The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 360: Past Events in Sunset Mountains

"Thank you, Lord Wulfk." Ir looked at the small crystal bottle with some surprise.

Wulfk turned around and walked behind the desk, waved his hand and said:

"Okay, okay. Leave here quickly, otherwise I will be reluctant to leave. That thing is very valuable. Be careful."

"Okay. Lord Wulfk. Thank you." Ir replied lightly.

The two walked out of the room under Wulfk's reluctant gaze and started to really go on the road to the Big Tree Wall Village.

Big Tree Wall Village. Located at the edge of the Dark Moon Forest near the Sunset Mountains. It is long and narrow like a line, blocking the Sunset Mountains for other villages in the Dark Moon Forest.

As long as you go north, no matter which direction, you can reach the Big Tree Wall Village.

Most of the villagers are hunters and druids, and some women are life priests, and there are fewer artists.

But the Big Tree Wall Village is a rare village with a full range of professions.

There are also many weather warlocks, that is, meteorologists. There are even extremely rare professions among the Darkmoon Elves, such as witches, psychologists, criminals, warriors, and assassins.

As Alok followed Ir, he looked down at the book "Dragon Mountains, Sunset" about the history of the Sunset Mountains.

On the other hand, Ir was a little dissatisfied with this. He turned back and looked at Alok with some concern and accused him:

"Don't read it yet. Wouldn't it hurt your eyes to read books at night? Wait until you rest during the day to read it."

"Okay, okay, right away. This book is interesting..." Alok agreed, but he didn't put the book down at all.

This book is not thick, and it is a thin small book with not many pages. The parchment is very thin, but very strong, and it is completely opaque.

Most of the elven texts on it are recognized by Alok.

He looked at the title page, which showed the 6541st year of the Darkmoon Calendar.

The Darkmoon Calendar is the calendar of the elves. Since the appearance of the Darkmoon Forest, it is the first year of the Darkmoon Calendar.

And now is the 7527th year of the Darkmoon Calendar.

This book has a history of 986 years.

And today's Hutt Empire calendar is the year 986 of the New Year, which means that this book was written in the first year of the New Year.

What a coincidence? ?

This is too coincidental.

The author's name is Morik Starlight.

I don't know much about this author. There seems to be no elves named Starlight in the Dark Moon Forest.

Of course, it may be because I am ignorant. After all, I only know a few elves.

Continue to turn the pages, the book becomes the main text with pictures.

The illustration is an eagle flying in the sky.

The text is very simple, without a prologue, and directly tells the history of the Dragon Mountains (also known as the Sunset Mountains).

"The Dragon Mountains, the former habitat of dragons. Unfortunately, it has experienced too many battles. The dragons said that this place has been their home since ancient times.

But I found the earliest memory of the Dragon Mountains in the history of the giants.

This was once the home of the Destroyer Eagle. As the giants and dragons shared the Destroyer Eagle, the two tribes became the most powerful.

And this mountain range was also occupied by dragons at the end of the First Era. It was named the Dragon Mountains.

This was the first battle it experienced."

This is the content of the first page. The last "it" should refer to the Dragon Mountains, now the Sunset Mountains.

The rest of the content is easy to understand. The only question is what is the Destroyer Eagle? Is it a race that does not exist now, or a supernatural species?

Or a god? Symbiotic gods? Or native gods?

As for sharing... It's really barbaric.

But there is no more explanation in the book, so Alok had to bury this question deep in his heart. Richie should be very interested in this kind of historical question.

Alok continued to flip back. The content was very different from the previous one. Not only is it shorter, but it also does not record the time when the event occurred.

"Giant King Yum completely changed the structure of the Dragon Mountain Range. It cut its originally tall and upright figure in half. But he also paid the price for his recklessness and stupidity.

The king won. Yum and Avalon were buried under the mountain. This is the second battle."

On one side of the text is an illustration of a tall elf standing on the mountain with a bare upper body and a spear in his hand.

