The Vatrice Mountains were still eerily quiet.

They had a simple breakfast in the mountains. It was a porridge made from the powder of wild plant seeds. It was a bit sore to the throat, but it had a unique aroma.

On the way, Alok was still thinking about those questions and recalling last night's dream.

"Did you dream last night, Danis?" Alok asked softly.

Danis turned his head and looked at Alok, who was walking at the end, and said in surprise: "Dream?"

Then he shook his head and continued: "I don't know, I forgot."

"Okay. It doesn't matter." Alok shook his head and gave up the plan.

The sun shone directly on Alok and others. There was a whole piece of flat stone in front of them. They took a short rest here to solve the lunch problem.

Alok took out the dry food and roasted wild boar meat that Duode's wife gave him before leaving.

He drank a sip of spring water in the kettle and quickly filled his stomach.

He asked the little bear to take out the drift bottle he had kept in his stomach, and finally planned to ask his father Richie for help. See what the situation was.

Completely back up last night's adventure, and then cut it out of the memory and put it in the drift bottle.

This was a bit laborious and took up a lot of Alok's time.

The memory also contained his doubts and those completely incomprehensible phenomena.

Under normal circumstances, Richie would give him a memory after a period of time. And he could communicate to a certain extent through this memory. Just like a video call.

This time, Richie also brought him a small memory fragment.

Alok did not reproduce this memory under the eyes of Danis and Dud, but directly put it into his mind and played it in his will.

What surprised Alok was that this was a memory fragment without an image, which was slightly different from the previous contact.

A voice echoed in Alok's mind.

"You went to Mount Vatrice? That's amazing."

"However, I can't answer those questions for you for now. I have to look through the information and study it. By the way, consult my old friend."

"What is certain is that Mount Vatrice is a special place, quite special."

"As for exploring Mount Vatrice with you, um~~~~How about waiting for me to finish fishing?"

Oh my God~~~~Wait until you finish fishing, when.

You don't work in the government anymore, so you can fish forever? ?

I am going through such a dangerous place. I am not a biological child.

If it were Il, he would have come here.

He patted his head and sighed helplessly. Continue to listen.

"It is certain that you are not dreaming now. You are awake. Otherwise, I would not receive the message."

"As for the danger at night. Although I have some inferences, I am not sure. According to the content in your memory, there is a way to avoid it. You can try it."

"This is a method developed by an old friend of mine a long time ago. He is a hypnotist. A method to make people fall asleep quickly. I often used it when I had insomnia before."

Uh~~~ The method of treating insomnia is really the right medicine.

"Lie on the bed, um~~ The floor is also OK. Try to relax. Don't think about things that make you sad or happy, or cause strong psychological and emotional reactions. Recall what you resist."

"For example, the dance class you hate the most. Or books in the language of the ancient Hutt Empire. For girls, it is recommended to recall math textbooks with strong logic. Never divert your attention to other places, and you can fall asleep quickly."

Uh~~~~ This is also a method? ? ?

Are you kidding me!

I thought it was some extraordinary method.

That's it? ? ?

Richie's voice suddenly became awkward, and he continued:

"Ahem. Now I'll introduce a ritual magic about dreaming. It can make people dream quickly, not fall asleep."

"It's actually very simple. You just need to silently recite the name of a demigod who is relatively famous in the Kingdom Alliance. Then pray to Him to let you dream. He is a goddess deeply loved by many female friends."

"Lie flat on the bed, fold your arms around your chest. Start praying."

"The prayer is as follows:

The nemesis of hair loss and dark circles,

The goddess with beautiful face and radiant spiritual power,

The guardian of sleep and dreams

The goddess of dreams - Diana.

I pray for your protection, pray for your mercy, and pray for the arrival of dreams.

Let me have a beautiful face and radiant spirit like you when I wake up again.


Hmm? ? ? ?

What kind of god's name is this?

It's like a joke. It's not sacred at all.

Hmm? ? ?

Also, what does the "hu~hu~hu~" at the end mean?

Could it be that you fell asleep, father? ! !

What the hell? ?

Is it so powerful? ?

His face was covered with black lines, and he was speechless.

After seeing Richie did not respond, Alok scratched his head helplessly. A little overwhelmed.

This is really unreliable! !

Although you, father, have always given me a reliable feeling, why today~~~

Forget it. You can sleep.

It is better to rely on yourself than on others.


Night soon fell again.

This time, they chose to spend the night in a valley.

There was a stream in front of the camp, which was also composed of spiritual particles.

And behind it was a whole piece of flat land.

Although it was a bit hard, it was better than stone.

According to Dud, this was already deep in Mount Vatrice, a rare place that was relatively safe at night.

And the closer to the center of the mountain, the more dangerous it was.

Of course, Dud would not take Alok to the mountain with "spirits" that he was curious about.

Because the area was more dangerous than the outer edge of the mountain, and the transportation was becoming more and more difficult, there were no aboriginals.

So, they could only make do here.

Fortunately, there was no need to stand guard at night, because there were no dangerous animals in the wild. There would be no one except themselves.

Loneliness and silence were the main colors here.

When they first entered the mountain, they could occasionally see some birds or lizards on the rocks. Now, only grass and shrubs are alive.

The night in the mountains comes earlier, and it gets dark soon.

After dinner, the few people put out the bonfire. Just like you can't talk loudly at night, you can't light a bonfire.

On the way, Alok seemed to have figured out this problem. Is it because he is afraid of disturbing the rest of the spirits on the mountain?

Gradually, only the golden and black particle ribbons were entangled in the starry sky. The thick fog also came again.

Alok failed to get more information, and he didn't dare to stay awake. Fear of unknown dangers. The strange fish in the sea of ​​spiritual power.

Helplessly, he tried to recite the prayer that Richie told him:

"The nemesis of hair loss and dark circles,

The goddess with beautiful face and radiant spiritual power,

The guardian of sleep and dreams

The goddess of dreams-Diana.

I pray for your protection, pray for your mercy, and pray for the arrival of dreams.

Let me have a beautiful face and radiant spirit like you when I wake up again."

Then, he suddenly felt that he had blacked out.

To be precise, he might not feel it, because he had lost all memory.

Only darkness enveloped him.

But different from the cold outside, this darkness was a little warm, like sleeping in a warm quilt in the middle of winter.

Alok unconsciously wrapped himself in the quilt. He even covered his head. So that the cold outside would not invade the quilt.

It would be great if there was a hot water bottle.

As he was thinking about it, he suddenly felt a hot and soft thing under his feet.

Putting this thing on the cold feet was like soaking in a hot spring.

It was so refreshing!!!

"It's time to get up! Brother."

Just as he was dreaming, an inappropriate voice suddenly sounded in his ears. He couldn't help but frown.

Damn, which idiot.

I still want to sleep. When I get up, I will definitely knock her head off.

The quilt was shaking violently. He kept insisting. After a long time, it was finally pulled off by someone. Then he opened his huge black-gold vertical pupil with a gloomy face.

"Il? Why are you waking me up?"

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