"Recall the changes on the ship and the name of the Anti-Will." Alok reminded.

As soon as the voice fell, Roger's eyes suddenly showed a little light, and he asked hesitantly in a low voice:

"You mean, where the Anti-Will is, there will be a clear tendency for people to fall?"

"You are not stupid." Alok praised after drinking a sip of Damia's Damia beer.

"So. The first thing we have to look for is a place like this?" Roger continued to ask.

Alok glanced at Roger with a weird smile and said:

"That's your business. I need to have an identity in public. When I find a suitable identity, I will cooperate with you at that time."

He smiled and took out his wallet from his pocket, then took out a stack of it, counted it once, and took out a part and handed it to Roger.

While looking into his eyes and glancing at his suitcase, he said:

"300 deben, the initial expenses. Add the money you have, it should be enough."

Roger looked at Alok's hand holding a stack of banknotes and pondered for a while. After grabbing it, he counted it anxiously and said:

"It's enough if you use it sparingly."

"By the way, remember to make money by the way. If I give you so much money and you still can't successfully make some money back, it seems that I have to adjust the pressure on you." Alok took back his hand on the table and looked at Roger's eyes seriously.

"I know. Isn't it just that I owe you money? I will pay you back." Roger curled his lips helplessly and said.

Then he put the money into his pocket.

"What about you, captain?" he asked in a low voice.

Looking at Roger with a smile, Alok replied: "I'm going to find a public identity, didn't I say it?"

"I mean to find a certain identity." Roger asked helplessly again.

"That's not your business." Alok refused to answer.


After staying overnight at the Dark Night Rose Bar, Alok successfully woke up at noon.

As expected, he found his normal schedule again.

Half a month of early morning torture has given him dark circles again.

He pulled the bear's left arm and planned to solve his own resettlement problem first.

Find a temporary house and use it as a small base.

This is a top priority.

I can't always live in hotels and bars. That will make people think that I am not a serious person.

And I have to find a suitable office for my new job.

The northwest of Damia relies on the Levit River, which has a small bend in Damia.

From this place, southeast is a regular pentagonal administrative district-Kafka District.

Named after the king's surname, the palace is also in the central area of ​​this regular pentagon.

The temple is exactly symmetrical with the palace, forming the two ends of the balance.

There are three main areas around the Kafka District.

Counting clockwise, they are.

Garosen District. The area is mainly populated by civilians, while the Kafka District near the center is inhabited by some middle-class people.

Elizabeth District. It is mainly populated by the middle-class, the pillar of the empire, and a small number of newly-promoted nobles. Similarly, the closer to Kafka District, the richer they are.

Benjamin District. Most of the nobles' manors and villas are here. Starting from here and going out, most of them are some nobles' rural resorts, hunting areas and other places.

There is also a circle of unnamed slums outside the Garosen District and Elizabeth District. That is where a large group of people who come to Damia to find hope but have no background and money stay.

Currently, Alok is located on the outskirts of Elizabeth District. Rose District.

This location is very good, and Alok simply plans to find a place to live here.

It is neither high-profile nor too poor, which is very suitable for him to develop a cooperative relationship with the police.

His idea is to get in touch with the Mystery Affairs Department through Florian and get some information from there.

So, this is a good choice.

But it cannot be too close to the bar called Dark Night Rose. That will make his reputation worse.

The business upstairs here looks like that of Mrs. Harry.

But it could also be some dating couples.

In this block, most of the houses are small single-family buildings, which are slightly smaller than the houses in the Heaton block, but they are enough for a bachelor like Alok.

The Rose Block is a long corridor block that looks a bit like a resort, running from the outer edge of the Elizabeth District to the Kafka District. It is very straight.

Alok did not plan to buy a house here directly.

Because after asking about the price, he shook his head because it was too expensive. If you want to buy a house like this, the one farthest from the Kafka District also costs 2,500 gold coins. And the one closest to the Kafka District may cost a crazy price of 10,000 deben.

So, Alok plans to rent a two-story small building first.

The rent is a little cheaper. It costs about 7 to 8 gold coins to rent a house in the middle of the Rose Block for a month.

This is the price he saw at an agency in the middle of the Rose Block.

There are still many houses for sale and rent on the real estate agency, covering the Rose Block where we are now and several blocks next to it, such as the Wind Chime Block and the Cornflower Block.

As for why they are all named after flowers and plants. It is said that it is because Kafka I's Queen Elizabeth likes flowers very much.

Alok looked at the display board at the door of the agency seriously. It felt colorful.

In order to give a good impression to the future landlord, he specially put on that dress today. With his already delicate face and polite habits, he looked very gentlemanly.

It was completely different from Alok who used to ask Ir to tidy up his clothes in front of Ir.

He carried a cane, pulled the little bear behind him, and gently pushed the door of the agency. After walking to the front desk, he looked into the eyes of the waitress at the front desk and said with a smile:

"Can you recommend a few for me? I want to rent a single-family house nearby. I looked at the information posted outside the agency and felt a little dazzled."

Seeing such a gentleman looking at herself, the waitress at the front desk quickly stood up from the chair, showing a brighter smile than the standard, and said: "This is normal. May I know your last name, sir?"

"Fashma, Alok Fasma." Alok introduced himself.

"Sir Phasma. I'm Rachel Elizabeth. I don't know what kind of single-family villa you want. I can recommend one for you." Rachel asked simply.

"Elizabeth? You have the same last name as the Queen." Alok said with a slightly twitching eyebrow.

"That's right. But there are too many people with the last name Elizabeth. I'm just one." Rachel Elizabeth said with a smile.

"Well, it's also a beautiful one." Alok said generously.

"Thank you." Rachel Elizabeth replied with a blushing smile.

This is also a little trick of Alok. You always have to please an agent first, and then you will be given a better house. After all, they have the information.

"I want a place that you can move in with your bag." Alok said with a smile.

Rachel Elizabeth was amused by Alok's words, and she covered her mouth and laughed: "Then you have to find a bag, not a little bear."

Alok looked down at the dirty little bear, and suddenly felt that it was a little asymmetrical with his clothes, and shrugged helplessly.

"In that case. I recommend three to Lord Phasma. They are all newly listed here waiting to be rented." Rachel Elizabeth saw Alok's embarrassed expression and came to the rescue.

It is necessary to treat customers without embarrassing them.

He opened a book in front of him, pointed to a page and said:

"This is the first one. It is located at the outermost side of the Rose Block. It is fully furnished, but a little shabby. It has all the necessities of life such as water. The price is 4 gold coins per month, but it requires a one-time payment for half a year."

Then, she turned to the back and continued:

"The second one is located in the middle of the Rose Block near the Kafka District. The furniture is very tasteful and full of the local style of Damia. The rent is 10 gold coins per month. It requires a one-time payment of 3 months' rent and a deposit of one month's rent."

"The third one is a villa located at the junction of the Kafka District. The decoration and furniture are very artistic. The rent is 30 gold coins per month, which can be paid monthly. But an additional three months' rent is required. And it is necessary to ensure that the furniture and artworks are well maintained."

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