It doesn't matter that Connor took the key and left. The task that instructor Connor gave her was not to get the key at all?

She was crying, but she didn't dare to resist Alok's power.

He could only stay where he was, helpless.

"What? Are you okay?" Alok asked in an extremely unhappy tone.

"Instructor Na-Namu Sha didn't let me get the key~~~" Connor's expression looked like he was about to cry. Looking at Alok with some despair, tears welled up in his eyes.

"Huh? What happened to Namusha?? What else do you have to do?" Alok asked.

"Instructor Na-Namu Sha asked me to come to Dark Night Rose to fetch fresh clear leaves." Connor stuttered and looked at the corner of the table, not daring to look directly at Alok.

"What? Get the leaves?? You two are working together to tease me. Namu Sha wants to get the leaves, and Roger will pay more for it." Alok stretched his head and looked at the two people in front of him. For the first time, people had doubts about themselves.

He took out the two wolf fangs, wondering if he had conveyed the wrong message? ?

Connor lay on the table, looking at Alok with his pitiful big eyes, and said pitifully:

"I, I really came here to do a mission. To get clear leaves. I swear!! Can you give me a little, just a little, so that I can complete the mission. Otherwise, instructor Namu Sha will definitely peel off my skin. Come down."

Alok felt a little irritated when he saw Connor like this, and really wanted to drive her away.

He rolled his eyes and sighed helplessly.

A handful of fresh clear leaf material of IL was removed from the pocket. Throwing it on the table, he waved his hands in disgust and said:

"Take the leaves and leave quickly. Go back and tell Namu Sha that you don't want to take advantage of me next time."

Connor immediately put away his pitiful eyes, and while sobbing, he wrapped his clothes around the clear leaves that Alok had randomly piled on the table, twitched his nose, and said:

"Thank you Captain Jack. You're probably the nicest man I've ever met."

Alok watched this scene without saying a word, only his eyes showed a trace of helplessness.

Seeing the two keys that Connor almost forgot on the table, he reminded:

"Hey, don't forget these two keys. This is the important thing. If you lose the key, Namu Sha will not just peel off your skin."

"The key is to input mental power at a specific time, and then take the key to sleep. Don't forget to tell Namu Sha when you go back."

Alok waved his hand to tell Connor to stay away from him.

He turned to look at Sebas, shook his head, and asked in a nonchalant manner: "Why did you come together?"

"I happened to meet her at the door. I saw her sneaking around." Sebas shrugged and replied.

He took the beer Nolanders handed him, took a big sip, and asked:

"I wonder what the mission you just mentioned is, Captain?"

Alok glanced around the store and then said casually:

"Hmm~~A large-scale operation against anti-will and heaven. There will be a meeting to discuss this issue later."

Sebastian nodded, looked at the key in his hand, and asked, "In the secret room?"

"That's right. The secret room in the dream." Alok confirmed.

"It's really shocking. I can't imagine what it's like." Sebas said while stroking his chin.

"The meeting is not the focus, the content is." Aylock took a sip of beer and said.

Then, he put down the wine glass, took out a pistol from El's pocket and placed it on the table. That third-level hunter profession pistol with murder skills.

Then, under Sebastian's puzzled look, Alok said:

"The next actions may be a bit dangerous. I guess Roger will also drag you to participate. Use more methods to save your life. I'll give it to you."

"To me, this thing is a bit useless. It's because my skills are not coordinated with this weapon. The weapon is a good weapon. Go back and study it carefully, especially the marksmanship."

He pushed the pistol in front of Sebas and lay half-lying on the sofa as if nothing had happened.

"This~~~This is too valuable, Captain." Sebas said with fear.

He swallowed, his eyes widened, and he picked up the pistol with both hands and looked at it carefully.

"A level three hunter weapon?? This is really too valuable."

Alok waved his hand casually and said:

"Take it and protect yourself. Roger, I'm not worried at all. You haven't participated in many battles, and you don't have any handy weapons. This thing can be used well enough for you to reach level 4."

"Things like extraordinary items, as long as they have special functions, will always be useful no matter what level they are." Alok continued to teach.

"The rarest thing about this weapon is the calm passive. It will keep you calm in the face of danger. The second is the 'Murder' skill. If it is a premeditated killing, it will be very powerful."

"However, if you are not using it, it is best to put it next to it, so as not to cause you sleepless nights."

"Insomnia is nothing to an artist. My sleep quality is not good anyway." Sebas replied.

Alok nodded and continued:

"General firearms have special functions, which are to load special bullets. They can achieve more special effects. However, I can't find a place to load bullets for this gun. You can also study it when you go back."

"It's best to find an alchemist to cooperate with. If you really can't, come to me. But you have to prepare the materials yourself. The materials are usually crystals."

Sebastian stroked the pistol and put it in his arms. He said gratefully: "Thank you so much, Captain."

"You're welcome. Just be safe." Elok agreed with a smile.


The next day.

The howling north wind still brought not dark clouds, but dry and cold air. I don't know what is brewing.

Under the clear sky is the boundless starry sky, and the moon has not risen in the dark night sky.

Professor Palmer's task today is to go to the underground prison of Heipi to meet a future hero.

Florian's originally angular face has become much thinner than before, and his deep eyes reveal a sharp look.

Under the calm appearance, there is suppressed anger and unwillingness; not resisting is to accumulate strength.

The blazing fire has been burning in his heart for three months.

He was waiting, waiting for the day when he would be released.

Captain Jack would be his target. He would make all the black people in Damea pay the price!

These black people were not worthy of being called justice!

"Florian. Follow me." Professor Palmer said calmly to Florian in the iron cell.

He was wearing a pitch-black cloak, revealing his fair and strict face. There was no expression on his face, but his words were unquestionable.

Characteristic Silence Florian in the iron cell suddenly raised his head and looked at Professor Palmer.

He heard the sound of the key turning, saw that the cell door had been opened, and Professor Palmer still had a bunch of pitch-black keys in his hand.

"Professor Palmer?" Florian said in surprise.

He thought about the possibility of his getting out, Alok's jailbreak, release after serving his sentence, and the pardon of the God of Justice. And other unrealistic things.

But he never thought that it was Professor Palmer, whom he had only met a few times, who rescued him.

"No need to say more. We'll talk more after we get back." Professor Palmer pushed open the door of the cell and said calmly.

Florian gritted his teeth and nodded firmly.

Professor Palmer threw the key to him. Florian quickly took the key and untied all the shackles on his body one by one.

He walked out of the cell door with a tall figure slightly bent.

A feeling he had never had before burst out from inside and outside.

He straightened his body and followed Professor Palmer's steps. Barefoot and wearing only a thin prison uniform, he didn't feel cold. He even felt that his heart was as hot as a red-hot charcoal.

He didn't even look back, and followed Professor Palmer's steps with big strides, and his clenched fists told the world that he was not calm.

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