In addition to the existing strangeness, this place also gave Alok another feeling.

Some silence, even dead silence.

Except for the sound of gurgling water and the sound of goats stepping on rocks, Alok has never heard any other sounds so far.

Even when he occasionally passed by the bushes and disturbed a flying bird, there was no bird singing.

This seems to have something to do with what Dude said, "Try to speak as quietly as possible."

But the deeper reason is unknown.

It seems that Dude will not explain it to me. He is a little wary. I can see it.

He took a piece of extremely hard bread handed to him by Danis and swallowed it with some water from the stream. The side dish was a small piece of dried meat. It was chewy, but a little salty.

But Alok has been attracted by the environment and did not complain about such a diet. This is not consistent with his previous experience. He pays great attention to diet.

Under the astral vision, bread is bread, and only running water is spiritual particles.

Is it because of the special nature of the stream? Or is it because the spring of the stream is located in a deeper and more mysterious place?

He sat on a huge stone with smooth edges beside the stream, looked at the stream and asked casually:

"Where does the water flow from? From the snowy mountain over there?"

After waiting for a long time, he did not get an answer. Alok had to look at Duode, but found that he was doing a set of special movements beside the stream. Some of them looked like the dance of primitive tribes.

Alok looked at Duode, the aboriginal, with interest.

A dance similar to sacrificial dance? ?

Does this represent gratitude for the gift of the gods?

Or is it just a ceremony of gratitude for being able to eat? For example, in the previous life, some countries had to worship before eating in a formalistic manner.

He looked at the upstream direction of the stream.

The rolling mountains blocked Alok's sight, but he remembered that when he was outside the mountains, he glimpsed the towering peaks in the distance.

The water must have flowed from there.

This is a feeling in the dark.

It must be the mountain with "spirit".

After finishing the wooden stick bread, Alok stood up calmly, patted the non-existent dust, and went to the side to solve some personal problems.

The goats were very quiet, only occasionally drinking the clear spring water in the stream downstream of Alok and the other two. From time to time, they raised their heads and stood there.

They looked silly. Even a little cute.

Forget the nightmare form, it was quite a contrast.

Speaking of cuteness, the little bear hanging on Alok's waist is cuter.

He picked up the little bear and placed it beside him, as if talking to himself, asking: "Do you think the spiritual power here is strange?"

The little bear's black pupils suddenly flashed, and it came back to its senses from the sluggishness, tilted its head and looked at Alok's somewhat doubtful face, and said:

"Of course. Master."

"What did you find?" Alok tried to ask.

Little Bear stood up from the ground, raised his head, looked up at Alok, and said:

"Remember the entanglement cast by the shadow walker? The tentacles that should have only appeared in the sea of ​​​​spiritual power have materialized in the material world. That's because of the traitor's skill, 'Directional Transformation'. Here, I can do the same."

Hearing this, Alok recalled the traitor named 'Zero'. The purple tentacles did appear in the material world. It is indeed very similar to this place. He exclaimed in a low voice and asked in confusion:

"Oh? Is it related to the traitor? Can you tell me in detail?"

"I don't know either." Little Bear suddenly stared at his black eyes and said pitifully. "I only know that I can do this."

Alok smiled lightly and was not disappointed. Comforted: "It doesn't matter. I don't know either. Can you tell me about that skill?"

"Of course." Little Bear's eyes were bright again.

"Directional Transformation, a third-level skill. Let a skill mutate in a specified direction. The spell is 'Migration'. It makes the power of the skill change in a controllable way, or achieves a special effect. I learned it from that crystal."

"Oh? If you learn it, can you turn tearing into physical damage?" Elroc asked, trying to use his wild imagination.

"Entanglement is OK. Tearing is also OK."

This is the answer he got from the little bear.

Hmm~~~It is indeed a good skill. The only problem is that it is the skill of the Shadow Walker.

I have an instinctive resistance to the skills of the Shadow Walker. Moreover, using the skills of the area governed by the Fallen God also makes me feel uneasy.

I haven't used the Shadow Path for a long time.

In addition, getting such an answer makes me more afraid of Mount Vatricis.

The skills of the Shadow Walker are similar to the environment here, and the abyss I saw at the beginning is similar to the black hole created by the anti-will.

Could it be that this is the territory of the Fallen God?

Not right. According to the feedback from the astral world and the principle of gravity, this should be something in the field of psychologists. Rather than a shadow walker.

So, there is no need to worry too much.

He relaxed his mind and enjoyed the absolute silence.

If he didn't know that there must be unknown fears around here, and it was too quiet. This place would definitely become a very good tourist attraction.

After a short rest, the three of them set out on their journey again soon.

They crossed the narrow stream and moved deeper into the mountains.

There was nothing particularly noteworthy in the afternoon. The wild boar that died in Danis's hands was one of them.

I don't know how it tastes.

Ahead is a small village of locals. They arrived here in the evening.

The village has a wooden gate that is open to the outside.

The village is not as lively as Alok imagined, and it is still frighteningly quiet.

There are five or six families in total, one of which is Duode's home. Smoke rose, and Danis carried a small wild boar and followed Duode into the kitchen.

The goats ran to the back of Duode's house by themselves, and I don't know where they went. Alok thought that they should go to find food.

He saw Duode's daughter, who looked only seven or eight years old, with a light brown complexion. She was wearing a gray short shirt and was not surprised by the arrival of Alok and others.

Duode's wife was busy in the kitchen, and it seemed that she was preparing dinner for Duode and Alok.

An ordinary person, it seems that not every aboriginal is a supernatural person.

Her back looked very broad, and she looked like a bear squatting in front of the stove.

But her cooking skills were good. The wild boar was put to good use.

She was very enthusiastic, but didn't talk much. Alok still felt a little alienated and wary. This is human nature. Alok didn't mind.

Instead, Dude's daughter was a little interested in Alok. She looked at Alok's gloved left hand curiously and asked:

"Why are you wearing gloves? Are your gloves dirty? If you eat like this, will it be unclean?"

Alok smiled and took off his gloves in front of people for the first time, revealing the rabbit tattoo inside.

Seeing that his daughter was unruly, Dude frowned slightly and taught her softly: "Talk less when eating."

Alok was still smiling, thinking that people in the mountains were very simple. This was good, much better than the intrigues in the city.

He picked up a whole piece of pork ribs and took a big bite. The mellow meat aroma made him close his eyes and enjoy it.

It was just a little strong, too strong. It hurts your teeth.

The rules in the mountains are very strange. At night, each person must sleep in a separate room, even couples have to sleep in separate rooms. Newborn babies are no exception and cannot stay with their mothers.

The door must be locked and you can only get up and open the door when it is dawn.

This surprised Alok.

But when he continued to ask, neither Dud nor his wife answered. Only his daughter whispered to him after a while:

"Because the monsters in the mountains will come out at night."

Hmm? This is really a reasonable and somewhat unexpected answer.

It must be that the child is afraid of the unknown and made up a lie. Alok is very familiar with such stories, just like a child who is afraid of the dark will say that there are monsters in the dark. That is because of the fear of the dark and the unknown.

The deeper reason must not be this.

He followed Dud's instructions and lived alone in a house.

There was only a bed and four walls left in the room. It was pitiful, but Alok was satisfied. This is good. At least I won't sleep on a chair.

I didn't have this treatment when I was a captain.

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