The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 449 The main tasks at this stage

"Cults, specifically the Anti-Will and Heaven Organizations. The members of the Heaven Organization, the cults I know of so far are 'Pink Heaven', 'Cappadocia' and 'Bound Heart'." Alok introduced in detail.

"And our allies are the 'Holy Temple', the Werewolf Family. And the elves from the Dark Moon Forest."

"Holy Temple??" Count Otto, Professor Palmer and Rona questioned in unison.

"Yes, the Holy Temple. Our most steadfast ally. For some reason, I have a good relationship with the top leaders of the Holy Temple. They are on the same front with us."

Professor Palmer pondered for a moment and asked in confusion: "Are they trustworthy??"

"Of course. As long as they don't stand in their way of revenge, they are our most steadfast allies, and their way of revenge is Anti-Will and Bound Heart." Alok answered seriously.

The three people on the opposite side did not comment, and Count Otto continued: "Go on."

Ailok smiled, knowing that it would be difficult for the three people to fully trust the Temple, one of the three notorious cults.

But he was not discouraged and continued:

"Among them, the strength of the anti-will in Damia has been almost liquidated by the 'Temple', and only a few tricky ones are left. At that time, I will cooperate with the Temple to clean up these troubles."

"As for Cappadocia, the old rival of the vampires, the 'Wolf Family', will stand firmly on our side. I will contact them in this regard. The Bound Heart is an old rival of the Temple. I believe that the Temple will deal with it without us."

"The most troublesome is the Pink Heaven. They not only have excellent intelligence capabilities, but also have great power in the upper echelons of the empire. This is what I am most worried about."

Although Count Botu understands the extraordinary world, he does not know much. Only Professor Palmer nodded frequently and said carefully:

"If, as you said, the biggest threat to this mountain is the Pink "The pink paradise. But their influence is generally only in politics and temples. But we have already talked about the problems of politics and temples. "

"That is a huge bargaining chip. Those politicians and priests will not change their minds about right and wrong because of a few women."

Eilok touched his chin, thought for a while and said:

"Indeed. Their influence is limited. But we must also be careful. I want to find the person in charge of the pink paradise in Damia, and then pull her out and kill her directly. I will be responsible for this matter."

Then, he paused for a few seconds and continued:

"The fight against cults should be done after our organization is established, and we must also protect our own people from retaliation. But the premise of everything is to establish an organization first."

"That's right. It looks like we have something to do." Count Otto suddenly said.

He raised the teacup in his hand, and then felt that it was not appropriate. Please press the bell on the table to let the waiter outside the door come in. Then he ordered:

"Open a bottle of champagne."

When the champagne was brought by the waiter, he raised the goblet and stood up and said:

"Let's toast to the consensus."

"Cheers." The private people present raised their glasses together and clinked them together.

Afterwards, the four people sat back in their original seats, and Count Otto continued:

"We still have to discuss the name, nature, and senior staffing of the organization or institution. These issues."

"I think the name should be simple, and the nature, of course, is a government agency under the government. If it is a private name, it is extremely easy to be overthrown and not stable enough." Alok suggested.

"We do not exclude outsiders from joining this organization, as long as our own people have the right to speak."

"That's right." Professor Palmer also agreed. "How about the name 'Rare Wildlife Conservation Committee'? Learn from the Extraordinary Committee."

Count Otto pondered for a moment and said:

"Maybe we can't set up such a large organization. It's likely that we are an independent organization under the Extraordinary Committee. It may be the 'Rare Wildlife Conservation Department'."

"How about the professor being the director?" Count Otto recommended.

"Me? I can't. I'm the Grand Duke's man, and I'm too strong and it's easy to get out of control. They won't let me be the director." Professor Palmer, who is well versed in government, said.

Hearing this, Alok suddenly interrupted:

"Regarding the personnel of the leader, I do have a recommendation."

"Oh? Who? Is it you?" Count Otto asked.

"Hahaha~~~How is it possible? Let Captain Jack be the director? The royal family must be crazy." Alok laughed and said self-deprecatingly.

Count Otto was also amused by Alok, making the atmosphere suddenly become weird.

After everyone had laughed enough, Alok continued to speak:

"It's just a puppet anyway, and the right to speak is in our hands. And we have to find someone of our own to be the leader. And this person of our own can't be too strong, and can't be the Grand Duke's man. So who is more suitable than Florian?"

He finally started his own deception.

Although what he said was indeed correct, Florian was indeed suitable to be the director.

The only thing that was not suitable was that his original level was too low, and it was a bit strange to become the director directly.

But as long as there is a force behind it, it won't be a big problem.

"Florian." Count Otto raised his eyebrows and looked at Professor Palmer.

He knew this name, the former black-skinned sheriff of Dror City.

He was a very burly knight.

Professor Palmer also mentioned this name yesterday, but this person is currently imprisoned in the underground prison of the Extraordinary Events Department.

He understood what Alok meant. He was just still thinking about the relationship between Alok and him, and whether the benefits outweighed the costs in this matter.

Seeing this, Alok continued:

"First of all, I can guarantee that he is our man. He is upright and intelligent, and abides by the way of chivalry. At the same time, he is also a member of the Extraordinary Affairs Department, so the Extraordinary Affairs Department can also vote in favor of this matter. It will not lose face."

Count Otto smiled, nodded and replied:

"I agree. I will find a way when the time comes."

Alok raised his glass and said: "Thank you, Lord Earl. It seems that we have a new ally, the sheriff. Cheers."


The four clinked their glasses again, indicating that two consensuses had been reached at this meeting.

Then, Count Otto spoke again:

"I will be responsible for the main work before the establishment of the organization, including opening up the relationship between the various departments of the empire. It also includes making Florian the candidate for the leader smoothly."

He turned to look at Professor Palmer and politely said:

"Professor, I have to trouble you to draft a relevant charter document, and do a good job of face-saving. I also have to trouble you to provide relevant legal assistance. Especially in the case of the Grand Duke's lost goods, a reasonable and serious charge must be found."

"No problem." Professor Palmer replied seriously.

Count Botu nodded, looked at Alok, and continued:

"The most important task at this stage is the investigation of this case. This will trouble you, Bill. Once we find clues and keep the evidence, this is our key bargaining chip. Only in this way can we carry out subsequent actions."

"Of course, but I still want to know the details." Alok nodded and replied.

"We don't have any clues now. But I think it is impossible for such a large number of goods to disappear out of thin air." Professor Palmer replied.

Alok nodded after thinking. He knew that the biggest difficulty at this stage might be finding the goods.

"How much goods? How much is the value? What kind of goods? What ship or car is it loaded on? When did it arrive?" Alok asked.

"Material worth at least 50,000 gold coins, most of which are unique to the mysterious sea. The beak of the silver-billed petrel, the frontal bone of the Descruz tuna, deep-sea lava stone, etc." Professor Palmer introduced in more detail.

"It was transported by a medium-sized cargo ship named "Deep Sea Storm". It disappeared two months ago. The crew is also missing. It was originally scheduled to dock at Pier No. 2."

Hearing this, Alok nodded and said, "It's enough to know this. Leave this to me."

"This is our current task. I wish us victory." Count Otto said. "Cheers."


Then, the four of them seemed to have entered afternoon tea time, each half lying on the sofa, chatting about random things to enhance their relationship.

It was not until the evening that Elok had a meal at Count Otto's house, and only after nightfall did he return to Dark Rose in the Duke's carriage.

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