The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 514: You can only come up with ideas after drinking

Then, he put away his magical power. He removed the mental network and completely cut off the history of yesterday's reappearance. He took adequate precautions to prevent his previous words from leaking to Hei Pi.

Then, he politely took off his hat and greeted Count Otto, then disappeared into the restaurant with Florian in a flash.

Knowing the current situation gave Alok a sense of the bottom line. He also had the next action target.

Find a venue, make equipment, and find a way to find a crystal of the pirate's will.

Coming to a secluded corner, Alok said to Florian next to him:

"I'll take you here first. Let's not act together for now. Contact me if you need anything."

"Okay. Do you need my help?" Florian volunteered to ask.

Alok thought for a moment and replied:

"You can show up in public these days, practice your skills, and make preparations. If you want, you can help me find a suitable venue."

"It is best if the venue is a little more open, but there must be civilians nearby. It is best to have a building that already looks very mysterious, but it must be unused. We cannot reveal any flaws. Of course, this is just an ideal state."

"Okay, I will pay attention." Florian replied concisely.

"Well~~ I'm leaving first. There are still some things. Remember to be careful these days. When you show up, others are also staring at you. Be careful," Alok said with some worry.

If Florian encounters danger, it will be the end of the world. The whole plan will collapse.

"Don't worry. I will protect myself carefully." Florian said solemnly.

"That's good." Alok nodded lightly.

He turned slightly and disappeared from Florian's sight in an instant.


In the silent night, an incomplete bright moon hung in the sky. The light illuminated Pier 6.

This was a happy day on the Ghost Pirate Ship, and also a day of celebration.

Of course, they celebrated for the past two days.

Pirates always like to spend money as soon as they make it, until they spend it all.

Why? ?

Because they are not sure if they will live to see tomorrow.

And just yesterday, on his birthday, the stingy Captain Roger just paid a salary.

Tsk tsk tsk~~ It's rare to be generous.

A full 4,000 gold coins were placed on the floor of the captain's room. Let everyone go and collect them one by one. Until they are all collected.

I don't know if it's a lot, but it's quite shocking anyway.

At least it's golden.

And the third mate Sebastian was the one who did the least work and got the most money, but everyone didn't seem to complain.

You won't go against a superhuman, right? Even Roger didn't dare to say much to Sebastian.

"Sebastian, give me a bottle of rum~~~" Roger looked drunk and said loudly while holding a broken wooden wine glass.

Roger was happier these days than his mother's wedding. He was hungover every day.

After all, who wouldn't be excited to have a Level 4 road? ?

Rum is the favorite liquor of pirates. It is cheap and strong enough. It is easier to get drunk than beer.

The southern part of the country has abundant sugarcane production, especially on some tropical islands in the Mystic Sea and the Sea of ​​Palma. A large amount of sugarcane can only be used to brew these sinful drinks.

This makes rum a standing stock for the pirates of Palma.

As the saying goes, "The head can be cut off, the blood can be shed, but the rum cannot be thrown away."

Sebastian, who was next to Roger, seemed reluctant. He didn't know what Roger was crazy about, and he hugged his shoulders and didn't want to let go.

He didn't like the taste of rum very much. It had a very spicy and bitter taste with a lot of impurities. After drinking it, it made his mouth very uncomfortable and his head hurt.

But alcohol also has an advantage, which is that it can keep artistic inspiration flowing.

When people get drunk, they become emotional. Once they become emotional, they will always sigh deeply in the middle of the night. Create unparalleled music.

This is inspiration.

It is something you can only encounter but not seek.

After drinking a few sips of rum, Sebastian was overwhelmed by the strong liquor and burst into tears. He even felt a very dazzling star flickering beside him.

It seemed that the North Star fell on the boat.

He thought it was an illusion. He wiped his hazy eyes. But he saw that the star was getting closer and closer, and he couldn't help but look over there.

"Oh~~ Captain. Why are you here?" He stood up from the recliner unsteadily, holding the armrest behind the chair, and asked in disbelief.

Alok greeted Sebastian, and looked at Roger who was about to fall asleep in the captain's chair and said speechlessly:

"I have something to do with my stupid second mate."

"Well~~~ It seems that he is a little drunk. Do you have cold water? Go to the river to get a basin. I have to cheer him up."

Wine and women are the themes of the dream.

Roger was wearing a luxurious dress, which was his favorite. Unfortunately, he only wore it once.

In his hand was a bottle of champagne that had been aged for many years, one bottle was enough to buy a house. Unfortunately, he only took a sip.

Next to him was a stunning beauty, who was his first love and of course the starting point of his life. At least he enjoyed happiness once. Unfortunately, it was only once.

Tsk tsk tsk tsk~~~ The necessary conditions for a socialite are that the figure and face are equally outstanding, and the clothes and postures are equally bold.

Well~~ All the bad things become beautiful in dreams.

He seemed to have forgotten her name. No matter if she was Xi Lisa or Dong Lisa, she was mine anyway.

The weather in Karame was extremely changeable. Even in the cold winter, there might be a tornado or a tropical storm.

The weather was just sunny, and then cold icy rain fell in an instant.

It hit Roger's face, making him shudder and wake up instantly.

"Who~~~ Damn it. Who woke me up!!" He stood up from the chair staggeringly. Two Captain Jacks appeared in his eyes.

The cold river water soaked him all over, and it was freezing cold in the cold winter night.

"Ship, Captain..." He said shiveringly.

I don't know if it was because of fear or cold.

"I have something to ask you." Alok said calmly at the door of the captain's room.

He didn't wait for Roger's inquiry, because people with hangovers couldn't remember it at all.

He just wanted to tell Roger. And wait for Sebastian to remind him tomorrow.

He ordered directly:

"Please keep an eye on the crystals of the pirate's will. I need a fourth-level pirate crystal. Money is not a problem. I will reimburse you."

"Also, keep an eye on the people who have been in and out of the port recently. The main focus is on people from Eton and the Kingdom of Semite."

"You want to buy a crystal?" Roger asked drunkenly.

"Yes, a pirate's. Fourth level." Alok confirmed.

Roger's movements were open and closed, waving his arms, and he said loudly with a drunkard's loud voice:

"Then why don't you go to Little Bear? Little Bear has too many crystals, and he likes to collect them. What's the point of looking for me? Pirates are pitifully rare. Being a pirate on the sea is not as practical as being a meteorologist."

Perhaps it was the great courage brought to him by the wine that he finally raised his head in front of Alok and simply refused Alok's order. He didn't care about Alok's indifferent eyes at all.

However, he didn't make any contribution at all, at least he gave Alok a way.

Little Bear.

That's right. Little Bear does have the habit of collecting crystals of will. And the more precious it is. The more strange it is, the more I like it.

Even Roger didn't know how many years Little Bear had lived. Who knows what crystals it has collected over the years. When it comes to finding crystals, no one is more likely than Little Bear.

No one is more professional than him.

Little Bear can even recognize the crystals of a traitor at a glance. He can even analyze the person's life and cause of death based on a piece of crystal. It's amazing.

Alok had never thought of Little Bear as a channel before. He subconsciously thought that Little Bear didn't have it, but Roger's reminder made him suddenly enlightened.

He also ignored Roger's disrespectful tone.

He was too lazy to get along with the drunk Roger. After thinking for a while, he said directly:

"Good advice."

He looked at Sebastian and continued: "Remember to remind him tomorrow not to forget to do his job and keep an eye on the people coming to the port."

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