The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 492 Closing the Net (Part 3)

As if he was tired of being bitten by the mosquitoes in front of him, the repeated attacks failed to effectively kill Elok, making the binder lose patience.

He also decided to use a big move.

The binder was not originally a completely combat profession, and many skills tended to be auxiliary and research. This made their offensive means extremely limited.

But at this moment, he had to prepare a big move that he was not familiar with - catharsis.

He gathered his spirit and let the tentacles around him surround him, posing a defensive posture.

The will body continued to shrink, and then continued to expand, like a balloon about to burst.

After a while, he finished chanting the prayer and the spell. A flood of mental power rushed into all the tentacles.

Countless tentacles swelled up and squeezed everything in the net.

But at this moment.

A sound of elven text that he had never heard of appeared in the world, and a clear stream of mental power suddenly broke the restrictions of the "mental power net" and rushed straight to the sky of the mental power sea.

The star world seemed to have heard the call, and a purple heart of perseverance suddenly shone brightly. A dark purple light descended. At first, the light was very small, but then it grew larger as it descended.

The ribbon-like light turned into a flood that was released from the sky, colliding with the huge net on the sea of ​​spiritual power.

If you look from the sky of the sea of ​​spiritual power, you can see a ripple like a shock wave spreading from the center.

The "net" broke. But it formed a tighter and stronger network.

The last mark of the fourth level was engraved on Alok's star body.

There was a purple light flashing in his eyes, and it suddenly flashed and disappeared in the spiritual power net.

There was no place for the binding master to "vent".

At this time, the binding master also fell into a short period of weakening after casting the skill, and Alok seized the opportunity.

"Yesterday is back."

The light suddenly appeared in the night sky of Damia, and it was as dazzling as the sun at this moment.

Elok seized this brief moment and entered bullet time. The radiance of the crescent moon under the blessing of the crescent mark flashed with the slashing shadow.

Then, he squatted on the ground motionlessly, frowning.

It was not because the man never looked back at the explosion, but because he felt a pressure from the inside out.

This was the price of giving it a try.

The mental network was definitely not a level 4 skill. It was forcibly blended into his astral body, and now it produced a tearing pain. From the inside out, from the heart.

He half-knelt on the ground, holding the crescent mark tightly in his hand and inserting it into the ground to support his weight, so that he would not fall down.

That force began to rage on his astral body, causing a crack in his entire astral body. The engraved mark began to destroy everything with its fangs and claws.

What destroyed Elok was also the extremely twisted will. The mark inserted into Elok's astral body seemed to be the strongest erosion, constantly attacking Elok's entire will body.

But he would never give in. He gritted his teeth and silently chanted the queen's name.

"The King of Elves

The Moon that Dominates the Dark Night

The Queen of Stars in the Star Realm - Emma Lis

The cold wind sings the elves' praises,

The silvery snow is your tears of mercy,

The twinkling stars are your people.

I pray for your protection, and pray for your protection of your devout believers."

The cold wind whistled past, and the snow that had accumulated for many days finally fell. The dark clouds seemed to have opened a hole, and a bright moon suddenly jumped out of the sky.

Like a naughty girl, shining on the earth.

But the bright moon only appeared for a moment and hurriedly hid under the dark clouds.

However, the star realm has changed a lot.

This is no longer the territory of the God of Order. The huge moon blocks countless stars, making the originally bright stars dim.

The moonlight spreads across the sea, also shining on Alok.

He felt a comfortable warmth caressing his star spirit body from the outside.

With trembling hands, he entered a state of deep meditation in accordance with the warm moonlight.

He gently stroked his astral body, comforting it, calming it, and making the originally swollen mark like a docile kitten.

He exhaled lightly, letting his originally tense heart gradually relax.

The short-term problem was solved, and there were probably long-term problems.

Forget it, don't think about it for now. The battle is not over yet.

He came back to his senses from the state of deep meditation. The bright moon above the astral world had disappeared, and the night was still as dark as ink.

Under the astral vision, the battle was coming to an end, but his mission was not over yet, and he could not let his mind go.

He turned his back and transformed the corpse on the ground into a wooden block and put it in a separate corner of Il's pocket.

There were already a lot of materials that Il had looted and the bodies of the enemies he had killed.

Alok did not hesitate, turned around and disappeared in the battlefield in a flash.


In the palace of Kafka District.

When the battle was in full swing outside, it was full of luxury inside.

The youngest and most beautiful singers of Damia were invited to sing on the stage, and the band playing music was all well-known.

Everyone at the party was dressed in a decent manner, wearing dazzling rings on their hands. The most precious fox fur was draped on their shoulders.

But the star tonight was obviously not everyone in the audience.

Kafka XI on the stage was the focus of everyone's attention.

Of course, the Sixth Princess beside him was also very eye-catching. She was probably the dream goddess in every man's heart.

It is a pity that the Sixth Princess is average looking, and only those gorgeous appearances can set off her beauty. Of course, this is not important in the eyes of men.

What they love is the Sixth Princess's heart.

Everyone who comes to pay respect to the Sixth Princess will leave compliments. This makes the Sixth Princess very happy.

She wears a thumb-sized diamond ring on her finger, and her "baby fat" face is filled with a smile that has never been seen before. It seems that the men in the audience are his prey.

The antique jewelry on her neck is a thousand years old. It is said that it was once worn by Princess Diana. So it is worth a hundred times.

With such a background, the Sixth Princess can even overshadow the brilliance of her father, Kafka XI.

Of course, after Kafka XI announced an important news, everyone present became a comedian. It is not a drama but a comedy.

"I have to congratulate my daughter here. Ms. Katharina Jean Kafka. From tomorrow on, she will no longer be alone."

"Today, even if my daughter is an adult, it is also the most important moment in her life. I will betroth my most lovely daughter Katharina Jean Kafka to Grand Duke Staunton Eaton Pester Sirivus."

"I have to bless you, my dear daughter. I wish you happiness in the days to come. You are my pride, my dear daughter. You are my most precious baby."

A happy smile appeared on Kafka XI's wrinkled old face. I don't know whether it is true or false.

But no matter what, such shocking news directly made everyone at the scene silent, and you could hear a pin drop.

Even the sixth princess was stunned.

The sixth princess and Grand Duke Eaton are engaged? ? ?

Anyone who hears this news can only react first.

"How is this possible??"

Especially those who are familiar with the internal struggles of the royal family and the temple. It is even more incredible.

First of all, it is a blood relationship issue. Grand Duke Eaton is the brother of Kafka XI. Although they are extremely distant relatives, they are of the same generation. How can he marry his niece? ?

The second is that Grand Duke Eaton is from the Axiom Temple. Now the Axiom Temple and the Order Temple are fighting each other. How can there be a marriage? ?

The most unbelievable thing for everyone present is Count Otto and Professor Palmer.

When they first heard from Grand Duke Dror that there would be a big news tonight, they never thought it was this news.

This has a subversive impact on Count Otto and the entire plan.

First of all, since Grand Duke Eaton chose to marry. It means that Prince Wales is not so useful.

Secondly, Grand Duke Dror's choice has become less important to the pressure on the Order Temple.

In this way, the two cards of overwhelming the royal family and the temple by establishing the protection law have lost their effect.

Professor Palmer and Count Otto both knew this and looked at each other.

"What should we do?" Professor Palmer asked quietly with a calm expression.

"The arrow has been put on the string and has to be shot. We don't know what the royal family means yet. Let's first tell others that we just happened to know the location of Captain Jack." Count Otto answered quietly with a hardened heart.

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