Eilok and Florian left the chaotic area of ​​the lower level on the pretext that they had found a key clue in the investigation of the assassination case.

Then, they began to stroll around with serious expressions.

Of course, even the expressions were just for show.

In fact, they were chatting seriously.

"I have heard some rumors about Lord Phasma these days, uh~~~ gossip." Florian picked up a piece of wood at his feet and observed it carefully, while saying seriously.

"Are you talking about the rumors about my taste spread by some idiot?" Elok approached Florian and observed the wood carefully, and asked.

"Yeah~~ yes. Rumors." Florian pointed to some sawdust on the wood and said seriously.

Elok approached again and said, "I said it was fake, do you believe it?"

Florian was silent for a moment, put down the wood, looked at Elok and said, "Of course, of course, of course. Lord Phasma. I believe you."

"Just believe it." Elok shrugged helplessly. "I don't care much about other people's opinions, but I do care about my friends' opinions."

"Well. I can only say. I saw the heroine with my own eyes. I have to say that Lord Phasma was quite heavy-handed." Florian looked at Alok seriously and teased.

He patted Alok's shoulder and continued to comfort him: "Don't worry. Lord Phasma. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Many nobles like these tunes. Maybe you can get along well with them because of this."

Damn, still don't believe me.

This is really yellow mud in the crotch - it's shit if not shit.

"Call me Jack. Or call me Alok." Alok was helpless to the extreme.

"Okay. Jack. Next time you hit, don't hit it in the face. This is very bad for your reputation." Florian said seriously.

Don't let me find out who spread the rumor.

It must be those two waiters.

Seeing Alok's suddenly distorted face, Florian hurriedly changed the subject. Continue to talk about other gossip on the ship.

"Frank. Do you know him?" he asked as he walked.

Alok was slightly stunned when he heard the name, and said, "Frank Palmer?"

"Yes. I heard that Miss Mason was seduced by him." Florian looked down at the puzzled Alok and said. "Look at him, he is not on the same level as me. He is a big shot. Now he has no worries about food and clothing. Tsk tsk tsk~~"


Alok felt that his outlook on life and the world had suffered a devastating blow.

Wasn't Miss Mason in the same room with that stowaway Nick?

How could she be involved with Frank again?

He looked at Florian in surprise.

"I didn't expect it. He is so awesome." Florian said with a smile. He shook his head with a sigh.

Alok was very puzzled and frowned and said, "Let's go to 310 to see."

He wanted to see if Nick was still there.

It would be interesting if he was. .

Cough cough cough~~~

I seem to know something. But I am not a gossip maker. I won't interfere with other people's private lives.

"Why. Lord Phasma also wants to interfere?" Florian looked at Alok in surprise and asked.

Then, he said thoughtfully: "Actually, it's okay. After all, everyone has a chance as long as they are not married."

"What are you thinking about. Damn it." Alok was very speechless.

I really can't understand Florian's thoughts. Once things are related to women, Florian will change from his previous calmness and dullness to become extremely excited and weird.

"Don't worry about what I'm doing. Let's go and see first." Alok sighed and said.

He frowned and didn't talk about this topic with Florian anymore, but took him to the third floor.

Before passing the "home", he suddenly stopped. He said: "Wait for me, Florian. I have to change my clothes today. This way I look like Captain Jack."

"Okay. Go quickly." Florian sighed and responded.

Alok nodded, and opened the door of Room 312 with his gloved left hand. It took less than five minutes to change into his coat.

Then he put the pistol holsters on both sides of his waist.

He lent Roger the Hunter Hammer, and he would ask for it back later.

This is part of my offensive means. Be fully prepared before the battle.

Then he changed the bowler hat into a tricorn hat that was more suitable for this outfit, and Alok nodded with satisfaction.

This is like a captain.

In the Hutt Empire, bowler hats are suitable for civil servants. And tricorn hats are more suitable for warriors and officers.

In social activities, most people should wear bowler hats, and only those who have served in the military or served in the army can wear tricorn hats. This is etiquette.

Of course, Alok prefers tricorn hats. It is more suitable with a coat.

The tricorn hat made of cowhide is not only waterproof, but also sun-proof.

Of course, the most important thing is.

This hat was given by Il.

Gently pressing the hat on his head, Alok smiled faintly. He opened the door and greeted Florian who was smoking at the door.

"Let's go. Florian."

Florian exhaled a puff of smoke and said, "I like your outfit better, Captain Jack. It reminds me of the first time we drank together."

"I was only Level 1 at that time. Jason was still my sergeant."

Elok sighed silently and said: "People will always sigh about life after smoking."

He slowly opened the way ahead. When passing the door of Room 310, I just quietly turned on my astral vision and took a look inside, then walked away as if nothing had happened and continued walking to the bow deck.

"Hey, don't you go in and take a look?" Florian reminded in a low voice.

"No. No need." Alok replied somewhat mysteriously.

Nick is still in there.

With Miss Mason.

Lie together.

Knowing this information is enough.

He turned his head and judged Roger's position. Said to Florian:

"Let's go to the bow and take a look. Investigate it carefully."

Florian was a little confused by Airok's series of operations.

This may be a professional operation for professionals. There must be some connotation in it that I don't know.

Jack has certainly served its purpose.

Now we go to the bow to accomplish another purpose.

That's for sure.

Although the bow part is the restaurant, the deck is also the most important part of it.

The huge deck can even host a party.

Although it had not been long since breakfast, the weather suddenly changed. Dark clouds filled the sky, making it feel like they were within reach.

The air also seemed very dull. Breathless.

There was not a breath of wind on the sea, only a little air movement brought by the progress of the ship.

This made the already dull air even more stuffy.

Roger was standing at the front of the deck. He leaned down and looked at the seagulls at his feet.

It was a seagull with blue feathers on its head, which reminded Alok of Roger when he turned into a seagull.

He walked quickly behind Roger and said loudly:

"Hi. My second officer. What are you doing here?"

This sound startled Roger, who was concentrating on watching the seagulls. He turned his head and saw Alok before speaking:

"This seagull is interesting."

"Indeed. I'm talking to it." Alok said teasingly.

"Damn it. I knew it." Roger said angrily.

Alok laughed and said, "Okay. Roger. The weather looks good."

"That's right. It's going to rain soon. I know Captain Jack likes to get in the rain." Roger said sullenly.

"Oh? How long will it be raining? Why did the weather suddenly change?" Alok stopped chatting with Roger and asked seriously.

Roger also stopped teasing with Alok and answered seriously:

"It is expected to start raining at noon. There is a storm ahead. It is expected to rain heavily. How long it will rain depends on how fast the ship is moving. At the current speed, it will rain at least until tomorrow morning."


This is really murderous weather!

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