"Huh? So fast?" Alok asked in surprise.

"Yes, it's that fast." El nodded to confirm. She narcissistically posed and showed off to Alok.

She couldn't help but recall her previous accurate predictions, and felt deeply that she had a talent for predictions.

If the prediction hadn't fooled her that time, she wouldn't have had any prejudice against the predictions. But thinking about it this way, the prediction at that time was not wrong. She did find the secret spell and successfully escaped.

Although the process was tortuous, fortunately, the promotion was completed.

And witch is the rarest profession I have ever seen. Low-level skills and secret spells are easier to find, but if they are above level three, I have never seen them.

Fortunately, Alok, the lucky guy, has a book.

By the way, how did the "Book of Prophet" come from? Could it be from my father? ?

My father used to develop in Listanwell and knew Azera, which seems to be a bit possible.

Forget it, I still don't care. It's enough for me to be able to use it. Right, why bother so much.

After coming back to her senses from her wild thoughts, she was greeted by the questioning of such a fool as Alok.

"Are you sure your prediction is accurate? I didn't see you chanting a spell." Alok asked with some disbelief.

"Don't worry. Who am I? Not only fast, but also accurate. We are ready to set off." Ir pinched his waist and said shamelessly.

"Well~~~~" Alok looked at Ir speechlessly.

He didn't feel embarrassed to say that what he meant was: why did he meet a human traveler so quickly. Instead of praising your prediction speed for being so fast.

Who cares. It would be great if he could meet him, but it doesn't matter if he didn't.

He shrugged indifferently. Following Ir's movements, he flew into the sky.

After flying for a whole day without meeting the so-called person, the two prepared to spend the night on a flat grassland.

Ir coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment and said:

"Maybe tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow at noon. He must have gone in the wrong direction. Yes, that must be the case."

While arguing that her prediction was correct, she shifted the blame to the so-called traveler.

"Okay. My dear Il. Let's go to bed after dinner." Alok set up a tent and responded helplessly.

Although I didn't expect Il's prediction to be accurate, I didn't expect it. I didn't feel disappointed if I didn't meet it.

The tent was requisitioned from Dashuqiang Village. The autumn in Dashuqiang Village is not as cold as this place now, but it is also cool. Alok was overjoyed to find this leather tent that can shelter from wind and rain at night. This way, he doesn't have to shiver with cold every time.

The rest of the time was spent quietly by the two of them.

The autumn forest began to have a touch of gold. Especially those fir trees, some of which appeared orange and red, matched with the clear and high sky, as if they had entered an oil painting.

In addition to the sunny weather and the somewhat bleak autumn wind, rabbits are the fattest at this time. Of course, there are also a lot of them. I don't know why, they can be seen everywhere.

And Alok has recently become obsessed with roasted rabbits and rabbit soup.

Il is cooking a pot of hot rabbit soup, while Alok is using the firelight to draw the area to be explored today. There is a clear division of labor.

As their exploration progress increases, Alok is approaching the end of the area that needs to be explored on the edge of the Sunset Mountains.

Now it is at the end of the thirteenth section, and there are five sections left to explore.

From the map, there is still a large area outside the Sunset Mountains, but most of them are farther north, not close to the Dark Moon Forest, so there is no need to explore, and they are not part of the mission area.

After this period of exploration, Alok's mental power is close to full. Although the total amount of mental power is still increasing every day, it has slowed down compared to the previous rapid increase.

This means that the core will soon be condensed. This makes him look forward to it. I hope that the "singularity" will appear soon.

And because of this kind of exploration experience, his skills have long been proficient and reached the level of silent release.

Level 3 to level 4 is a critical node, and it is also the watershed between low level and middle level. Once you reach the middle level, it means that your strength has entered the upper level.

Those high-level guys, even demigods, rarely appear in front of people. The world seems to belong to the middle and low-level extraordinary people.

And the fourth-level will also make your strength a big step up. Mastering more high-level skills and combinations will definitely make your combat power exceed the standard.

Richie said that there is nothing to learn about the third-level skills. Most of them are some insignificant abilities. Once you reach the fourth level, there are countless good skills to learn.

And Il's progress is a little slower than Alok. She is still in the stage of trying to learn skills and rapidly improving her mental power.

For some skills, she has already used them maturely, but for the two second-level skills of curse and origami, although she can silently cast them, she is not proficient enough.

Among the third-level skills, paralysis curse, scarecrow and straw man substitute are not proficient enough. Because there is no corresponding material, she can't make scarecrows and straw man substitutes. This makes her a little frustrated.

But recently she thought of a way, which is to use origami to pretend to be a straw man substitute and scarecrow.

In this way, this problem is almost perfectly solved. The only flaw is that the scarecrow is not strong enough and breaks easily.

As for the locust swarm that the two discussed, Ir also found a nest of bats for experiments and exercises.

But then, Il let them go.

According to her own explanation, she hopes to make something less eye-catching so that the skill of 'Locust Swarm' can be more effective. This is a related advanced application of this skill.

For example: reconnaissance, exploration.

It is unknown what she thought.

But Alok thought a little darkly: Maybe it's because bats are not pleasing to the eye. May carry viruses.

Dinner was quickly finished, and Alok stopped imagining and drawing and began to finish the bowl of rabbit soup in front of him.

Although the environment in the wild is a bit difficult, El's craftsmanship is still good.

He smiled happily.


Until we reached the middle of the fourteenth section, when it was about to fall. Alok was flying high in the sky when he suddenly noticed a neat star spirit body appearing below. Composed of light colored with blood. Extremely bright and dazzling.

He exclaimed in his heart: "Hey, El, your prediction has come true. There is someone below. A level four hunter."

Elok still seemed to have seen a rare animal. After all, he hadn't seen a living person in two or three months.

He landed on the branches of an oak tree with El. Feeling a little excited.

El poured cold water on him and responded:

"It may also be a high-level extraordinary species. You have done something like this before. Be careful. Even if you are a human, you must be more careful. Human beings are much more dangerous than extraordinary species."

Indeed, the astral bodies of some extraordinary species were almost identical to those of human extraordinary beings. This made Alok fail to distinguish them once and thought he had encountered humans in the wild.

Fortunately, it was only a second-level extraordinary species, so there was no danger.

Moreover, Elok has seen a lot of human cunning and evil. Even if I quietly want to find a guide, there is no good one.

In comparison, humans are more dangerous than extraordinary species of the same level.

But now, Alok stared at this carefully for a long time, and finally confirmed:

"Truly a transcendent person."

"Really? Then go rob him." Yi suddenly said excitedly.

Alok quickly stopped El, corrected her and said:

"What does robbery mean? We have always negotiated in a peaceful and friendly manner, do you understand? Don't rob one by one. We are civilized people, uh~ civilized elves."

"Besides, we are only at Level 3, while others are at Level 4. Be careful."

He thought for a moment and continued:

"Perhaps we should reenact yesterday, or simply use a transformation spell to disguise ourselves and cover our long ears to gain trust. Or change our appearance to hide our identity. After all, we still have a wanted warrant on us."

"Okay, okay. We don't have any bad intentions, we just want to get some maps, right." El responded.

Then, she turned the owl's head ninety degrees, looked at Alok and asked:

"But if a fight breaks out, will it be a big problem?"

"It's not a big problem. I still have some experience in dealing with hunters." Elok responded, staring at the figure of the hunter in the distance.

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