The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 316 The boundary between concrete and imagery

When the curtain was lifted, Alok suddenly felt confused and in a trance.

Is this what traveling is all about?

If Elok hadn't gone through the process of changing the spiritual sea from dark to bright, he would have even thought that he did not have astral vision.

The spiritual ocean environment around him became exactly the same as that of the material world.

Even the colors are exactly the same.

The only difference is the golden and black ribbons floating in the sky.

That's the astral realm.

The dark flames of the nightmare beneath him were still burning.

But the goats in the material world have soft fur.


He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and suddenly had the idea of ​​​​finding out.

Has the boundary between the material world and the spiritual ocean been broken?

Or is it that the spiritual sea and the material world have become exactly the same?

Although everything in the material world can be reflected in the sea of ​​spiritual power, most of it is in the form of images. It is often just a wave on the ocean of spiritual power, or at most a bigger wave.

A little further is nothing more than a reef.

But with such a resemblance, the image becomes concrete. It simply subverted Alok's imagination.

He tried to look at the rocks in the distance and the rugged mountain road under his feet. He looked at his hands in the sea of ​​spiritual power.

It is exactly the same as in the physical world.

The astral body was not hidden yet and could be seen by Alok, which made him feel a little relieved.

He took out the silver pain from his waist, and the spiritual power was exactly the same as in the material world.

So with a raised eyebrow, he, who was already very adventurous, began to conduct more in-depth experiments.

After releasing the phantom of an assassin, he first observed the phantom's form in the sea of ​​spiritual power. So let him try to catch the Silver Pain.

As expected by Elok, the phantom held onto the pistol very easily. He even pointed a pistol at his own head.

He chuckled and dissipated the 'traitor' phantom.

Then, he cast another reappearance of yesterday, letting the phantom of yesterday pick up the pistol that fell on the ground.

Unexpectedly, Phantom's hand passed through the grip of the pistol yesterday and failed to grasp it.

Phantom shrugged and stood on the ground innocently looking at Alok who was gradually moving away, like an abandoned child.

Alok frowned slightly and dissipated the phantom, allowing the previous 'traitor' to reappear and help him retrieve the silver pain.

Hmm~~~Strange phenomenon.

It seems that the will body life will have the nature of entity here, but the illusion of yesterday cannot.

This may be because the level of yesterday's reappearance is not enough, or the reason why yesterday's reappearance is just an image of history.

In this case, as an air-conditioned banshee, can Anne also have physical properties? ?

She is still on my cane.

Just as he was thinking this, he opened El's pocket directly, hoping to find Calame's Tempest, but found that the place where the cane was originally placed was empty.


El, you stole my air conditioner.

It's not like he's in danger. Probably not, the Emblem of Judgment has no trace of being moved.

Or use the ‘Windrunner’ to travel? What a stupid idea.

He scratched his head and shrugged nonchalantly. Ended his short exploration.

"What were you doing just now?" Danis asked curiously in a low voice when he saw Alok stopped entertaining himself.

Alok looked at Danis, then looked around, and replied, "Don't you think this place is magical?"

"What? What's so magical? I think it's just a normal path." Danis said in surprise. "Although it is very steep, the road now is obviously a little easier to walk. In front of us is the place where we rest at noon. Let's stop and take a rest."

"No problem." Alok replied nonchalantly.

"By the way, Mr. Birk. Although I know it's not a good idea to ask this, I'm still curious about what skills you used just now." Danis looked into Alok's eyes, very curious.

"Also, I'm curious, what were you doing just now?"

"Hmm~~~ Such a strange place makes me unable to help exploring. I'm experimenting." Alok replied calmly. "The spiritual sea here is a little different."

"Oh?" Danis tilted his head, looking curious.

"The spirit of exploration is the ladder of human progress." God Alok said. "Who said this? Azera?"

"That's right." Danis nodded and confirmed Alok. "What's the result?"

Alok raised his head, then smiled, shrugged, and made up a lie and said:


Danis smiled and comforted: "It doesn't matter, there is still night. I have to say, Mr. Bilke, you are very similar to those people from Listanwell. They are always full of exploration spirit."

About exploring at night.

The risk factor would be greatly increased at night, and he was not going to take his life for granted.

But if he discovers that these taboos stem from ignorance, maybe he will try to explore it with his father Richie.

He must be very interested in such an interesting place.

He shrugged again and asked his own question about the man from Listanwell:

"I've never dealt with them. Are they all like this?"

"Most of them are like this." Danis replied with a smile. "I've been to the north before, although it was only the border of the Kingdom Alliance. I also interviewed people from Listanwell in Damia."

"They are like a group of barbarians, they don't know how to be educated and polite. They don't know the Damia-style euphemism. They are straightforward."

"Really?" Alok said in surprise. "In fact, being straightforward is good. This shows that they don't have any bad intentions. Elves are always straightforward, but fortunately they are very polite."

Danis frowned slightly and expressed a different opinion: "Hmm? I think elves are cold and seem to have an inexplicable arrogance. They think they are superior to others."

"I have seen elves. Not only in Cherancy, but also in Damia. Although they are beautiful, they are a bit disgusting."

Is this the same as the elves I have seen? In my impression, elves are not like this.

They all like nature, love life, some are quirky, and even bad. For example, Andil.

Majik was very enthusiastic and liked to help me, even if there was nothing in return. He also told me about the elves.

However, Majik also said that the elves would be protected by the goddess and the queen, so that every elf could sense the danger and malice approaching.

Maybe it was because they felt the malice of the other party that they became cold and protected themselves.

And I have always been respectful and kind to the elves. So I can gain friendship? ?

Danis hates elves, so the elves also hate Danis?

Indeed, Danis always looks at people with tinted glasses. No matter who it is.

This is often a manifestation of arrogance.

It is possible, just like a mirror.

The sound of gurgling water in the distance brought Alok back to his mind.

The three goats seemed to know that they had arrived at the resting place, so they naturally slowed down and stopped by the stream.

"We are here." Duode jumped off the goats and asked the goats to kneel on the ground so that Alok and the others could be put down.

Although the stream was only shallow and less than half a meter deep, it was very clear. It flows from the snow-capped mountains in the distance to the feet of Alok.

Alok walked to the stream and squatted, touched the water with his right hand, and felt the coldness of the snow water.

When he scooped up a handful of stream water and let it overflow from between his fingers, the same scene in the sea of ​​spiritual power was exactly the same.

However, the stream water turned into particles of spiritual power.

I wonder what will happen if I drink it?

"Can I drink it?" he asked softly.

Then he chuckled at himself and answered to himself: "Of course. Everything is a reflection in the sea of ​​spiritual power."

"You can drink it, but don't drink too much. You will have diarrhea. The water is too cold." Duode seemed to see Alok's concerns and walked to the stream and said softly.

He took out a leather kettle, put the mouth deep into the stream, and after filling it up, he scooped up a handful of water with both hands and put it into his mouth.

Alok imitated Duode and tried the taste of the snow water.

Clear and sweet. National first-level drinking water standard.

"You seem to have some concerns?" Danis asked, looking at the hesitant Alok.

Alok gently waved his left hand in the water and said casually: "This place is too magical. Too many unknowns always make people feel dangerous."

"Really? I don't feel that." Danis replied in surprise.

Alok smiled. No answer.

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