"He has a bounty of 15,000 deben." Little Mac suppressed his trembling voice.

But there was a little expectation and yearning in his voice.

"Stop, stop, stop. Have you forgotten what I said?" His teacher waved his hand and interrupted Little Mac's unrealistic fantasy.

"Let's not talk about whether the two of us can beat the crazy Captain Jack together. Do you think Jack will appear in this place?"

He sighed with some regret, and suddenly said to the clerk:

"Waiter. Come. Give me one newspaper each in the past three days. Damei Daily. Not Inus Daily."

"Okay. A total of 6 silver coins." The waiter in the hotel quickly replied.

When the newspaper was brought to the two from the bar, the teacher in front of Little Mac turned to one of the pages, pointed to the portrait of Captain Jack on it and said:

"Do you need me to read it to you?"

Little Mac shook his head slightly, he knew what was written on it.

Captain Jack has done something big recently. In the sea of ​​Palma, he drove his legendary pirate ship, the Ghost Ship, and hijacked a ship returning to the Dameiyan Mission from the Statue of Liberty.

On the ship was a son of Emperor Kafka XI, named Walsh Kafka, also known as Prince Walsh.

It is said that he went to negotiate how to join forces to fight against the Storm Empire.

Then the so-called Captain Jack was like crazy, and he asked the Hutt Empire for a ransom as much as his bounty. And he told the imperial family in a very high-profile manner that my life is as valuable as your prince.

Tell me if it makes people angry.

He released a whole ship of people, but only hijacked Prince Walsh.

Then, the whole world knew about this.

The Hutt Empire's royal family was almost angry. But other countries seemed to be watching a joke.

But for Jack, everyone would think that he was crazy! !

For various reasons, his bounty increased again. It became 15,000 gold coins.

All the old things were also turned up. What treason, terrorist attacks, murder of nobles, disruption of order, and confrontation with the empire.

Tsk tsk tsk, the people of the world are amazed. It seems that the whole world is eating melons together.

Originally, Captain Jack was only a little famous in the Hutt Empire. Now, the whole world knows about the crazy Captain Jack.

The result of this is that many people are shocked by Captain Jack's courage and bravery. So many fans appeared.

Especially near the Palma Sea, Captain Jack's imitators are popular. Makeup and dressing have even suddenly become a trend.

It's amazing.

If Alok knew about this, I guess his nose would be crooked.

My Captain Jack's good reputation was ruined by that bastard. If I knew who did it, I would definitely hammer his head off.

Although the exchange of information in this world is very slow, newspapers can be transmitted extremely quickly for some reason. It is probably with the help of some methods in the extraordinary field.

For example, magic circles, beacons, and so on.

Therefore, almost everyone who reads newspapers knows about this kind of world news. The extraordinary can see more information.

For example, Captain Jack is absolutely powerful, and Captain Jack is absolutely a madman. Maybe he has been corrupted.

After thinking about it, Little Mike calmed down instantly and looked back at Captain Jack.

No matter how you look at it, it is a flaw.

The city of Nabristler in Inus is very far away from the sea. Even if Captain Jack has eight legs, he can't get here in three days.

Even if he flies, he can't fly there.

It is rumored that Captain Jack is very arrogant, but how can he sit there quietly drinking? ?

The first time he was wanted was because of terrorist attacks and murder of nobles. He directly attracted a meteor to blow up Damia.

Arrogant or not?

The second time he was wanted was because of the murder of the city guard of Siwatris City, and he was directly treasonous. It is said that he directly declared himself to be Jack in the bar at that time. No one believed it, and then massacred the entire city.

Arrogant or not?

The third time, Prince Wales was directly kidnapped.

Damn~ He is so arrogant.

You asked him to sit there and drink, is it possible?

He just beat up everyone in the bar, and then sat on the ruins and drank.

Look at the things he did. I have never heard of summoning a meteor. He also beat up the general who defended a city. Treason. He kidnapped the prince. None of them is a big deal.

According to this logic, can't a level 5 or 6 do it?

Look at the guy sitting there.

He is wearing a tattered leather coat with several holes burned in it. His hat looks like it has been chewed by a dog, and the corners are all tattered. The boots on his feet look like they haven't been changed for several years, and his pants are dirty.

How can he be a big boss?

The dinner I ordered is exactly the same. He looks like a character of the same level as me. He just entered the extraordinary world, he is poor and destitute, and he pretends to be Jack.

It's so hypocritical!

He turned his head and looked at his teacher, his face looked as disgusted as if he had eaten fly shit, and he said reluctantly:

"Okay, teacher. I understand. I must learn to observe more in the future and make conclusions after I am sure."

"It's good that you know." His teacher said with satisfaction, full of confidence in his student.

There are not many children with such talent. He nodded and continued to teach:

"There is more. In addition to observing the object itself, you must also remember to observe the people and things around the object. You see, you pretend so much, but who went to fight with him and then went to make money??"

Little Mike turned his head and looked at Alok again, shaking his head gently.

His teacher nodded again and continued:

"No. Everyone is not a fool. Those who can sit here openly are definitely not the real Captain Jack."

"I understand, teacher." Little Mike nodded seriously and replied.


Alok still remembers what happened in the city of Siwatris. When he stood up and shouted that he was Jack, he was not challenged, but crazy ridicule.

So, this time he learned his lesson. Silently sitting at the bar, pretending to be aloof and cold.

Silently eating French fries and drinking beer.

Believe me, if a real Jack sits here, there should be people who recognize him.

No one would be so blind.

He also turned on the astral vision at any time to observe the surrounding situation. To prevent some powerful extraordinary people from coming to the door.

But unfortunately, after a long time, no one still came to find him. He really sat at the bar and finished a dinner.

There was really nothing unusual around. There was even a nightingale who wanted to invite him to join the multiplayer game.

Looking at so many extraordinary people in the bar, Alok was stunned.

Why don’t they feel anything about me? Then I pretended in vain?

Is their vision really that bad? ? ?

Or am I not so famous? Or are the people here really not short of money? Don’t they care about my 10,000 bounty?

It shouldn’t be!

He was very distressed about this.

As a star, being ignored is really distressing.

Forget it, I’d better put down my posture and ask someone.

He gently patted the shoulder of the bald man next to him.

This is a hunter, only level one, but boasting a lot.

I guess I can slay the dragon after two more drinks.

"Hey. Do you know me?" Alok asked directly.

The bald man turned around fiercely, looked at Alok who was a head shorter than him, and suddenly laughed and said:

"I know, I know. Crazy Captain Jack. Why, come and buy me a drink?"

"Uh~~~" Alok looked at the hunter in shock.

He was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth.

You know me, why don't you do me? ? ?

But what the hell is this crazy captain? ?

"Where did you buy this suit? I want to get one too. From the tailor shop in Nablistler?" The bald hunter asked carelessly.

"Uh~~~" Alok was a little at a loss.

He didn't understand what happened at all.

Is my wanted order revoked? Or do people here really not care about the bounty of 10,000 gold coins? ? ?

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