The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 322: Alok's Small Treasury

"The sun is shining on your butt. Why don't you get up? Of course I'm here to call you?" El said, tilting his head and clasping his waist with his hands.

Elok's mood was a bit gloomy, but seeing that it was El, he stopped delving further.

He looked outside at the weather. But found that it was suddenly covered by dark clouds. Just like his gloomy mood, it seemed like it was going to rain.

Surrounded by the familiar captain's cabin of the Ghost Pirate Ship. He is sitting on that throne. Wearing Captain Jack Sparrow's iconic coat and three-cornered hat.

El was wearing a small dark blue dress and short leather boots. It didn't look like he was here for an outing.

Why do I think of outings? Um?

"Why are you going?" he asked with a slight frown.

"Go shopping for clothes. A lot of nice clothes." El said happily. She even turned around and showed off her dark blue dress.

Alok responded with some annoyance: "Then you go find Lorna. Why are you looking for me? I'm not a walking clothes hanger."

"Who asked you to go with me? I came to you to ask for money. I have no money to buy clothes. I will lend you some first and return it to you later." El said with a slight raised eyebrow.

It seems that it is natural for the brother to give his sister money to buy clothes.

There seems to be nothing wrong with it. But why do I feel so weird?

Isn’t all my money in your pocket? Except for the private money kept in the little bear's body.

Elok frowned and glanced back and forth at El. She looked a little uncomfortable.

"Didn't I give you all my money? Where is the other money?"

"How is that possible? You obviously didn't give it to me. Tell me, where did you put the rest of the money?" El said loudly, his eyes widening as if he was examining Alok.

Alok was immediately defeated and said: "Okay, okay. There is indeed a little more, at the little bear's place."

Like a magic trick, he grabbed a little bear from the space on the right, and then grabbed his bag of gold coins from the bear's chest. Passed it to El. He said with some helplessness and reluctance:

"That's it, save some flowers."

"Okay. Thank you, brother." El said happily and jumped away.

Elok shook his head, yawned, and fell asleep again on the captain's chair.

. . . . . .

In the early morning, the fog had just dissipated, and Elok had not yet woken up.

Beside a mountain stream.

Dodd was filling a kettle with water and whispered to Danis:

"His dream was very strange. I spent a lot of effort to get in. I used the image of his most trusted person and only asked a few questions before hurriedly coming out. If I continued to ask questions, he would be suspicious. Something bad will happen if you wake up.”

"In the dream, his entire head was filled with huge pupils. From the perspective of dream science, this should represent a strong desire for knowledge and exploration."

"His valuables were on his stuffed animal. The little bear."

Danis exclaimed softly and said, "That little talking bear. I knew it would not be simple."

When Duode saw that the kettle was full, he closed the lid. He didn’t say anything else and said directly:

"Yeah. In that case, let's do it tonight."


On the road, Alok was still thinking hard about last night's dream. But I didn’t understand the special meaning of this dream.

Could it be that I have done too many things to hurt El? Or do I want to go back to being Captain Jack Sparrow?

I didn't do anything wrong either.

Instead, El, you have to ask yourself. How many times have you tricked me?

In short, he didn't understand this.

But the prayer Rich gave him really worked.

Instant fragmentation. Even if you hit yourself on the head with a beer bottle, that's it.

It looks like I will never experience insomnia again.

However, although it seemed that no problems were found last night, it could not be regarded as a gainless outcome.

At least, since falling asleep. There is no danger anymore.

This is a message.

It's indeed very strange.

Why is there no danger when sleeping, or dreaming? ?

But when you are awake, you may be corroded or swallowed by nightmares?

Logically speaking, it should be the opposite.

I remember that before I fell asleep the day before yesterday, without dreaming, I was inexplicably eroded. It was silent, I didn't even know when it happened.

But last night, I was in a more dangerous central area, but it had no impact because I had a dream while sleeping.


He no longer struggled with these unanswerable questions, but began to observe his surroundings carefully.

The environment here has changed again. We were at the foot of the small mountain peak covered by clouds.

Encountering streams on the road has become a common occurrence.

It seems that the stream does flow from here.

Is the mountain where the ‘spirit’ is located right here?

Unfortunately, most of the mountains beside us were obscured by clouds, making it difficult to see clearly.

There must be a secret on the top of the mountain! ! ! There must be some secrets in the mountains over there! !

This was the strongest thought in his mind.

"Is that where the mountain with the 'spirit' is?" Alok asked Danis softly while looking at the changing clouds over there.

Danis turned back to look at Alok, shrugged, and replied in a relaxed tone:

"Who knows? No one knows where the legendary mountain is? Maybe Dodd knows, but he won't tell us."

Eluoke simply shrugged his shoulders and stopped asking Duode.

The sun was already shining directly, and the goat climbed a low hill in front.

Eluoke originally thought that he would make some supplies and rest here. But Duode didn't have that intention.

He whispered:

"We won't rest at noon today. Otherwise, we won't be able to reach the next destination at night."

Eluoke didn't believe him. He must not want me to continue observing those peaks.

There must be secrets there. Duode confirmed this.

Maybe it's a secret treasure of the gods, or a divine weapon? Maybe it's a treasure.

For example, the mist treasure of the mysterious sea.

What is this called? The cloud treasure of Mount Vatric?

I'm really a genius at naming.

I'll write a travelogue later to record my experiences.

Compared to when I was level 2, I'm more like an explorer now.

This section of the mountain road is getting steeper and steeper, so that Alok can't even eat well.

There are mountain walls with a slope of at least 70 degrees all around. Goats can walk on it as if it were flat ground. Although they don't run as fast as on flat ground, they won't be that slow.

Another strange thing for Alok is that the spiritual power environment here seems to have changed a little. And the material world has also become a little different.

This aroused Alok's curiosity again.

To describe it in the words of my previous life, it's like a picture, but the pixels have become lower.

The corners of rocks and streams have become clearer. They are particularly prominent. If you have used a certain picture to modify the photo, the sharpness has increased.

The colors around have become more distinct and the contrast has increased.

In addition, no matter what it is, whether it is rocks, streams, or the bushes over there. Even your own hands and Danis over there.

As long as you stare at it for a long time, there is always a sense of illusion. It's a bit like being mosaiced. It's a bit like the snow pattern when the TV signal is not good.

It seems that there are particles flowing back and forth inside the object.

And this phenomenon, the closer to those mountains towering above the clouds, the more obvious it is.

Alok was convinced of the unusualness of this place again.

He had some inferences, but he was not sure.

The objects here tended to be more spiritual!!

Those particles were spiritual particles.

Although this was difficult for ordinary people to understand, the environment of Mount Vatrics made Alok think in that direction involuntarily.

Whether it was during the day, the sea of ​​spiritual power was similar to the material world; or the material world at night was similar to the sea of ​​spiritual power.

Here, it seemed that the two were mixed together. There was spiritual power in the material, and there was matter in the spirit.

A wonderful scene.

This kind of landscape only lasted for a short time. He was taken away from this area by Duode.

He looked back at the scene behind him. He seemed not satisfied with the observation of this time. But he didn't want to possess the sheep.

The scenery behind him was nothing special, and it looked no different from the surroundings from the outside.

It seemed that nothing had happened just now.

The rocks were still rocks, and the clouds were still clouds.

The world returned to normal.

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