The next day

Since Alok interrogated Connor in public, Connor's disguise as a man was also exposed by Alok.

Although there were not many people gathered at the stern, those who played cards still went to watch the excitement for a while.

Rumors that Lord Phasma had a special taste, liked tomboys, and did not want virgins were spread on the ship unconsciously.

This made him very angry.

"Damn it. Who said this!!!" He hammered the table in frustration. Completely put down the gentleman's etiquette. "If I know who said it, I will blow his head off."

Roger on the opposite side pretended to be fine, as if he didn't know the captain in front of him. I didn't expect the captain to have such a taste.

And Florian also smiled. After scratching his head, he worked hard to solve the lunch in front of him.

It's only been a day, why can such gossip spread like wildfire? ? ?

This is not the Internet age.

It can only be said that the circle on the ship is too small. What happened can be spread immediately.

Besides, it was a gossip about one of the few nobles. It spread the fastest.

"Is it you, Florian? You know the most about this matter." Alok stared at Florian fiercely and asked.

"Of course not. How could I betray my friends? I am a knight of honor. I hate people who betray my friends the most." Florian hurriedly explained.

Seeing that Alok seemed to be about to angrily knock on the table again, Florian hurriedly changed the subject and said:

"I heard that it will stop at 'Fugen Port' tonight. Resupply."

Fugen Port, a coastal city in Bremen State, although not a "provincial capital", has a better development than Bremen in the interior due to the convenience of being close to the sea.

Bremen State is the first state located in the north of Navest. Although it is close, the customs and habits are very different. Especially in terms of food, Navest tends to have a light taste, while Bremen is famous for its heavy taste of spiciness.

It can be predicted that there will be a period of time before the next disembarkation for supplies.

But this is the best news for Alok. He hopes that Count Edward will get off the ship to implement the subsequent plan.

Sure enough, this news diluted the annoyance caused by the gossip. He relaxed his frown, looked at Florian and asked:

"How long will it stay?"

"Depart at noon tomorrow." Florian explained briefly.

A good opportunity. We can start the subsequent plan.

"The situation on the ship is so tense, should we issue an order to seal the ship? To prevent thieves from getting off the ship? And to prevent more stowaways from getting on the ship?" Alok suggested.

"Good suggestion, Pierre thinks so too. We will issue orders to the passengers before the ship docks." Florian nodded.

It seems that Pierre is not stupid.

This is exactly what I want. After that, I will let Edward get off the ship.

This is a problem, but it is not a big problem.

There has been a solution for a long time.

But now there is a better way, and you don’t need to do it yourself.

He hurriedly dropped the knife and fork in his hand, stood up and said:

"I'm full. You continue."

As he walked out of the restaurant, he turned on the astral vision to find Connor's location. He found that she was in the corner of the second-class restaurant. Then, he turned around and picked up the unfinished lunch plate. He walked to Connor's position.

"By the way, do you still need to pick up the plate and walk away after eating?" Roger asked Florian in surprise after seeing Alok leave.

"Do you want to be hit in the head?" Florian asked after briefly stopping his chewing.


"So, you'd better pretend that nothing happened." Florian suggested.

Alok added a few more pieces of chicken and took an apple. Then he walked naturally to Connor's table.

Sitting down next to Connor, looking at Connor's vigilant eyes, Alok first said gentlemanly:

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself last time. Alok Phasma. You can also call me Captain Jack."

Connor looked around at the gossipy eyes of the onlookers. Then he looked at Alok nervously and asked:

"What are you doing?"

"There is indeed something I need to entrust you with." Alok continued to speak politely. "It's like this."

He looked at Connor's somewhat uncomfortable expression and found the problem.

As the male and female protagonists of the most explosive gossip recently, this is indeed not appropriate, and there are more important things to talk about. It can't be said in such a public place.

So, Alok coughed slightly, and took out the silver pain from his armpit with his left hand. "Bang~~" slapped it on the table.

Instantly, the curious eyes around disappeared. They all quietly solved the lunch in front of them.

Alok nodded, satisfied with the result. Then, he cleared his throat and said in a voice that he thought was very polite:

"Let's find a slightly more secluded place to talk."

Seeing the silver painful muzzle pointing at him, Connor was nervous and sweating coldly. He swallowed and said:

"What's the matter? Don't scare me. I'm not scared."

Seeing this, Alok quickly put away the pistol and said apologetically:

"Sorry, I'm not trying to scare you. I'm trying to scare everyone here."

"Come with me." Alok pressed the top hat on his head.

He looked at Connor's expression as if she was ready to refuse again, coughed twice, and touched his chest with his left hand. He hoped that she could understand his "hard work".

Connor's expression twitched a little, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go."

"That's right." Alok laughed elegantly. "Don't play tricks, I can find you twice and I can find you the third time."

"Room 312. I'll wait for you there."

He got up from the chair and walked out of the restaurant under the glances of everyone.

He went back to the room first, took off his coat and hung it on the hanger at the door, made a pot of afternoon tea for himself, half lying on the sofa, waiting for Connor's visit.

After half an hour, the door rang.

"Bang bang bang~~~"

"Come in, the door is not closed." Alok put down the teacup in his hand and shouted at the door.


The door made a twisting sound. Connor's sneaky figure appeared in front of Alok.

She first glanced at Alok from the crack of the door, then opened the door a little wider, and stuck her head out to observe the situation in the room again.

Then she walked into the door carefully, turned her head back to the outside of the door, and observed the situation in the corridor.

Finally, she closed the door and looked at Alok warily, scanning everything in the room. She was afraid that there was some trick to plot against her.

"Okay, Connor. I would have done it a long time ago if I wanted to harm you. You don't know how many times you have died." Alok couldn't help shaking his head and sighing as he looked at Connor's cautious look.

"Tell me. What's the matter? I'll leave after you finish speaking." She frowned, leaning against the door behind her. She seemed ready to escape immediately.

"Can't you get closer? How can you discuss it when you are so far away from me?" Alok said again.

Hearing this, Connor first looked at Alok warily, and then moved cautiously towards the sofa.

Seeing Connor's nervous look, Alok turned over a cup and poured her a cup of black tea. He said:

"Don't be nervous. I really don't mean any harm."

This action made Connor even more nervous, and he stopped moving when he walked behind the sofa opposite Alok. Seeing Alok didn't speak, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Seeing this, Alok did not force Connor, shrugged his shoulders, picked up his teacup and drank a sip of water to moisten his throat. He said:

"I came to you mainly to entrust you to do something for me. It's not a big deal. I will also pay you enough."

Connor was obviously confused by Alok's relaxed actions. Similarly, she was tempted by Alok's promise to pay enough money.

She herself was a little short of money, otherwise she would not steal.

So she relaxed her nerves a little and asked softly: "Why me?"

"Because you are an assassin." Alok smiled mysteriously.

"What does it matter?" Connor was obviously stunned.

Then she reacted. She coughed and said:

"Tell me. Who do you want to kill?"

"A small person." Alok continued to maintain a mysterious smile, and then said:

"Earl Edward."

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