Chapter 4

They didn't say much, but took action directly.

That is to directly use force to solve the problem.

It is not that there are no extraordinary people on board the Deep Sea Storm. The captain is a third-level ocean scholar. But even so, it is obviously not comparable to the well-prepared blackskins.

Before the captain could resist, Heipigan, the leader, was already on the ground.

It was a fourth-level judge, carrying a pistol as a weapon. It's not a black-leather standard, but an unknown extraordinary item.

Seeing the sailors around him being killed quickly, he raised the corner of his mouth and said to himself to the fainting captain:

"I have said it all. I have the right to take coercive measures. You are still resisting. Alas~~~"

Hmm~~ But you don’t give people the right to answer?

Ha~~~It’s really ridiculous.

Alok was somewhat dismissive of this black man. But he still resisted the urge to curse and continued to look down.

Soon, only a few black skins were left standing on a boat. They also directly killed ordinary people. Only the captain was left alive.

A Heipi ran up to the leader Heipi with a few pieces of extraordinary materials, held them up in the sky as if to ask for credit, and said loudly:

"Everyone gets the stolen goods. A batch of treasured wildlife products."

A smile appeared on the leader's black-skinned face, and he said loudly:

"Okay!!! Clean up the scene and close the team. Take this criminal to prison. Everyone will get the stolen goods. Let's see what else he can say."

Hey~~~This is to find a high-sounding reason for joining the team!

He really takes the "law enforcement" to the extreme by hook or by crook! !

How disgusting!

But now it's fine, and I have proof.

And he also left behind key witnesses, these are your tail.

I wonder how big of a wave such evidence can stir up? ?

The black men moved quickly and moved all the goods in the cabin to their own ship one by one. In the end, the Deep Sea Storm sank in the Levitt River, as if nothing had happened.

Hey~~I really have you.

The only shortcoming is that your knowledge is still a bit short-sighted. Everything you do will be remembered in history. All history seems like a naked woman, ready to be slaughtered in front of a high-level historian.

Although I am not a high-level historian, I have the help of my father, Rich.

No wonder there is no record of the Deep Sea Storm on Pier 2. No wonder the compass pointed me to this place.

The answers to these questions have been found.

But then another problem arises.

How did the blackskins know that the Deep Sea Storm would appear in this place in the middle of the night? ?

Why did they search the Deep Sea Storm with a determined attitude, as if they knew directly that there would be a large amount of extraordinary materials on this ship? ? ?

Who leaked the secret? ? Or is it divination? ?

There are still many unanswered questions.

Maybe we have to find these black skins to find the answer.

Now his mission is to find evidence that the black men are greedy for these extraordinary materials.

At that time, it will really be said that "everyone has gained the stolen goods", and these clues are enough for them to drink a pot.

A sinister smile appeared on his face, and then he stored this memory in his will.

Then, he opened the door to the captain's cabin and said loudly to Roger who was watching the wind at the door:

"Return. Return to Pier 6."


Returning to the shore, Elok set off again without stopping.

The next thing will be much simpler. Since I have found the memory about the leader Hei Pi, it will be much easier to find him and Hei Pi.

Input the world's memory about the leader Black Skin into the compass and follow the same method. Sure enough, after two crazy rotations, the compass opened and showed a clear direction.

He looked at the direction of the pointer.

Hmm~~Direction to the Garosan Police Station, probably at work.

It’s not easy to handle. You can’t rush in directly. It would be more appropriate to wait until he gets off work and block him in front of his house.

So, he fiddled with the pointer and chose to use the compass in reverse, retracing the path the black man took.

Following the pace of the pointer, Alok shuttled from the Garossen District to the Elizabeth District, and then crossed through the Elizabeth District, until he finally reached the villa area where Benjamin went.

This surprised Alok. Could he be a noble? ? Or rather a very wealthy guy.

It’s really profitable to be a gangster! ! ! !


He looked at the villa in front of him with some emotion in his heart.

Although it is located on the outskirts of Benjamin District, owning a small independent villa in this place is definitely not something that a black man who depends on his salary can afford.

I don’t know how much was looted.

Forget it, come in and be a guest.

He looked around and cast yesterday's hidden form again, using the transformation spell to change his image. Luo Luo appeared gracefully on the deserted street.

Wearing a black gentleman's dress, a bowler hat, a silver cane in his hand, and a mustache, he walked slowly to the courtyard door of the villa with gentlemanly steps.

Seeing a doorman sitting in the guard room at the door, Alok walked forward, slowly took off his hat, and said politely:

"Hello. Is the Sheriff here? I've taken the liberty to come and visit."

The guard walked out of the guard room first, took a look at Alok's outfit, and replied:

"The master is not here. Who are you? I'll register you, and I'll report to him when the master comes back."

"Well~~~Okay. By the way, I don't know when the sheriff will come back. Tonight?" Alok frowned slightly and said anxiously.

"I don't know about this either. The master doesn't have an accurate time." The guard did not reveal the whereabouts of his master.

Alok nodded and smiled reluctantly, as a response to the guard, and then turned around and left.

Of course, Alok's purpose was not to ask questions in person. His purpose was just to make the guard remember something by asking questions, so that he could capture his memory in a shorter time, and yesterday's reappearance could play a better role.

The answer he got from the guard's memory was: the sheriff's name was Yoris Gavin, he went home on time at 7 o'clock every night, and rested on weekends, but if there was an emergency mission, it was not certain.

From this point of view, what the guard said was not wrong. It was indeed possible.

But the guard didn't have much other information, after all, he was just a guard.

For Alok, this information was enough.

He walked to the street corner and saw that there was no one around. He flashed into the courtyard of the villa.

He used the reappearance of yesterday to cover his whereabouts again, opened the door with the door-opening technique, and walked into the villa with a swagger.

Sitting on the comfortable sofa in the reception room, he personally poured himself a cup of hot tea, crossed his legs and meditated while waiting for the prey to come.

In terms of waiting for prey, Alok can be said to be very patient, especially when he knows that the prey will come on time.


It was five minutes after seven in the evening, and Damia had entered the night, with the crescent hanging in the sky and the stars shining.

Yoris Gavin ended a day of easy work.

As a senior old sheriff, and the kind who is close to retirement, he just wants to make a fortune before retirement.

Now he will not do other jobs, only those that are profitable will he rush to do. As active as possible.

Of course, as a senior black man, the police station also gave him face, most of them were brought up by him.

Of course, he would also give his brothers a sip of soup, and he did not do all the jobs that could make money. He looked down on those jobs that made a few hundred gold coins and left them to those little guys.

Let them also marry a wife and buy a house, otherwise the processing department would be in a shortage of successors? ?

This is really a continuation of the same lineage!

The guard kindly opened the gate for him, bowed slightly, and whispered:

"Lord Gavin, a strange man came to visit this afternoon. He looked very anxious, but left in a hurry after hearing that the master was not at home."

"Oh? Really? What's his name?" Yoris Gavin asked in confusion.

"He didn't say it." The guard reported truthfully.

Yoris Gavin thought for a while, and then said directly:

"Well~~Don't worry about it. There are many people like this. Maybe it's one of my relatives. Let him go next time I see him."

"I know, sir." The guard agreed. Then I watched Joris Gavin walk into the villa.

Joris Gavin was not disturbed by this episode. He had a very bad impression of people who came to visit without revealing their names. He must have asked me to come.

He changed his police uniform with the help of the servants, and then walked to the restaurant alone.

Passing by the reception room, a voice caught his attention.

"Sheriff Gavin. You are really punctual!"

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