The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 515 Little Bear's Collection

Now, Alok completely replaced the rush with flashing. Although it is not possible to travel long distances, it is not a big problem in Damia City. However, before each flash, he must check the surrounding environment. He does not need to flash to the maximum distance, but he must ensure safety.

In addition, he must also choose the flash location before flashing to avoid some situations that could have been avoided.

He gradually found that there were often artists in the location where he flashed.

Or a wandering street artist sleeping under the bridge, or a noble in a carriage passing by.

This is the gravitational effect brought by the "North Star". He dare not be careless and can only be more cautious.

In him, the principle of gravity has been embodied, and he knows this very well.

The attraction of the same kind makes him have a deeper relationship with the professions of traitor, binder, and assassin. The people around him and his opponents are mostly of these professions.

It can be said that most of his life is also related to these professions.

And now there is another artist.

The effect of gravity is everywhere. If you don't choose the landing point every time, and flash randomly, maybe the next landing point will be at an artist's home.

Maybe, I didn't think of the little bear, but went to the ghost ship to find Roger. Maybe it was the principle of gravity that was at work. He wanted to see Sebastian.

The three principles of the extraordinary world are really unpredictable.

The voice of the North Star is still noisy in my ears. But Alok got used to it after a long time of torture.

Just ignore her.

Hiding in the shadows, Alok judged the landing point for a few seconds again and disappeared on the spot.

Another artist.

She was slowly walking into the door of the Dark Night Rose. It was not clear from a distance.

Alok raised his eyebrows and flashed for the last time, appearing in the Dark Night Rose store.

There are many artists in the human world, especially in places like Damia with a strong artistic atmosphere. But it is difficult for artists to upgrade to level 4. Even Alok has never seen a level 4 artist in Damia.

This is a strange profession. Maybe the Queen blocked the upgrade channel from level 3 to level 4, or maybe it is the natural barrier of the artist profession. The change from level 3 to level 4 is a very abrupt change, abruptly moving from the field of art to the field of the moon.

If you don’t get the recognition of the moon, it is difficult to upgrade.

This is why artists have reached the end of level 3.

However, if you are a devout believer of the moon, it is not impossible. For example, Sebastian.

Alok carefully looked at the woman who just entered the store, and suddenly felt a little familiar. I don’t know where I have seen her.

A first-level artist. Sitting at the bar, drinking alone.

She has long light golden hair, big waves, and outstanding temperament. The thick but not bloated coat on her body reveals her elegant figure.

The makeup is not glamorous, nor elegant. But it perfectly shows the contours of her face.

She holds a lady’s slender cigarette in her right hand, and takes a puff from time to time, and then puffs out smoke.

There is a little sadness on her face. Occasionally, the glass of strong gin in her hand is happy. The special aroma of juniper berries made her close her eyes and sniff it occasionally.

The special woody perfume emanated from her body, intertwined with the smell of gin, like an artist's painting.

That was the highest honor for a woman.

Perfumer Grenouille personally blended it. Most people don't understand it. But those who understand it understand it.

Elroc recalled where he had seen it.

In the newspaper, in the auditorium.

Feng, the artist and singer who was in the limelight in Damia. It was a strange name in the Hutt Empire.

Of course, it was just a stage name.

She became famous in the autumn of last year, when the maple leaves were in full bloom.

She named herself "Feng".

Her original name, she didn't remember it herself. She abandoned her past identity. She didn't want to recall the past. It would only bring her pain.

However, even if she forgot it herself, someone else would remember it. There would also be a sea of ​​spiritual power that remembered everything. Elroc also knew her other identity.

Sebastian's ex-girlfriend.

Her lover in college.

Tsk tsk tsk~~ What a coincidence.

Elroc recalled it. A few months ago, he had seen her in the auditorium of Damia. At that time, she was not a very famous singer.

Now is different from the past. She is one of the outstanding female stars in the whole Damia.

However, her face is full of sorrow and pain, sadness and desolation. It is unbearable.

Feng has recently fallen in love with this pub. It is quiet and no one disturbs her. It is great!!

Some dim starlight can't illuminate her face, so she can hide in the dark.

The wine is not expensive. There is no expensive red wine. Most of the wine sold is medium or cheap. But the quality is very good.

She noticed Alok staring at her in the corner in the distance. He crossed his legs lazily and exhaled a puff of smoke. He squinted his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

When Alok saw that his gaze was discovered, he smiled slightly and raised his hat slightly as a greeting. Then he turned and walked upstairs.

He first came to his bedroom and found the little bear at the door.

He gently woke up the little bear, letting him know he was here, and prepared to change his clothes in the dim light of the night lamp next to the bed.

"What's the matter, Master?" The little bear's voice came slowly from behind him, sounding like he had just woken up.

However, this is actually the normal behavior of the little bear.

Alok didn't hesitate and asked directly:

"I have two things to ask you for help. Little Bear, don't you like to collect will body crystals? I want to ask if you have a collection of pirate will body crystals. It's best to have a fourth-level one."

The little bear seemed to be deep in thought, tilting his head and remaining expressionless for a long time, and finally said:

"Hmm~ I forgot. But I can look for it."

Alok was not in a hurry at all. After the little bear finished speaking, he nodded and said with a smile:

"If it is really there, then treat it as if I exchanged it with you. I want to use it."

It had lowered its head, opened the terrifying slit in front of its belly, and reached in, seemingly searching for something. After hearing Alok's words, he just said softly:

"No problem, Master."

I don’t know how many little bears there are in the collection. Perhaps because of the little bear’s slow-moving nature, it looked for a long time. After a while, it raised its head, with a terrifying smile on its face, and said as if asking for credit from Alok:

"I found it. Master. You see~~although it's level three."

Then, he looked at the crystal with a little disappointment and stopped smiling.

A crystal with a pale white background and shining with chaotic light appeared in the little bear's hand. It carefully wrapped the crystal with a bandage and held it in front of Alok.

Seeing this, Alok's eyebrows suddenly became filled with surprise. He took the pirate's crystal, gently touched the little bear's head, and praised:

"You are truly the best partner I have ever seen. Level three is enough. Don't worry, I won't ask for you in vain. I'll trade with you."

He smiled in surprise, put the crystal into his pocket, and at the same time took out a will body crystal with purple twisted light from his pocket.

That was the crystallization of the fifth-level Mage Binding. It was Elok's last trophy.

He handed the crystal to the little bear, patted its head and said:

"Here you go. This is yours."

"This is not quite the same." Little Bear took the crystal with some embarrassment.

Alok smiled comfortingly and said:

"No, the value of crystals does not entirely lie in the level. Does the significance of your collection lie in the level?"

"Of course not. I like crystals with special meanings." It replied simply.

"The special meaning of this piece is that I defeated it with my own hands." Alok stuffed the crystal into the little bear's bandage.

Then, regardless of Little Bear's dull eyes, he continued:

"Even if I changed it. Now I want to trouble you with the second thing. I want to make a few extraordinary weapons. I hope you can help my sister with the binding method. I will pick you up after that."

Little Bear looked at the crystal in his hand. Hearing the words, he put the crystal into his chest. Then he raised his head and looked at Alok with a slight tilt. His dark eyes flashed and he said:

"Of course. When?"

"Now." Alok said.

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