"Who!" He turned around in panic, but habitually said with dignity.

I saw a young man in a black suit lying comfortably on the sofa in his living room, drinking tea as if no one was around. The oil lamp on the table was very bright, but he didn't turn on other lights.

He quickly understood something and said with certainty: "You are the one who came to see me this afternoon!"

"Not only is he punctual, but he is also very smart." Alok praised.

"Sit down and treat it as your own home. We have to talk, but I will reserve the right to solve the problem violently." He added with a funny expression.

Before Gavin could react, Alok had already made a move before he finished speaking.

I saw a flash of moonlight, but it failed to touch any of Sheriff Gavin's body. Only his shadow on the wall was cut in half.

He didn't even react to what happened until he died, and he didn't even close his eyes when his head rolled on the ground. He died with his eyes open.

However, his face was not terrified, but rather confused and calm.

Only the spurting blood tells the story of the experience here.

Alok calmly put away the Crescent Mark, shook his head and sighed:

"Well~~ You died peacefully, which was a good thing for you. I have said it all. I have the right to take coercive measures. You are still resisting. Alas~~~"

"What do I call this?? Learn from the barbarians to defeat the barbarians?? Give them a taste of their own medicine?? Tsk tsk tsk, it can be said that he died a worthy death!"

He quickly cleaned up the scene, packed the corpse transformation spell and put it into Il's pocket, and then quickly cleaned up the historical memory of the scene. Cut off all the servants' memories of themselves in this manor, and then cut off all their memories of Sheriff Gavin tonight.

In this way, a crime scene is cleaned up. Except for a pool of blood on the ground that Alok can't do anything about, there is absolutely no other clues.

Fingerprints? Tea? Body temperature? Footsteps?

Well~~ Everything is a fantasy of Alok's transformation spell, what can be found? ?

Even Alok's people are fake. What can be found?

He smiled slightly, very satisfied with his decisive attack.

If he hadn't acted without martial ethics before the enemy could react, it might have taken a lot more time. The situation would have gotten out of control, and it was inevitable that some evidence would have been left. But now there was only a pool of blood, who knew who did it? ?

To deal with the enemy, you must use any means necessary. Especially enemies who have the ability to resist.

A fourth-level judge. Not a bad harvest.

He clapped his hands, then turned gorgeously, and the phantom disappeared on the spot.


Back to the Dark Night Rose, it was the time when there were the most guests. It happened that Alok hadn't eaten either, so he pretended to drink tea all afternoon to make his stomach empty.

He ordered a free dinner casually, found a seat and sat down, playing with the crystal in his hand.

The crystal with a faint glow in the white was really beautiful, but it was a pity that it had to be traced back and then looked for evidence.

This still required the use of the compass with the "memory tracking technique" skill.

Use the memory found on the river to attract, use the principle of gravity to evoke the resonance inside this crystal, and then collect those scattered memories. You can get the relevant memory. So as not to waste this crystal.

According to the price, this crystal needs one or two thousand gold coins.

Well~~~ Thinking about it, my heart hurts a little!!

Forget it, I can't catch the wolf without sacrificing the child, and I will return all of them to me when the time comes.

But it doesn't seem to cost me much, after all, I got this crystal by killing others.

Who cares, it's all mine anyway!!

As soon as he said it, Alok didn't care about the drunkards and dating couples here. In their eyes, Alok was like an invisible man, and his eyes were focused on the person opposite.

Alok activated his extraordinary ability and carefully searched for any useful clues in the judge's memory.

A small piece of memory caught his attention.

It was a memory of a few days before the incident. The weather looked bleak in autumn and rainy.

He sat in his office and looked at several documents in front of him. The one on top was titled "Specific Plan for Strengthening the Implementation of the Protection Law".

He simply flipped through it several times and signed his name casually.

The door was suddenly knocked, and a young dark-skinned man walked in and said respectfully:

"Sheriff Gavin, there is a visitor."

