At night, Alok ordered a glass of clear moonlight while planning something.

Clear moonlight can make him calmer, beer can only make him confused.

For Alok, the most urgent thing now is of course to find the Grand Duke's goods.

But his fundamental purpose is not this, nor is it to establish a ‘Rare Wildlife Protection Department’.

but against counter-will.

Now a paradise is added.

And if you want to fight against these two behemoths, you cannot rely on an institution under a government agency.

There would be too many informants, too many things that cannot be controlled by oneself, and there would be too many helplessness and compromises.

He does not intend to serve in this 'Protection Department'.

It would be more appropriate to be an invisible hand in the dark.

What he needs is a deeper, more united, and more elite force.

He wanted to form an organization, something like Heaven.

An idea began to appear in his mind, causing his hand holding the clear moonlight to stop in mid-air.

Use this opportunity to unite all forces that can be drawn together, including the elves, the Holy Church, the Wolfor family, and the Archduke Dror, to fight against the Anti-Will and Heaven.

History has proven that my strength alone is not strong enough. But I won’t choose to fight alone this time.

Elves don't like fighting, and they probably won't choose to directly contribute force. But there is no problem in wooing the Moon Emperor as his backstage.

The Holy Church is already on their side. Heaven and Anti-Will have always been their enemies. This is something that is engraved in the assassin's bones and will never be forgotten.

The Wolfor family still needs to fight to make them pay something for hunting the goddess. This is a mutually beneficial and win-win good thing, and it is not a big problem.

Grand Duke Dror will also stand on his side at this stage because of the "Protection Act", but the nobles cannot be completely trusted. I'm afraid I can only win over Professor Palmer, who is also a powerful force.

In addition, in order to have a reliable backer in such an organization, a truly strong person must stand behind him and El.

That's Richie.

An unfathomable historian, enough to make everyone present understand that he is not just talking.

Suddenly a star appeared in his eyes, like the North Star in the night sky that guided the north. Too bad no one saw it.

He drank the clear moonlight in the cup, stood up suddenly, and walked towards the third floor of the Night Rose.


"El, there is something I need to discuss with you. Third floor."

This was the voice that Alok made to El in the bottom of his heart, and it was extremely solemn.

On the third floor, Elok didn't see El's figure, so she was probably still tinkering with something in the laboratory.

So I stood at the door of El's room and looked at the bright moon on the third floor.

The cold moonlight shone on his face, making him feel a slight chill.

"Praise the Queen."

He closed his eyes and said solemnly to the moon.

"Come in, brother." A moment later, El's somewhat confused voice appeared in the room, bringing Alok back to his senses.

He turned around and walked towards El's house.

"What's the matter?" El asked, sitting on the only wooden bed in the hut.

Alok sat on the rattan sofa with a calm expression and said directly:

"I met Professor Palmer yesterday, and he invited me to meet at Count Otto's manor today to discuss the contents of the Protection Act."

"Professor Palmer and Count Otto? Are they coming to Damia?" El asked in confusion.

"That's right." Alok nodded and replied.

Then, he began to reveal the whole package plan between himself, Count Otto, and Professor Palmer.

Finally, he told El about his idea of ​​establishing an underground organization and asked:

"how do you feel?"

Yi Er's initial doubts became extremely serious.

He knew that this was a plan that Alok valued very much, and it was where his free will and belief lay.

It's also part of his revenge plan.

After thinking for a long time, he sorted out Alok's thoughts, then frowned slightly and said:

"This is a matter between the two of us. Of course I will support you and help you without hesitation."

Then, he lowered his head slightly and said with some remorse:

"Sorry, I don't know anything about these things. I have been working on my laboratory some time ago. I didn't expect that brother, you have done so much secretly."

Alok waved his hand and replied seriously:

"No need to apologize. The more research you do, the stronger our power will be and the more means we will have. This is what a witch must do. It is also helping me."

El pursed his lips, frowned slightly, and still said with some self-blame:

"I understand. But I shouldn't care about it at all. Forget it, let it pass. What can I do next? Or what role should I play?"

"Riel, an elf witch. With the will of the queen." Elok said seriously.

El's brows raised, and he immediately understood what Elok meant.

This is "pulling the tiger's skin to pull the flag."

According to him, this was to enlist the Queen to help him.

This is indeed only good for the Queen.

If the Queen does not impose any substantial punishment, it means acquiescence. It also represents support, and we will be able to ask the Queen to help us when the time comes.

She looked at the bright moon outside and understood why Alok chose the third floor of Dark Night Rose as the meeting place.

Above here is the Queen's residence, and her every word and action can probably be noticed by the Queen.

If there is no accident, it means the Queen's tacit attitude.

Alok paused for half a minute while watching Ir, and after seeing that there was indeed no change around him, he began to say:

"My main task at this stage is to find the batch of goods that the Grand Duke lost. And your task is to pull the Wolf family onto our chariot."

"As for the Holy Temple - the Sha family, I am more familiar with it, and I will handle it. I believe they will not object to this kind of win-win situation. It just depends on how much benefit they give up. Or what price we need to pay. For example, helping to fight the "bound heart."

"Also, our most important bargaining chip now - Prince Walsh is in your hands, you have to keep a close eye on him. Don't let him have any problems. If we can use him, we have to use him quickly."

Ir nodded and agreed very seriously, and said:

"Don't worry. I will contact Boyka immediately. Don't worry about Prince Walsh's situation. Lilith said that he is in a much better state. But there is a small problem with him."

"What's the problem?" Alok suddenly frowned and asked.

He didn't want any moths to appear at this time.

Ir said hesitantly:

"Well~~ How should I put it? As a girl, I think Prince Walsh seems to be in love with Lilith."

"What???" Alok was so shocked that his jaw dropped.

"That's right. This is my feeling. Sometimes I secretly observe the conversation between the two. But it is obvious that Prince Walsh seems a little restrained and embarrassed. I wonder if it's my illusion?" Ir said hesitantly.

Alok touched his forehead helplessly.

But it is true that it is easier to meet true love in times of trouble.

In times of trouble, people's psychological defenses are extremely fragile. A little kindness can evoke the touch in their hearts. A little goodwill can expand into love.

But Princess Moonlight and Prince Hutt.

It's simply!!!

However. If you put it this way.

Alok suddenly raised his head and looked at Ir in shock.

"What's wrong? Alok?" Ir asked puzzledly.

"Don't you think there is something wrong?" Alok's face was full of disbelief.

"What's the problem? Why don't I feel it?" Il asked in confusion.

"Lilith, Queen, Moonlight Princess, Prince Hutt, "Protection Law", theocracy struggle." Alok kept saying the key words.

"If Lilith is the Queen's mission to us, why hasn't she revealed it to us yet? Don't you think it's a revelation now?"

The moment she finished speaking, Il was instantly in a state of shock.

She couldn't help but look at the bright moon outside the window and said:

"Praise the Queen!"

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