The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 483 Many enemies, even more friends

"Organization? An underground extraordinary organization??" Florian thought about it and asked.

Alok chuckled and replied, "That's right."

He took out the golden key that had been prepared for a long time from his pocket, placed it gently on the table, pushed it to Florian, and continued in a low voice:

"Just like we did in Drol City. We have enemies, but more friends!"

"An organization of extraordinary beings formed under my leadership - Singularity. The purpose is to gather like-minded people and strike a blow against our common enemy."

Florian seemed to be shocked by Elok's words and recalled the past.

His hand unconsciously picked up the golden key and murmured to himself: "Key?"

"Input mental power at a specific time, relax your mind, and enter dreamland with the key. You will reach the party place." Alok said calmly.

He took out another messenger wolf fang, placed it on the table as well, and said:

"A gadget for transmitting information. If you need anything, just input your mental power directly to transmit the information. If there is news about the party, I will also tell you."

Florian held the key tightly, picked up the small wolf tooth, nodded firmly, and replied:


Seeing Florian accepting his invitation, Alok nodded with satisfaction. He patted Florian on the shoulder and took a swig of beer. said:

"Because you will play a very important role in our follow-up plan, Florian. I'm afraid your level is not enough. I specifically asked my father for a third-level knight's secret spell."

"What?" Florian asked in surprise, somewhat in disbelief.

"For the sake of glory, attack with force!" Elok replied seriously. "This is the secret spell. If you have the chance, become a third-level transcendent as soon as possible."

Florian gritted his teeth and nodded vigorously, drank a whole glass of beer, and said with rock-hard eyes:

"I won't hold you back!"

Alok shook his head gently and comforted:

"It's not that I'm afraid that you will be held back. It's that I'm afraid that you will encounter more dangers if you rush ahead."

"We will have an operation later. You will also participate. When the loot is distributed, you will also have a share. But the situation is very complicated, and there are fifth-level or higher extraordinary beings involved. You have to be careful."

"Understood. I will participate after becoming a third-level knight. When?" Florian nodded and asked seriously.

"It is planned to be on the evening of December 31st. There will be a meeting to discuss this issue then." Elok replied.

"You should have a good rest these days. Wait for promotion when you feel very confident. There is no need to rush. It is better to take it slow and steady for Chaofan."

"Don't worry." Florian nodded.

"For the next few days, you will stay at my place. I am now the boss of Dark Night Rose. When you appear on the stage, you will naturally act like a hero. The glory will come back to you. I wonder what Hei Pi's face is like??" Alok Said casually.

"Hahaha~~~" Florian laughed wildly. The depression and anger in my heart are buried deeper, and when they burst out, they will naturally be even more terrifying.

The power contained in his deep eyes is enough to become a flood, which is his belief in regaining glory.

As a glorious knight who regards glory as his life. Being a prisoner is the hardest thing to accept in life.

What's more, he was framed and brought in unfairly.

This is his stain and the thorn in his side.

It's like Elok's freedom. It's something worth defending with your life.

It is the core of will.

In the evening, Florian was very drunk alone, but Alok had nothing to do with it.

In fact, the two of them didn't drink much together, maybe because Florian drank a large glass of strong drink at the beginning.

Or maybe everyone gets drunk even if the wine is not intoxicating.

Airok found a room for Florian to settle down, and then returned to the hall.

I yawned, thinking about something in my mind.

The secret spell given to Florian was indeed what Elok asked Richie for one day ago.

He learned from Palmer's message that Florian could be successfully cast, and made a decision after thinking for a long time.

He has to win people's hearts.

Singularity requires him to have the final say. We cannot allow external forces to unify the world.

Especially the Trappist Order and Castle in the Clouds.

Florian was indeed released, but not entirely without a price.

The price is that Florian and the evidence can no longer be used as political capital. In other words, Florian was released and could not provide evidence identifying Heipi as violating the regulations.

Of course, Alok didn't intend to do this.

Rely on the law and fight against black skin?

Now he is Captain Jack Sparrow. Do you think the Hutt Empire will still impose laws on me?

But since then, Florian's value has been greatly reduced in the eyes of Count Otto.

And I don’t want Florian to be depressed. He is one of the few true friends. The few people you can trust.

I have to make him the mainstay.


"Did it go well?" Count Otto asked calmly while sitting in the reception room when he saw Professor Palmer returning to the manor late at night.

Professor Palmer handed his robe to the maid serving beside him, nodded briefly and replied:

"very smooth."

He sat on the sofa beside Count Otto in the dim light, and continued with some worry:

"But I always feel that I shouldn't do this."

"What?" Count Otto asked doubtfully.

Professor Palmer sighed lightly, frowned slightly and replied:

"Until now, we don't know what Alok is going to do. What is the deeper purpose. He is in the cult. He is even a little crazy."

"Mad Captain Jack." Count Otto muttered.

Professor Palmer raised his head, puzzled and questioning, and continued:

"He joined forces with the most dangerous cult, the Holy Temple. He found the Wolf family, the mortal enemy of Cappadocia. He even kidnapped Prince Wales, and now he doesn't know what he is going to do."

"What is his purpose? Is he really fighting against the cult as he said? Or does he have another purpose? But he doesn't fight against the cult completely, and he is also involved with the Holy Temple."

"Also, where did he get so many connections? Why can he unite them? What is his position? Who does he represent? Who is standing behind him?"

A series of questions really made it difficult for Count Otto to answer. It also made Professor Palmer even more puzzled.

After a long silence, Count Otto smiled bitterly, took a sip of tea, and replied:

"Maybe you can ask his father. Richie. Aren't you in contact?"

"I believe Alok is not a bad person. Even if we don't know his purpose, at least he won't do anything that harms our interests. Nor will he do anything that goes against the interests of the Hutt Empire."

"On the contrary. This is exactly what I'm worried about." Professor Palmer frowned.

"Rich is indeed a person who doesn't care about the world. To be honest, I never knew about Richie's past. It seems that everything has disappeared. He himself is an extraordinary person with unclear positions. He doesn't serve anyone. He only lives in his own life."

"Now Alok's position is even more unclear. We have no way to win him over."

"If I ask Richie, I will definitely get a completely unanswered answer like 'Let them deal with the children's affairs themselves.' Besides, I can't contact Richie now. He seems to have disappeared from the world."

Count Otto smiled bitterly and continued:

"Professor. At least now we are still friends of Alok. We are on the same front. . Even if everyone's ultimate goal is different, at least there is a common goal now. That is to first gain the right to speak on the Protection Law. "

"Everyone has his own position and goal. We can't bring everyone into our side. We just need to seek common ground while reserving differences."

"I let Rona and Ivel together. It is also a roundabout strategy. At least Alok and Ivel are on the same front. Rona and Ivel are on the same front. We will always be on the same front with Alok."

He patted Professor Palmer on the shoulder and said:

"Cooperation is something that cannot pursue absolute fairness and strictness. The darkness on the road of struggle is necessary. Just like people must have shadows! ! "

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