Hearing this, Gavin's eyes lit up, as if he understood who the visitor was. He suddenly stood up and said with a hint of expectation in his tone:

"Please invite the Earl in and serve tea."

He quickly walked out from behind his huge desk and walked to the door, ready to welcome him in person.

He opened the door, and a familiar figure appeared in front of Alok.


His pupils shrank, and he knew who was the source of the leak without having to read on.

Gavin's serious face instantly turned into a smile, as if he had met an old friend, and he opened his arms and said:

"Lord Burke, you are our honored guest. I am looking forward to seeing you."

"Sheriff Gavin is joking. You are my honored guest." Ken Burke responded with a smile.

Sheriff Gavin quickly closed the door tightly, and then went to the sofa for the reception with Count Burke, personally lit a cigar for him, and said with a smile:

"Your Majesty, the Earl, has been promoted recently, and I have to rely on you to take care of things at the port. I am not a noble person. I wonder what your Earl's instructions are?"

Earl Bock waved his hand seemingly casually and said:

"Where can I instruct your Extraordinary Events Processing Department? I'm just here to visit. We have different systems."

"Why can't you command? If you have any information, why don't we investigate based on the intelligence?" Sheriff Gavin hinted.

Earl Bock took a puff of cigarette, blew out a smoke ring, lay half on the sofa, and said casually:

"Hey, there are no instructions. But the Protection Law must be implemented properly. Especially the port, which is now the hardest-hit area. We have to crack down hard, and we are keeping a close eye on it everywhere."

As if he heard what Earl Burke said, Sheriff Gavin sat up straight in confusion and asked:

"Oh? Why, are there people smuggled in from abroad at the port?"

"Who says it must be smuggled? It might be domestic." Earl Bock said with a smile.

"How do you say that?" Sheriff Gavin was a little confused.

Earl Bock is in charge of smuggling and import and export trade. He can't control anything that doesn't involve smuggling.

"I heard that a batch of goods that violates the provisions of the Protection Act is on the Levitt River. It will probably arrive at night in two days. The quantity should be quite terrifying." Earl Bock said casually in a chatty tone.

"Oh, it's a pity that I can't control it. But your Extraordinary Incident Processing Department must be fine. I'm coming over right now?"

Sheriff Gavin was shocked in his heart, but his face seemed calm, and he asked in a somewhat surprised tone:

"Oh? Earl Burke is really good at benefiting all things without arguing. Where did this news come from?"

"Hahaha. I can't tell you this. Everyone always has some special channels." Earl Bock said with a smile.

Chief Gavin already had his own judgment in his heart. That's the news from the temple.

It is recognized that Earl Burke is a member of the temple. But he is also a nobleman. So sometimes you have to avoid it.

The meaning of this is already obvious, this must be the news from the temple.

It seemed that the temple didn't want to deal with this matter, so it was left to me.

The question is why the temple is unwilling to take care of it?

After thinking about this clearly, he asked with some confusion: "Where did this come from? What is it?"

Earl Burke took a serious look at Sheriff Gavin, sat on the sofa, and said with a mysterious smile:

"Mysterious Sea specialty from the south. Hey, that's all I can say."

Mystic Sea Specialties, South.


In other words, the goods of Archduke Dror.

No wonder the temple doesn't want to care.

Lord Dror was considering defecting to Eton in the north.

He immediately understood what Earl Burke meant. But he was lost in thought.

This is indeed a bit hot, as Grand Duke’s food is not so delicious.

But the value of these goods is too high.

Taking advantage of the protection law, eat it without leaving any traces.

Create some favorable evidence. Even if Archduke Dror asked him later, we would still be able to tell him something.

After all, everyone is equal before the law.

After thinking for a long time, the young police officer didn't even know he was served tea.

After a while, he suddenly raised his head and said solemnly:

"I understand. The "Protection Law" is just coming out, so it must be implemented with the strictest means!!"

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