The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 385 Methods of increasing original capital

The two found a hotel to stay in and began to count their gains during this period.

The biggest gain should be what they got from the oceanographer.

Most of the rest are materials.

But these materials also have very valuable things. For example, the crystal of the bound demon, such as the crystal of the Laplace demon.

But the crystal of the Laplace demon, Elok, does not intend to sell it. But the crystal of the bound demon, can be considered.

The crystal of the bound demon can be sold for about 3,000 Inus gold coins, that is, 1,000 Deben gold coins.

As for the rest, the most valuable is the third-level knight crystal. About 2,400 Inus gold coins.

There are some messy materials and crystals in the bag of the oceanographer. Apart from the materials, it can probably be sold for 2,000 Inus gold coins.

Now he regrets not killing the oceanographer. He looks like a pirate. If he kills him, maybe he can get another 2,000 Inus gold coins as payment.

Now they only have 7400 Inus gold coins left, which sounds like a lot, but in fact it is only less than 2500 Deben gold coins and 1250 Starlight coins.

But in addition to this, there is another big head.

That is the clear leaves that Alok secretly plucked from his own tree. There is a pile of them in Il's pocket.

The quality of these clear leaves is excellent, which is not comparable to those leaves that fell from the tree.

I have always wanted to sell them to Damia, but now I can only sell them to Inus.

That pile can probably weigh a few hundred grams? A kilogram?

Selling it here at the price of 4 Deben gold coins per gram, it can be sold for about a few thousand gold coins.

Calculated in this way, it is acceptable.

Alok is deeply proud of his foresight.

Fortunately, he plucked a lot of clear leaves, otherwise he would definitely lose money.

With a happy smile on his face, he sat on the sofa in the hotel, watching Il writing hard.

He showed off his foresight to her:

"I plucked a bunch of clear leaves from the tree in front of our house, and now they come in handy. That's the biggest sum of money. There are about a few thousand Deben gold coins, but we have to weigh them to know how much they are."

"Plus the materials that can maintain their value on the road, there are about 7400 Inus gold coins. That's less than 2500 Deben gold coins. How much can we buy?"

Ir, who was still thinking and recalling what extraordinary materials in Damia had the biggest difference in value from here and were easy to sell, suddenly raised his head, frowned slightly and said:

"These are enough for us to buy. But I guess it won't sell for so much money. After all, we have to act quickly, or we have to go to the black market. , or we have to sell it to the government at a low price. This means it is definitely not very expensive. "

"But from the perspective of purchasing, we will also purchase in bulk, and the price of the materials we get is definitely not expensive. The two can roughly offset each other."

She turned her head and looked at Alok and continued:

"I found that most of the materials that can make money are those extraordinary materials that can be cultivated in batches. For example, the teeth of the wind demon wolf, the honey of the Jaliman crystal bee, such as some plant materials, blue wind bells and the like. "

"Moreover, most of them are named wild extraordinary materials. So, we also import these things and then name them as wild materials. Haha ah ah ah ah~~" Yi Er seemed to have found the code to get rich, and suddenly laughed.

"Uh~~~Aren't these the profiteers you mentioned? ? ? "Alok looked at Yi Er in astonishment and questioned.

"There is no profiteer without business. Do you understand?" Yi Er immediately argued.

"Okay. Okay. I didn't say I disagree." Alok surrendered and said.

He seemed to suddenly remember something and said, "Oh, Il. If you want more capital, I have another way, which is a little more dangerous."

"What way? Tell me. Is there anything in the extraordinary world that is not dangerous?" Il asked expectantly.

"There are only two ways to increase the original capital, one is long-term accumulation, and the other is violent plunder. And don't forget that I am still wanted. The bounty is very high." Alok said teasingly.

Il looked at Alok in surprise, and then said seriously:

"Do you want me to sell you? Well~~~ What a good idea, my dear brother. You have made a great contribution to our original capital accumulation."

"Your idea is very dangerous. I want to go to 'fishing enforcement'." Alok slapped his head and was stunned by Il's dangerous thinking.

How can there be a sister who wants to sell her brother. It's simply.

"What? What is fishing enforcement?" Il asked puzzled.

"Inus is very close to the Hutt Empire. So, I think our wanted order is probably known to the extraordinary people here." Alok explained in detail.

"So, I'll go around the bar. Have a drink and show my face. I think someone will come to my door soon."

"Although this method is a bit risky, it's not dangerous. I won't let my real body appear in the bar directly. It's enough for me to send a clone."

"What do you think of this method?" He looked at Il and asked seriously.

"It's also a method, but it's still a little worse than earning your bounty." Il said after thinking seriously.

"Oh~~ Stop your dangerous and stupid idea, Il." Alok said speechlessly.

Il glanced at Alok, secretly laughing at Alok's stupidity in his heart, I was just joking. Then he said:

"Then let's divide the work again. What are you going to fish for? I'll go to buy the goods. How about it?"

"Good idea." Alok agreed with a smile.


This border city in Inus is called 'Nabristler'. It is very prosperous, but not very big.

Of course, it is only compared with Damia.

This is the second largest city in Inus besides the capital. Some extraordinary people make a living here.

Bars are also a relatively prosperous industry here, and there are quite a few. But they are just as smoky.

However, Alok prefers the bars here.

Because there are no indulgent people in the pink paradise. This allows him not to care too much about the anti-will.

This feeling is good and comfortable.

As the sky gradually darkened, Alok ordered a Jack set meal. While eating a portion of French fries, he raised a glass of beer and took a sip.

Sitting in the corner of the bar, there was an old man and a young man, who looked like a father and son eating the same set meal as Alok. It seems that such food is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

The old man took a sip of beer and taught the young man respectfully:

"Little Mike. Remember, don't be deceived by the appearance of things. You must see the essence of things. See the truth of things."

"The thing that deceived you this morning is a lesson. Never trust other people's faces, don't believe what outsiders say. Your experience is still too simple."

"There are too many ways to disguise as someone else. Especially in the extraordinary world, there are countless ways to change people's appearance. The historian's reconstruction of yesterday, the hunter's disguise, the life transformation of the life priest. There are also psychologists' suggestions and criminals' deception."

"You must see the truth of things. The essence of things. Approach a person from his heart, not from his appearance. "

The boy named Mike drank a bowl of broth and nodded. After hearing what the old man opposite him said, he replied:

"Yeah! Teacher. I see. I thought he was a good person. "

His teacher smiled bitterly and continued:

"Hehe~~ There are no good people in the world. They are all just for their own interests. Even if it is your most trusted friend and best partner. Once you touch his interests, he will become a devil. "

"What about the teacher? Is it the same for you, teacher? If I touch the interests of the teacher, will you harm me too?" Little Mike asked puzzled.

The old man sitting opposite him smiled and said nothing. Then he changed the subject and pointed to Alok who was sitting at the bar and asked:

"Look. What does that man's appearance remind you of?"

Little Mike turned his head puzzledly and looked at the bar. He saw a man sitting at the bar eating. He was wearing a tricorn hat that seemed to be burnt, a leather coat, and a pair of deerskin boots.

The hat covered his short black hair, and he had a one-handed sword and a musket on his waist.

He turned around with a look of surprise on his face, and whispered to his teacher in shock:

"Jack! Crazy Captain Jack!"

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