"Give me my musket. I'll need it later." Alok said casually.

Roger looked at Alok who seemed to be indifferent and said, "Do it later? Do it directly on the ship?"

"Yes. But not to kill Edward. Kill the bodyguard first. Please solve them one by one." Alok continued.

Roger nodded frequently and said, "Captain. You are really good at torturing people."

"Come on. Roger. Stop talking nonsense. I'll give you a task." Alok said helplessly to Roger. "Come with us later. I remember you have a skill called Gale, which can silence, right?"

"Yes. That's right." Roger agreed.

"The bodyguard is a knight. So, your task is to use Gale to interrupt the knight before he releases his skills every time." Alok ordered. "Don't worry about the others."

Hearing his task, Roger was stunned for two seconds, and finally shrugged and agreed, "No problem, Captain."

He did not express dissatisfaction with such a job.

Although it was definitely not a problem for him to deal with a knight. But he was also happy to be relaxed.

He took out the hunter's hammer from his waist and gave it to Alok reluctantly.


The clouds above were getting thicker and thicker, and the sky was particularly gloomy.

The calm before the storm had passed. The wind whistled past, causing the waves to hit the hull of the Dror, making it seem a little shaky.

A flash of lightning streaked across the sky, illuminating Alok's calm face.

The heavy rain poured down immediately.

But Alok shook his arms indifferently, pressed the hat on his head, and walked into the room from the bow.

Roger and Florian hid in the cabin early, and only Alok had the elegance of being caught in the rain.

I like rain, I like heavy rain.

The bigger the rain, the more exciting it is.

He thought silently.

It was just past 12 o'clock, and it was time for dinner.

Alok did not find Edward in the restaurant, but he did not care.

He greeted Roger and Florian who were sitting in the restaurant. Without saying a word, they walked to the corridor on the third floor.

After climbing a staircase and turning a few corners, they came to the door of 302.

Alok turned on the astral vision to observe. The knight was indoors. It seemed that the stormy weather did not disturb his sleep.

Earl Edward next door was not in the room. The priest Ikas was also nowhere to be seen. I don't know where he ran to.

The voice of the passengers suddenly came from their left, which made Alok pause and did not open the door directly.

After all, it is better for people to know about this kind of thing. Ordinary passengers should not know these conspiracies.

What surprised Alok was that the passengers were the artist Frank Palmer and Miss Mary Mason.

They stood at the door of room 310 and whispered. They were unaware that Alok and the other three were watching.

Frank hugged Miss Mason and said sweetly:

"Dear, come to see me in the afternoon."

"Of course. You wait for me." Miss Mason replied with a smile.

"But, I don't know why you have the habit of taking a nap, Mary? I have never figured it out." Frank kissed Miss Mason's forehead, looking very sweet.

Mary Mason replied shamelessly: "This will make me more beautiful. The nobles of Damea say this is beauty sleep."

Frank was speechless and said: "Okay. Then for your beauty. I hope you can sleep a little longer. Remember to find me in the afternoon. I will teach you to play the violin."

"Of course, goodbye." Miss Mason blinked and said sweetly.

She kissed Frank and then let go of her hands.

"Looking forward to our meeting again. I have prepared a gift for you." Frank said with a smile.

"Really? Then I look forward to it." Miss Mason responded with wide eyes.

Then they kissed again.

Miss Mason opened the door and returned to room 310.

And Frank turned around and prepared to go to the restaurant.

When he saw three men standing at the door of 302, he felt a little embarrassed.

Besides, they were three men who knew him.

He took off his hat awkwardly, nodded slightly to Jiji, and ran away.

This scene made Alok feel a headache.

After all, in the astral vision, Nick was eavesdropping behind the door.

I don't know what story will happen.

This is really a bloody love story of the nobles.

Seeing that there was no one in the corridor, Alok shook his head, cast the skill of opening the door, and opened the door directly.

The moment he opened the door, he took out the silver pain and rushed to the position of the knight bodyguard Sergei.

Breaking open the bedroom door again, Alok faced Sergei who had just climbed out of the bed and silenced him.

Then, he quickly opened the hammer and shot him.

Sergei, who had just got up from the bed in a daze, was a little blinded by Alok's attack and tried to contact the astral world. But it was interrupted by the silence of the wind.

Sergei knew that it was bad, and he dodged and let the bullet hit his left shoulder. The intense pain stimulated Sergei's consciousness, and he hurriedly got up from the bed.

He had never expected this to happen. Lord Phasma was definitely not such a reckless person. He would not have taken action directly on the ship.

Judging from Earl Edward's evaluation of him. Alok Phasma was smart, calm, and - crazy.

Damn it.

He groped for the small sword beside the bed. He activated his extraordinary weapon skills immediately.

At this time, Roger and Florian also arrived late.

They failed to keep up with Alok's fast-paced attack.

After all, this unexpected style of play would also make his teammates confused.

As soon as he saw Sergei take out his weapon, Roger cast his not-so-proficient skill. Wind.

A gust of wind much stronger than the wind cast by Alok suddenly appeared in Sergei's small bedroom.

But Sergei's weapon skills were obviously much faster than his own skills. Although silenced, the small sword suddenly turned into a two-meter-long and at least 20-centimeter-wide giant sword. Sergei held it upright in front of him.

"For glory, charge!" Florian truly embodied the bravery of the knight profession. He rushed towards Sergei as soon as he entered the door.

Then he punched the giant sword.


The violent collision between the fist and the giant sword made a huge sound. But it worked. Sergei retreated with a "deng~deng~deng~" sound and finally fell to the ground.

During this time, Alok also cast a skill called "Shadow Path". A dagger passed through the giant sword in front of Sergei and hit Sergei's left chest silently.

The wind stopped. Roger's skill effect reached its limit.

"Guard~~~~" Sergei seized the opportunity to stand up and prepared to shout out the skill of guarding with all his strength.

In this way, he can protect himself, not only defend against the silencing effect of the wind, but also buy time for himself.

Look for opportunities to counterattack, or escape.

At worst, he can wait until other passengers find the problem and find himself. Let the act of killing passengers in broad daylight become the target of public criticism.

However, ideals are full, and reality is skinny.

Roger saw the opportunity to add another silencing effect of the wind. So, the sound of guarding was only halfway through and stopped abruptly.

But Sergei did not give up. Facing Florian's figure rushing again, he also raised his greatsword and rushed towards Florian.

Although he was silenced, his strong body and the greatsword were equally lethal. Enough to kill a knight.

"Guard!" This was the guarding skill that Alok used on Florian. To prevent Florian's sacrifice.

Sergei had just fought with Florian. The greatsword chopped on the guarding light shield with a loud "bang".

Then, after taking a few steps back, he prepared to rush towards Florian again.

Of course. Alok did not forget to shoot.


Two consecutive gunshots, the bullets did not pass through the air, and accurately hit Sergei's left chest along the shadow path.

The next second. Sergei's eyes suddenly widened. He felt that his heart could no longer beat. But the figure rushing forward could no longer stop.

His expression was ferocious, and he used all his strength to exert his last blow before his death.

His face suddenly turned red, and he even broke the silence.

He shouted loudly:

"For justice, sacrifice!!"

The sword suddenly lit up with a bright red light, and he changed his target, and rushed towards the enemy who wanted to assassinate the count - Alok Phasma, like a chariot.

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