When Majik finished speaking, he turned around and gently waved his arms at the tree with a broken limb.

The tree in front of him suddenly shook twice like a human, shaking off all the snow on the tree.

This caused Majik and Alok, who were standing under the tree, to suffer.

The two of them ran away from this dangerous place with their heads in their arms.

Majik looked at Alok awkwardly, shrugged, and said:

"I haven't done it for a year, so I forgot about it."

He smiled, walked under the tree again, stretched out his arm, and saw a burst of green energy coming out of his hand. The tree seemed to come alive, stretched out its other branches to grab the broken branches, and inserted them fiercely into the broken limb.

Alok felt a little pain in his arm.

Really cruel!

"Can it come back to life like this?" Alok asked in disbelief.

"Of course. These trees have strong vitality. With the nourishment of Daniel's life breath, it is not a problem at all." Majik said, looking at his masterpiece as if he was looking at a work of art.

"Okay. This is really unbelievable." Alok replied.

They continued to patrol the Dusk Forest and "saved" several big trees. After the patrol, they returned to Daniel's office and drank another cup of hot tea.

When the sun rose directly above, he returned to the Dark Night Rose to prepare for the next work.

Mainly, Magic was going to hand over the business of the Dark Night Rose to Alok. And he was going to start his retirement life.

Due to the heavy snow last night, the Dark Night Rose opened this afternoon.

Magic introduced the staff to Alok.

Including three chefs, four waiters, three bartenders, and two cleaning ladies upstairs. There is also a supervisor who is responsible for accounting, purchasing, and personnel management.

What surprised Alok was that there was another supervisor. He thought Magic was the supervisor. After all, Magic stayed behind the bar every day.

It can be seen that Magic trusts this young man named "Sandru Aslum" very much.

He had short brown hair, combed neatly, and wore round-framed glasses, looking very gentle. He was wearing thick winter clothes, and a neat uniform under the winter coat. He was carrying a briefcase in his hand, like a civil servant working in the government.

Alok could see that this young man was not bad.

He had seen him before, but at that time Alok thought he was here to drink.

He was very polite and tactful. When he learned that Alok was his future boss, he quickly got into the role.

The only shortcoming was that he was not a supernatural person.

But this was not a big problem.

The only supernatural material that Dark Night Rose needed to purchase was "Morning Dew".

This was because Morning Dew was needed to replace the Spring of Clarity to brew Clear Moonlight.

But this thing was not a very precious material, and it did not have supernatural properties, so it was easy to buy, and Sandro also had a channel to get it.

Then, Majik took Alok to the kitchen, where three chefs were preparing.

Alok casually greeted them and continued to follow Majik to the back.

That was the administrative area of ​​Dark Night Rose.

It included the employee lounge, locker room, and Sandro and Majik's offices.

Going out of the back door of the office, a spiral staircase appeared in front of Alok.

He followed Majik and continued down. Listening to Majik's introduction:

"The wine cellar is below. All the wines, including Clear Moonlight, are stored inside. This is probably the most valuable place in the entire Dark Night Rose."

When the two opened the wooden door and walked into the dark wine cellar, Majik woke up a night light grass, pointed to the wooden barrels and wine bottles around and said:

"That's probably it. Sandro and the bartender will come down to get the wine. But you have to keep an eye on it from time to time. Other things don't matter, but you have to keep a close eye on the Clear Moonlight. Only elves can drink that stuff."

He looked at Alok and said jokingly:

"It's provided to the elves for free. If others want to buy it, they have to be devout believers of life."

He pointed to several water drop bottles full of elf style in front.

The wooden bottle is narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, with a locked mouth and a big belly at the bottom, painted with exquisite patterns, about 30 cm high.

"That's Clear Moonlight. There's some upstairs too, but if Danielle finishes drinking it, she'll have to remember to take it upstairs."

"The brewing method of Clear Moonlight is not complicated. Just use fresh Clear leaves and add morning dew, then drop a drop of Clear Moonlight stock, seal it, and wait for 40 days. That's it."

"I'll put the brewing date on the bottle so I don't forget it. When you see it, you can drink it after 40 days."

He turned his head and looked at Alok, as if he was completely relieved and said:

"This is all about Dark Night Rose. Now I'll hand it over to you. You've completed your mission, and I'm retired."

"As for the second and third floors. I don't think I need to introduce them."

"Of course." Alok replied with a smile.

Majik also laughed and said:

"By the way. Dark Night Rose is lacking a musician recently. Since Sebastian left, there have been no good artists coming. You must remember to find a musician. This will greatly increase the flow of customers."

"However, it is the off-season recently. It is normal that there are not many people."

While talking to Alok, he walked back with a relaxed pace.

"You have to find a room on the second floor as your future residence. As for your sister, I will arrange a tree house for her in the girls' dormitory on the third floor."

"In this way, Dark Night Rose will have one less room. Find a way to let Ariel draw another one."

Alok suddenly looked at Majik and said in surprise:

"Draw one. What a good idea."

"Yes. Ariel will help." Majik walked in front and said casually.

However, Alok thought of more than just this.

Alok knew about drawing a room a long time ago. When he killed the demon, it was done in the painting.

Moreover, in the painting, Ariel's dominance is absolute. Somewhat scary.

But drawing a room reminded Alok of Il's recent needs.

She needs a safe laboratory environment.

What if it is a movable laboratory hidden in the painting.

The only thing to worry about is that the artist has absolute say in this painting.

If a third-level artist gets this painting, it will be a bit difficult.

Ariel doesn't have to worry. But there is more than one third-level artist in Damia.

It is a feasible solution, but the painting must be protected. It is best to add a password or hide it very well.

In addition, a painting also needs to be protected. Just in case.

For example, fire.

The fire set by the anti-will last time is still fresh in Alok's memory.

Alok is trying hard to think about this problem, and didn't notice that he has walked to the front of the bar.

Majik pointed to the place where he usually stood behind the bar and said:

"From now on, that place is yours, Alok. We have to exchange positions."

"Ah~" Alok looked at there helplessly, and suddenly felt that he seemed a little unsuitable to stay there.

It felt like a prison.

But he still slowly opened the door of the bar, walked in, tried to stand there, and experienced the feeling of being a bar owner.

Picked up a cup and wiped it like Majik.

It's a different feeling.

"By the way. What is my usual task? Just wiping the wine glasses?" Alok asked in surprise.

"No, wiping the wine glasses is not. Your task is to pay wages. It's just once a month." Majik shook his head and said.

"In addition, you are also responsible for personnel management. For example, recruitment."

"Uh~~ No wonder every time I see you, you are wiping the wine glasses here." Alok said helplessly as he looked at the clean wine glass in his hand that could reflect the figure of a person.

Feelings are to find something to do for yourself. It doesn't look so idle.

He shrugged, picked up an oak wine glass, turned around and poured a glass of Damia beer from the barrel, and drank it by himself.

"Ah~~ This feeling of stealing from the inside is really good. I don't have to pay anymore in the future."

He sighed and shouted to the kitchen:

"Chef Djoko, give me a Celanese barbecue."

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