The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 493 Closing the Net (IV) End of Volume

In the sky above Damia, the dark clouds were within reach, and two figures were looming.

One of them had his back to the palace. He was wearing white armor, and his face was square, looking fair and strict. Behind him was a tattered cloak, his hair was black, and only the temples were a little gray. Faint wrinkles appeared at the corners of his eyes, making him look not so young.

The other ghostly black-robed man was blocking the person in front of him face to face.

The whole body of the black-robed man seemed to be non-existent, and the black cloak floated in the wind, unable to reflect any light, as if all the light was swallowed up.

If someone appeared next to him, they would definitely feel the bone-chilling coldness on his body. It was as cold as ice that had been solid for thousands of years.

His entire face was covered in the hood, and only his blood-red eyes flashed in it. A cold and crazy voice came from the black robe:

"Mr. Judge. Let the children play with themselves. Besides, it has no impact on the empire. It's just a group of "cults" fighting each other. Isn't this their internal struggle?"

The man named Judge carefully looked at the figure opposite. He didn't dare to determine who the person was.

He didn't answer the question of the person opposite, but his eyebrows suddenly showed a sharp look. It stabbed the black-robed man as sharp as a knife.

In an instant, his eyes widened and he said in disbelief:

"Eleus? Aren't you??"

"Aren't you buried in the List Plain?" Eleus raised his head and said in a cold voice. "Only time will tell people who is the final winner."

"The fool Troy fell. Prometheus fell. Only I am alive." Eleus' crazy voice penetrated the black robe and entered the ears of the judge. So harsh.

The judge's eyes were as sharp as torches, but he still couldn't pierce through the shadow blocking Eleus, but he could see his madness through his blood-red eyes.

Eleus, an ancient strong man. He was once a subordinate of the great Prometheus, but betrayed him at a critical moment. This directly led to Prometheus' death in battle.

It is rumored that he was killed by the god of war Troy on the List Plain.

A hybrid extraordinary person of the hunter and the necromancer. He is only one step away from the gods.

It is rumored that he turned to the Queen of Pain after betrayal.

After thinking for a long time, the judge in white battle clothes looked at the location of the Garosan area. A sun rose for a moment and then went out.

He knew that the battle was over. It would be useless to go again.

Besides, his strength was not a little bit worse than Eleus.

He didn't make a sound and disappeared in the night sky in an instant.


Elok glanced at the compass in his hand. The direction of the pointer was constantly changing. He hurriedly chased after him.

Ten minutes ago, he received a message from Professor Palmer that sounded a little uncalm.

"That Mobius left. He hurriedly."

Only one sentence, but it gave Alok the order to act.

He took out the compass and input his most precious memory into it. Looking for the trace of Tiloni Qi Mobius.

In his sight, he could already see the star spirit body with soft white light and golden light.

That was the image of an astrologer.

A wicked smile appeared at the corner of Alok's mouth, and he leaned against the street lamp in the dim light. Waiting for the prey to come.


The hurried footsteps appeared at the corner of the Elizabeth district, making a creaking sound on the thin snow.

Turning a corner, the footsteps stopped abruptly.

He stood under the street lamp, looking at the figure in the distance who was also leaning against the street lamp. But a look of relief suddenly appeared on his face.

He panted and stood up straight. Swallowed his saliva. He said calmly:


"Mr. Worker. I'm honored that you still remember me." Alok's mouth showed a strange smile of achievement.

He adjusted his triangular pirate hat, stood up, and walked to the center of the road. Like a cowboy at a duel.

The sound of "da~da~da~" was like the announcement of the god of death. The heartbeat of "Worker" could not help but speed up.

"Fate has brought us together again. Mr. Worker." Alok lowered his head and said like a charlatan.

"I knew this day would come." He said relieved.

"Did the temple make you despair?" Alok asked doubtfully. "Is it me who made you despair?"

"I knew there would be a day of judgment." He muttered to himself. As if he had unloaded the last worry.

The cane he held tightly in his hand was thrown on the snow.

He raised his head, hoping to see the starry sky that he had longed for in his life.

Unfortunately, only snowflakes fell.

The betrayer did not have this right.

The fog began to cover the street. The world seemed to have lost its sound.

When everything was silent, only the chirping sound could be heard in the ear. It was the waves of the sea of ​​spiritual power.

Alok saw the opportunity, and the crescent moon flashed. The crescent mark that was originally 100% sure to not miss, but somehow deviated, and passed by the "worker".

It made Alok stumble.

It was normal for some food to appear in the body that was not very coordinated.

He comforted himself in this way. Then he turned his head and looked in the direction of the worker.

He disappeared.

Alok hurriedly became nervous and took out his compass again to find the direction.

West! Benjamin District!

He turned his head and looked. He flashed and chased after the worker again.

Because his body was not coordinated now, Alok chose to use his clone to chase, and he hung behind.

His clone was a reappearance of history, and he didn't have the problem now.

And he only needed to output mental power. But he couldn't output too much. Lest it cause problems with the will body.

It would be difficult to deal with the relapse of the disease that had finally stabilized.

From a distance, Alok saw the figure of the worker again, and he flashed to chase him again.

Unexpectedly, the flash seemed to have a little problem.

When Alok emerged from the door, he found that there was a deviation in the distance between him and the destination. Instead, he was farther away from the worker.

This surprised Alok.

But he understood that it must be the skill of the astrologer that caused this problem. His luck was weakened. One of the means of the astrologer.

Since the flash didn't work, he chose to run away.

In terms of flexibility, few professions can compare with pirates.

His body turned into moonlight again, and he caught up with the worker at a very fast speed.

Targeting luck, what if it is a targeted skill?

"Plunder!" Alok's phantom stretched out his right hand and shouted.

Plunder directly grabbed Tiloni Chi Mobius' neck, causing his astral body to stop for a moment.

Alok chose the outermost layer of his astral body, the brightest mark, grabbed it and pulled it out with force.

This should be no problem.

The worker's heart beat suddenly, but he still resisted the urge to fall and continued to run forward desperately.

If you are unlucky, then there is no problem in picking the biggest one. Fortunately, I have astral vision.


What skill is this? ? I want the one that weakens the enemy's luck.

"Advance your own luck."

Well~~ Actually it's not bad. Increasing your own luck is equivalent to weakening the enemy's luck.

Since you found this, use it.

Then, Alok directly advanced his luck for tomorrow.

Just treat it as if it is really useful.

Then he continued to transform into moonlight, using the maximum limit of Alok's mental power output, and a ray of the crescent moon passed through the sky like a bright new moon.

Then, there was another flash. Appeared in the distance.

This time he did not run off. Alok appeared accurately in front of the worker.

He watched the ray of the crescent moon pass through the sky, and in an instant, the worker was cut horizontally.

His lower body ran a few steps, but his upper body had already fallen beside Alok.

Holding the crescent mark, Alok slowly walked to the side of Tiloni Qi Mobius, showing a devilish smile, and slowly said:

"If fate can't punish you, let me do it."

The worker showed a bleak smile at the corner of his mouth, looked at Alok pitifully and said:

"We are all still in fate. I saw it~~~~"

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