it every time I am controlled, then I will be immune to control? ? ?

Hmm~~~ Let's try it later.

"The third one, Free Will-Weapon Mastery. This skill allows you to quickly master the weapon in your hand. It is also a passive skill."

Hmm? ? No wonder I thought I was good at using guns just now. It's this passive skill. It seems to be useful. It can avoid missing people when shooting.

Tsk tsk~ Not bad. Let's see what else?

According to my guess, it should be the third-level secret spell.

With a hint of expectation and excitement, he turned the page at the back.

A line of huge Azeroth was written in the middle of the page.

"I want to be an extreme challenger."

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