Looking at Alok's somewhat indecisive expression, Rachel Elizabeth continued with a smile:

"I think a gentleman like you should choose the place with the most artistic atmosphere. That can show your temperament. It can also pave the way for you to go further."

"We all came to Damia with hope, didn't we?"

Hearing this, Alok was suddenly stunned, glanced at Rachel Elizabeth, and said:

"Indeed. We all have hope. Can you take me to see it? The second house. I want to experience the style of Damia."

"Of course." Rachel Elizabeth responded.

She bowed slightly and took out a bunch of keys from under the table, just like a landlady. Then she slowly walked out from behind the table.

At this time, Alok noticed that she was lame. He was instantly in awe.

"Take me to see it, is it okay for you?" Alok asked seriously.

"Ah? It's okay. Are you worried that no one will watch the store? Don't worry, there may not be one customer a day." She laughed and laughed.

Uh~~~I didn't ask that.

"Ah~~~~" Rachel Elizabeth suddenly screamed, which startled Alok, who hurried to help her hand. I thought she fell because of her lameness.

"Thank you, Mr. Phasma. Damn it. My feet are numb..." She complained as she walked out with the wall.

Uh~~~~ I see.

He scratched his head, which seemed to be a little itchy, and followed Rachel Elizabeth to the street.

"That house is not far from here, but I still think it's better for a gentleman like you to choose the one near Kafka District, which will better set off your temperament." Her steps gradually returned to normal, and she walked side by side with Alok on the street.

"We have to go and see it first. If we choose it directly without seeing it, there may be troubles that I don't know." Alok replied.

Rachel Elizabeth has seen too many hypocritical people like this. Almost everyone who comes here to rent a house has this set of rhetoric. Then finally choose the cheapest one.

So, Rachel was a little disappointed. But fortunately, Phasma is good-looking.

She still showed a standard smile and pointed to the villa not far ahead.

"Look. That's it. This small building has been listed in our place for about half a month. Others have also seen it, but I don't know who it will end up with." Rachel Elizabeth tilted her head and said.

"I'll take you to see it."

She quickened her pace and passed Alok, walked through the villa courtyard, and searched for the key at the door for a long time before finally finding the correct way to pass.

No. 777 Rose Street.

Tsk tsk tsk, a very fateful number plate.

I like it.

The courtyard is very tidy, with only some lawns planted. The appearance of the villa is similar to the surrounding ones, but the outer wall on the south side is covered with creepers. It looks very old.

Walking into the door, a burst of orange blossom fragrance hits my face. The white marble floor and over-carved wall decorations let Alok experience what the style of Damia is.

It turns out that the flashy furniture in my house is the style of Damia.

However, it cannot be considered completely flashy, at least it still plays a corresponding role, but compared with their gorgeous carvings, it seems to be gold and jade.

The decoration is still more in line with the public's aesthetics, and the color combination of white and yellow is also more comfortable.

The furniture inherits the consistent style of decoration and uses Damia furniture.

Fortunately, Alok has long been accustomed to such furniture in his own home.

Although it is not satisfactory, the most important thing is that the price is right.

The first one is too cheap. It is also too far from the city center. It is very inconvenient.

The third one is too expensive, and you have to pay a deposit of 90 gold coins. This is too expensive. Isn't it better to use it somewhere else?

The price of 10 gold coins per month here is still within my acceptable range, and the deposit one and pay three is more acceptable to me.

And the decoration is also okay, avoiding that I don't even have a bed after moving in.

"Can you take me to see other rooms? I am quite satisfied with this place." Alok said after looking around.

"Of course, no problem. Sir Phasma." Rachel Elizabeth turned around and said.

He took Alok to visit all the rooms in the villa, from the kitchen to the balcony.

"How is it? Are you satisfied?" She replied with a smile.

"It's really good. I decided to buy it. I don't want to look at anything else." Alok took off his bowler hat and hung it on the hanger at the door, saying with a smile.

It's like shopping. If you see a good one at the beginning, it's meaningless to go shopping again. Because once you like it, you can't like anything else. Sooner or later you have to buy it to be satisfied.

Although renting a house is not a trivial matter like buying clothes, it is not a big deal. As long as the price is right, the location is right, and all kinds of safeguards are in place, then rent it.

"Do I need to meet the landlord? Or do you help me sign the contract and manage it?" Alok continued to ask.

Rachel didn't expect this customer to be so decisive. He decided on a house after seeing it, which caught her off guard.

But he quickly calmed down and said with a smile:

"Of course I have to meet the landlord. Both parties need to be present to sign the contract."

"Well, as soon as possible. I'm actually in a hurry." Alok walked to the living room, patted the leather sofa, nodded with satisfaction, sat on it and tried the softness. "Very good."

"Then~~~I will contact the landlord soon. She is in a house not far away. This area is probably hers." Rachel looked at Alok's as if no one was there and was a little confused.

"Then go quickly. I'll wait here." Alok picked up the teacup upside down on the tea tray on the coffee table and observed it carefully.

Hmm~~It shouldn't be as artistic as the one in my house. It's an alchemical product after all.

"Uh~~Mr. Phasma. We should go to Ms. Lando's house together." Rachel looked at Alok a little at a loss and suggested.

After saying this, Enoch seemed to think that this was not appropriate. Although he knew that he was not a thief, it would always make people worry. After all, he had not been able to rent it yet, and any losses would be borne by the landlord.

Thinking of this, he stood up decisively from the soft sofa, smiled and said:

"Let's go."

Ms. Lando is a widow. Her husband was once a glorious officer. Later, he died in the war against the Kebli Empire, and she received a large pension.

In addition, she was a native of Damia and bought a large piece of land in the original Rose Block, which was later developed into this block. She also jumped into the landlord class.

She has a son and a daughter. But they are not around. Because of menopause, her temper is not very good.

"Is it you? I heard that you want to rent a house?" Ms. Lando looked at Alok with some arrogance. Her voice was a little hoarse, which made her look a little fierce.

"Yes. Ms. Lando. I am Phasma, Alok Phasma." Alok introduced himself.

Brand fully demonstrated the arrogance and unreasonableness of a landlord class.

He was a little fat, half lying on the sofa, not looking at Alok, and said:

"Okay, Mr. Phasma. One deposit and three payments, 10 gold coins a month. You can't damage anything in the house, and you can't change the layout of the house without permission."

"Of course. This is the basic quality of a tenant." Alok responded.

"That's good. Mr. Phasma, you are very self-aware. I have the contract. Little Rachel, go get it for me. It's in the second drawer of the cabinet over there." Ms. Landaud said to herself.

"Okay. Ma'am." Rachel Elizabeth responded with a stiff smile.

Well, I finally know what the hidden shortcomings of this house are. The landlord is not good.

"Take out your ID. If you don't have it, I can't rent it to you." Ms. Landaud pointed at Alok and said.

"Oh, of course. I carry it with me." Alok said, straightening his bowler hat.

He held the little bear in his left hand, held "The Tempest of Karame" under his armpit, and stretched his right hand into his arms. He took out the lord certificate given to him by Grand Bus Dror. Then he put on the ring that represented his identity.

He handed the ID to Miss Rachel Elizabeth politely and smiled.

When Rachel took the ID, her eyes widened and she exclaimed:

"Oh, God. You are a lord. Oh, sorry. I mean, my Lord."

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