Florian pulled a piece of black tarpaulin and wrapped it around himself, covering his prison uniform so that he would not be so conspicuous in the cold wind. He buried his head, and his sharp eyes shone through the darkness covered by the tarpaulin. He followed Professor Palmer with firm steps.

Looking at the familiar streets and walking through the familiar sections. Looking at the familiar office building. He will never forget. He will not forget the shame brought to him here! He will not forget the darkness here!

One day, he will return with glory!

. . . . . . .

"Dark Night Rose." He muttered to himself as he looked at the sign that was slightly shining in the dark night.

"Come in. Someone is waiting for us inside." Professor Palmer turned around and said calmly.

He slowly pushed open the closed door of Dark Night Rose and walked into the warm bar.

There was no one else in the bar except the man sitting in the corner drinking beer.

Strong liquor had been prepared for him, cigars were ready, and there were brand new clothes on the table of the bar. The holy sword symbolizing glory was placed in front of him.

"Welcome back, our future hero. Florian!"

Eilok put on the symbolic tricorn hat, revealed his true face, stood up from his seat, opened his arms, and loudly welcomed his old friend.

He first walked slowly to Florian with a beer and brought the glass of strong liquor to him.

After a crisp "dang~" sound.

The two emptied the glasses in front of them in one gulp.

Florian couldn't help but tremble slightly with his hands, gritted his teeth, and hugged Elok tightly. And Elok never relaxed his hands.

The friendship between men is never in words.

After a long time, the two let go.

Elok pointed to the clothes on the table and said:

"There will only be heroes in the future."

His meaning couldn't be clearer. Florian's eyes burned with flames, and he tore off the loose prison uniform on his body and put on the formal suit specially customized for him on the table.

He picked up the giant sword he had been using, shrunk it, and inserted it into his waist.

It was like being reborn.

"Sit down. We have something to talk about." Alok said with a sincere smile on his face, pointing to the high stools at the bar.

The three of them sat down here, and Florian was the first to say:

"I really didn't expect it~~"

Alok waved his hand, interrupted Florian, picked up the wine glass on the bar, took a big sip, and said:

"There are always many surprises in life. I'm afraid we will have to fight together again in the future."

"This is not an accident. It's a deliberate frame-up." Florian gritted his teeth.

"Of course I know. Everything is fake. The blacks have fallen and decayed." Alok replied with a gloomy face.

Florian clenched his fist and crushed the wine glass in his hand. He suppressed his inner anger and said:

"They do everything they can to make money. They hold high the banner of justice, but use it as a cover to do many injustices. The whole of Damia is corrupt. Even the temple that claims to be just is the same. The empire is collapsing!!"

"The evil gods are constantly infiltrating the Hutt Empire. The God of Order has been somewhat too busy to take care of it." Alok added. "I'm afraid this is not what Ozer meant. Order is collapsing."

"I want to make their crimes public." Florian stared at Alok's eyes. The light in his eyes was dazzling.

"I'm afraid it won't work. We have to try another way." Professor Palmer's words undoubtedly poured cold water on Florian.

"Why?" Florian asked in a tough tone.

"This is the price." Professor Palmer responded calmly.

"We have a better way. Don't worry, Florian." Alok patted Florian on the shoulder and comforted him. "Evildoers will eventually be punished. Justice will come."

"Breaking the order is not our goal, but establishing a new order." Professor Palmer added.

Alok nodded, agreeing with Professor Palmer's words, and then continued:

"Our strength is still too weak. It is not enough to shake the empire, nor is it enough to shake the cultists. We must unite other forces and start from small places. Gradually complete the plan."

"What plan?" Florian stared at Alok and asked.

Hearing this, Alok smiled, glanced at Professor Palmer, and revealed the plan to establish a special law enforcement agency for the "Protection Act".

And told Florian that he planned to make him the first leader of this agency.

At the same time, in order to make Florian the first leader, another play must be performed.

Rescue Walsh.

And before the "rescue Walsh" play, there is another big play.

Jack's appearance and the fall of the underground black market.

Linked together. Make the whole plan flawless.

Florian's expression after hearing that he was the head of this agency could only be described as wonderful.

He stared with wide eyes, completely unable to imagine what he would do in the future.

Think about those things. What about rescuing Walsh and becoming a member of the Extraordinary Committee.

And he was still a prisoner before today.

This is simply a slap in the face of Hei Pi.


It's really exciting.

"Okay. I must slap Hei Pi's face hard and expose all their darkness under the light of the world." Florian picked up another glass of beer and drank it in one gulp. Shouting happily.

"It's not just as simple as a slap in the face. You also have to make them pay the price." There was madness and fanaticism in Elok's eyes. He clenched his fists tightly and tilted the corners of his mouth at a strange angle.

Professor Palmer looked at this scene expressionlessly, suddenly stood up from his seat and said:

"The business is over. It's time for me to go back. The Earl is still waiting for me."

Alok nodded when he heard this, and stood up to give Professor Palmer a little greeting.

I saw Professor Palmer leaving Rose Street far away. After a while, he closed the door and returned to the bar again.

Florian held the cigar in his hand, sniffed it, and then lit it.

Alok looked calm, supported the bar with one hand, and continued:

"In general, that's the action on the surface. It's also the content of our cooperation with Count Otto."

"Surface action?" Florian chewed on this meaningful phrase. "Is there any deeper cooperation and action?"

Alok took a sip of beer, nodded and said:

"Professor Palmer was present just now, so it's not easy to tell. After all, he is not on the same front as us."

"What's their front? What's our front?" Florian asked in confusion.

Alok frowned slightly, tapped his fingers on the wall of the wine glass, and said:

"Professor Palmer and Count Otto represent the political and economic interests of the Grand Duke. The reason they established this organization is not to truly protect and cherish wild animals and plants, but to control the market for extraordinary materials and form a monopoly." It’s not much different from heaven. It’s just with us now.”

"And our purpose is not entirely to protect rare wild animals and plants. But at least it can really play a protective role in the process."

"My purpose is to fight against anti-will and heaven. By the way, protect wildlife. I hate anti-will!" Alok said extremely seriously.

In fact, Alok does have these purposes. But he didn't tell the whole story. He also had many purposes mixed in with this matter.

For example, helping the Queen gain an advantage in the hunter's theocratic struggle. It's not that Elok is not honest, it's that Florian cannot know these things. This is the elf's business and the queen's secret. Not even the Wolfe family knew.

That's the purpose of Strike Heaven. And Elok's purest purpose is to combat anti-will.

In addition, Elok's purpose of establishing "Singularity" is also to build a platform. Very convenient for myself.

This is equivalent to a network of people. As long as the price you offer is right, as long as everyone has a common purpose. That can be used for him.

After a pause, Elok looked at Florian and asked:

"What about you? Florian? What is your purpose?"

Florian thought for a moment and replied through gritted teeth:

"Me? I'm going to make Damia's black skin pay. Elok."

"If light cannot tolerate glory, neither can darkness!"

Alok nodded and continued: "I think there will be people who agree with you within our organization. To be honest, I also hate black skin."

“They are so hypocritical!!”

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