Connor's expression was stunned. But his face did not show the shock that Alok had thought. Instead, he was a little wary.

Seeing this, although Alok was a little surprised, he continued to explain:

"I don't intend for you to kill him directly. It's just a tentative assassination. It's better to injure him. But don't kill him."

When Alok finished this sentence, Connor's face showed doubts and asked:


"Don't worry about it. This is the commission I gave you. How about it. Is it easy?" Alok did not explain, nor would he explain the connotation behind it.

"How much?" Connor asked directly.

"Earl Edward has a second-level knight bodyguard and a life priest as a doctor. You don't need to kill these two people, so 300 gold coins. How about it?" Alok gave his price honestly.

"However, if Earl Edward dies, there will be no money. I just want him to be injured."

Connor frowned, unable to understand what Alok meant. But for the huge sum of 300 gold coins, she still couldn't control herself.

Nodding, Connor continued to ask: "What time?"

"Today. It must be before the ship docks." Alok gave the time.

After thinking for a while, Connor nodded and said: "Okay, I promise you. Remember, 300 gold coins."

"That's great. Let's toast. After completing the task, come to me. I will give you money. I believe you can find me." Alok said with a smile.

He picked up the teacup on the table and drank it by himself.

"Since Mr. Phasma has finished speaking. I will leave first." Connor did not mean to toast with Alok, and said goodbye directly.

"No problem, be careful." Alok said with a smile. "Oh, by the way. Why don't you hide in the shadows? No one will find you that way."

Connor, who had turned around, was stunned for a moment, then thought about it, and patted his head as if he had suddenly realized something. Then he cast a skill to become invisible and left.

Seeing this, Alok couldn't help laughing. He shook his head helplessly.

Now, what needs to be waited for is Connor's assassination. It would be better if Edward was injured more seriously.

That would be more effective. Earl Edward would not die anyway. The life priest would add blood.

However, in order to get rid of suspicion. I have to appear in front of outsiders.

At least find a witness.

Thinking of this. He drank the remaining tea in the teacup in one gulp, and then walked out of the cabin.

He took his coat and inserted the silver pain under his armpit. He walked out of the room.


After hiding in the shadows, Connor still didn't know what Lord Phasma was thinking. He lamented that this was an old fox, different from young people like himself who had just entered society. He couldn't guess it.

When she first heard about Phasma's commission, she was only terrified.

She thought that the content of her graduation exam in the temple had been exposed.

If that were the case, I'm afraid that she would fail the exam as the final result.

But later, she felt that Lord Phasma didn't seem to know about this.

Because he gave a huge sum of 300 gold coins. Connor has never seen so much money since he grew up.

If Phasma knew about this, why would he still commission him to kill Earl Edward? Wouldn't it be better if he killed Edward himself? ?

The most unpredictable thing is the content of the commission.

Why not just kill him directly? Just get him injured? ?

Moreover, he also gave the information of the bodyguards around the target. This is something I don't know completely.

I only know that Earl Edward has a bodyguard. I don't know what his profession or level is. But he told me directly.

This also makes my assassination easier. It's considered to have mastered some information.

Moreover, Earl Edward also has a doctor who is a priest of life. Then the commission given by Phasma is the same as not assassinating.

Because the priest of life can completely treat non-fatal wounds.

What is the purpose of such a commission? ? ?

However, for the commission of 300 gold coins. Let's do it.

After getting the money, I will go to assassinate again.

However, I'm afraid that Earl Edward will be scared. If I can't find an opportunity, it will be bad.

I hope this little episode won't affect my exam.


If you want to talk about where the most lively place on the ship is after lunch, except for the passengers on the lower deck who are still rioting, there is only the entertainment area at the stern.

After all, the unchanging life on the ship is really boring.

Therefore, going to the stern for entertainment has become a limited means of entertainment.

Alok's goal is there.

He decided to go there to find a few people to play cards and relax.

Of course, the most important thing is to find an alibi.

However, Alok himself is opposed to gambling. But in order to find a proof. It's not a big problem.

He just came to the entrance of the chess and card area, but saw Viscount Mason just coming out. The expression on his face was a little depressed, and there was a sigh.

Seeing this, Alok roughly knew what was going on and greeted him:

"Sir Viscount Mason. Long time no see. I miss you a little bit."

"Oh. Sir Fasma." Viscount Mason reluctantly smiled and responded.

"Life is like a play. There are always ups and downs. It seems that Viscount Mason is unlucky." Alok said with a smile.

Hearing this, Viscount Mason also sighed and said:

"Ah~ who said it wasn't. I just lost 50 gold coins. Today's luck is really bad."

"Gambling always has more losers than winners. This is normal." Alok comforted.

"Would you like a drink? I'll treat you." Alok said with a smile.

Viscount Mason looked at Alok seriously and replied:

"Okay, have a drink. Since Lord Phasma is treating, I'll order the most expensive one. Hahaha~~"

"Haha, of course no problem, this can comfort your injured heart." Alok responded with a smile.

Viscount Mason patted his pocket and joked: "That's right. It can also comfort my injured wallet."

There is a small bar in the entertainment area, which is much smaller than Sanhe, but the decoration is luxurious.

Alok's original intention was to go to the chess and card room to find an alibi, but when he saw Viscount Mason, he had a better choice.

He took Viscount Mason to the small bar. Although it was only afternoon, the bar was still open, but there were not many people.

There was a couple in love, and two young people who were bragging.

The bartender behind the bar was a young man in a formal dress. Although he looked a little listless, he was still standing behind the bar conscientiously. Seeing another customer coming, he asked respectfully:

"I wonder what the two adults would like to order?"

"A glass of Rose wine. I heard that there will be leftovers from the last meeting." Viscount Mason said directly.

"Okay. What about this lord?" The bartender looked at Alok and asked with a smile.

"A glass of Damian beer." Alok answered in the same way.

Although the bartender was a little surprised, he did not ask or question. He smiled and said directly:

"Please wait."

"I have always liked Damian beer. I always feel that other beers lack a little taste." Alok explained.

"Ha, no need to explain. Everyone has his taste." Viscount Mason responded. "Although I also like to taste red wine, this is my first time to drink Meige. I heard that it is the manor of the sister of King Kafka XI."

"Oh? I don't think it will be bad. I don't have much taste for red wine. I probably just know to roll my tongue." Alok said self-deprecatingly.

"Well~~This is just one way. But you still have to taste it anyway." Viscount Mason explained with a smile.

At this time, the bartender had already placed a large glass of beer and a small glass of red wine in front of the two. Bowed and left.

"Thank you." Alok said politely.

Afterwards, Viscount Mason also expressed his gratitude, and then said:

"To taste wine, you still need experience. If you drink more, you will naturally know which wine is good and which is bad."

"That's right." Alok took a big sip of beer and said.

"Just like I drink a lot of beer, I know that Damia beer is the best. The others are dregs."

"Hahaha~~" Viscount Mason laughed heartily. Then, he suddenly said:

"I am a little curious about what Mr. Phasma did in the past?"

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