The two of them looked back and saw that Ariel, wearing a snow suit, snow boots, and a gray hooded hat, was standing behind them with a fierce expression.

"Ah, dear Ariel. Working the night shift must be hard," Alok said quickly to smooth things over.

"Have rest last night." Ariel looked at Alok and replied expressionlessly.

"Uh~~~The Queen really cares about people." Alok responded awkwardly.

"So, you scolded me this morning." Ariel's expression twitched.

"Uh~~" Alok was speechless. Awkwardly, he looked at Ariel at a loss.

Majik scratched his head and said quickly: "I have to go see if there are any broken branches in the Dusk Forest, and clean them up quickly."

After saying that, he didn't even throw away the broom and ran away.

"I only saw Majik and Danielle last night, and I thought you went to work despite the heavy snow." Alok shrugged and said directly.

Ariel obviously did not want to continue this topic and said:

"Why did you come so fast? I thought Dark Moon Forest would take a long time. Every time there is a change of people here, it won't be called Dark Moon Forest unless it takes three to five years."

"I just happened to have something to do here. The Queen arranged for us to come over and take over Majik's place. But I think Majik doesn't seem to be very interested in meeting the Dark Moon Forest." Elok explained plainly.

"Indeed, he was not very interested in it at first. I submitted the retirement application for him." Ariel looked back and said.

"Is there any reason?" Alok asked in surprise.

"I've stayed here for too long. I think this place is my home." Ariel replied casually.

"Well~~it does feel like home here." Alok shrugged.

He looked around with a smile, pointed at El who was playing in the snow with a few children on the street, and said:

"Evel, my sister."

"I heard it from my sister. Her witch talent is very good." Ariel said looking at El on the street.

After saying that, she walked towards the street with a smile and mingled with El and the children.

Alok watched the scene with a shrug.

I thought helplessly: Girls always get along well.

Alok thought for a moment and shouted loudly to El:

"I'm going to the Twilight Forest. Remember to come back early, it's too cold outside."

This resulted in El ignoring him, waving his arms, and not listening at all.

"I know, I know. You have become nagging, like a father."

Alok shook his head, turned around and walked towards the back door of Dark Night Rose.

The Twilight Forest has become completely different from summer.

The twilight forest, where the trees were originally green and shrouded in a thin mist, became somewhat beautiful.

Those originally green trees turned into jade trees, their branches covered with crystal snow.

The whole forest is a wonderful sight of rime.

The air is clear, and you can see the huge snow tree in the center at a glance.

The snow in the forest was up to 30 centimeters deep, making it difficult for Elok to move.

But he had no choice but to open his legs and walk towards the center of the dusk forest one step at a time.

Fortunately, he also put on thick winter clothes this morning and put on leather and furry snow boots.

He had already seen Majik's footprints, and he was also walking towards the center.

So I just stepped on these footprints and saved a lot of effort.

Danielle obviously jumped from the tree. There were no footprints on the ground, but some snow occasionally fell from the tree.

"Danielle. Majik." Alok shouted loudly while standing under the tree.

After a while.

Danielle showed a head on the tall tree, waved to Alok, and said, "Come up."

He used his flexible limbs and jumped onto the first branch.

Behind the tree is a small wooden door with a cave inside.

"This is my first time here. It looks very good here." Alok praised.

"That's because before you were just a devout believer in life. Now you are an elf in the Darkmoon Forest." Danielle teased.

She offered Elok a cup of hot tea made from clear leaves to help warm him. Then he said:

"Magic is preparing to go on a patrol in the Twilight Forest. Do you want to follow? This is also a job."

"Of course." Alok replied matter-of-factly.

"Don't be too anxious." Majik took a sip of hot tea, put down the oak water glass, and said.

He looked at Alok and said:

"Like me here, my normal job is to take care of the trees. Especially the three-story ones. And then maintain the natural balance."

"Like today, it's naturally a little unbalanced. But this is the rule after snow. Don't worry, it will recover naturally after a while. Our main purpose is to see if there are any big branches that have been crushed. We need to make him a Surgery. Just take it."

"Besides, there's nothing to say about the work in the bar. It's just the general work of a store manager. Purchasing goods, selling goods, cooking, serving food, setting up rooms, cleaning rooms, managing personnel, and withholding wages. No, it's paying wages."

Alok looked at Majik in surprise and asked doubtfully:

"Have you decided to leave?"

Majik fell into deep thought and said after a moment: "Well~~~ I just decided to hand over part of the work to you. I retired. Haha."

"Uh~~" Alok shrugged.

"That's right. When you retire, you can just do the work you like. For example, maintaining nature and connecting with nature." Danielle said with a smile.

Majik seemed to be in a bright mood and continued with a smile:

"So, there's no need to leave here at all. I can still stay here. But I can ignore the things I don't want to do, right."

"That's right. Cheers." Danielle smiled and raised the wooden cup.

"That's it." Alok scratched his head.

He heard what Majik and Danielle meant.

Majik hopes to stay here and not return to the Dark Moon Forest. But I don’t want to continue with the daily management of the hotel.

He will continue the daily maintenance and management of the Twilight Forest. This is a job that a druid enjoys.

But thinking about it this way, it’s not bad.

Someone else can help me take care of the Twilight Forest to avoid too much trouble.

But I guess I have to worry about the management of the hotel.

It looked like Majik didn't like this very much. Maybe it's okay to go have a drink.

"By the way. Alok also has to be responsible for part of the daily maintenance of the forest. This is your task." Danielle said to Alok, obviously on Majik's side.

"Well~~I know nothing about it." Alok shrugged helplessly.

"So you go on patrol now." Danielle said matter-of-factly.

"Oh!" Alok replied, staring at the hot tea in the cup.

"Wait until I finish drinking this cup of hot tea."


Walking one foot deep and one foot shallow in the forest, Majik introduced the place to Ailok.

"The larger the ecosystem, the easier it is to maintain balance, and the easier it is to adjust when it's out of balance. The smaller it is, the harder it is."

He pointed around and continued: "It's like the Twilight Forest, which is the most difficult one. Because the ecological circle here is too small, and the surrounding area is not completely opposite to nature. And there are often some external things that affect this place. . Leading to frequent imbalances.”

"So we just have to adjust the balance from time to time."

Alok knew that this was Majik introducing his experience to him, so he listened quite seriously, nodded and replied:

"Hmm. Is there anything that would affect the balance?"

"For example, there is heavy snow. Another example is man-made logging, pruning branches, and vandalism. For example, picking fruits before they are ripe. Another example is too many migratory birds. Wait, these will affect the ecology." Majik said with his fingers. said.

"Droughts, floods, hail. Too many."

"Uh~~ It's such a complicated system." Alok frowned.

He pointed to a thick branch broken from the tree in front of him and said:

"Looks like we're going to have to do some surgery on it."

"That's right, it was broken by the weight of the snow." Majik said while stroking his chin.

"How?" Alok asked.

"First, I need to straighten him up, then I have to communicate with the tree to make it wake up, and then I connect the two sections," Majik said.

"It's easy to say, but it's impossible for me to communicate naturally." Alok scratched his head helplessly.

"You don't have to come out. I'll just come." Majik replied with a smile.

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