According to Alok's interpretation of the text and his understanding of part of the history of the elves.

'The king' should refer to the Elf King, Seslik, who proposed the theory of mutual repulsion of different mental powers.

Yum is the Giant King, and Avalon is unknown, but it can be speculated that it may be the Dragon King. Otherwise, he would not be at the same level as Yum.

The third page has only one sentence. And a picture of a tall mountain.

"The Dragon Mountain Range has become the Dragon Mountain Range again."

This made Alok a little confused. What does this mean? ?

It seems that there are still many blank spaces on this page, as if nothing has been written, or it may have been erased by someone.

But after looking through it for a long time, I couldn't find any traces of being wiped, as if it was left blank intentionally.

Does it make me think about it?

Could it be that the Dragon Mountain Range was no longer called the Dragon Mountain Range before? Then it was taken away by the dragon and renamed again?

Perhaps this part of history is a bit secret and they don't want people to know it.

It may be because it can't be written. It may also be because they don't know it at all and are deliberately making it mysterious.

He shrugged and turned the book to the next page.

The content on the fourth page seemed much richer, and there was also an illustration, which looked very carefully drawn and very beautiful.

It was a landscape painting of the sun setting slowly. Apart from that, no other characters appeared in the painting. The rest was a long string of elven text:


The end of the Fifth Epoch. Luke fell in the Dragon Mountains.

No, maybe it should be called the Sunset Mountains.

Luke once inherited the legacy of the betrayer and will always die. It is not so easy to be the Sun God. Falling in the Dragon Mountains is the destiny.

The betrayer will be betrayed, and the traitor will never have peace.

The dictatorship will only breed resistance, just waiting for the day of sunset.

The guardian gods no longer protect, and there is only the way back."


Eilok still didn't quite understand it.

Luke was the previous Sun God, and this was known to Alok.

The origin of the Sunset Mountains was because Luke fell there.

Looking at the meaning of this book, Luke inherited the legacy of the betrayer, which must be the crystallization of the will body.

And the reason for his fall at the end of the Fifth Epoch seemed to be the resistance to the dictatorship.

In Alok's impression, the word traitor comes first to the fallen god Dezaret. And the profession of traitor.

But in this context, it should not be this, it should refer to the betrayer's never peace.

As for who the betrayer is?

First of all, it must be a god level. And it is the authority of the sun.

Add to the situation of the elves and the part of the elf history I know.

Then it is most likely Prometheus.

Prometheus betrayed the elves during the war between the three tribes at the end of the Third Age.

But I didn't expect Prometheus to be a light messenger.

The phrase "never peace" suddenly reminded Alok of the curse of the pharaoh in his previous life.

Probably it means that the god of the sun will never have peace.

Moreover, this seems to be one of the reasons why the queen hates the sun god very much.

After all, the priesthood of the sun god is the profession of a traitor.

It's interesting, there is something in the history of the elves.

Alok clicked his tongue.

As for the patron saint, he didn't know what this definition meant.

A type of god? ?

The four types do not seem to exist.

And from the literal meaning, the patron saint of a country may refer to the gods who can control a country and protect a country.

It can also be understood this way.

At the end of the Fifth Age, this should be the end of this book. But Alok turned to the next page.

There is only one sentence.

"History will repeat itself! Fate will never stop!"

History will repeat itself? Does it mean that the current sun god Ella will also die in the Sunset Mountains? ?

Is this a prophecy made by Serik a thousand years ago?

Then you are really a crow's mouth.

Speaking of this, don't I have the potential to predict? ?

When I was young, I was "one word and one mind". If I say there is a mist treasure, there is one, and I will go if I say so. If I say I will become a pirate, I will become a pirate.

But now I seriously suspect that I was tricked by the goddess Delsha at that time.

"Why are you still looking? Didn't I tell you to look at the road?" Il's angry voice suddenly sounded, interrupting Alok's fantasy.

Of course, Ir was also doing this for Alok's own good. After all, it was very annoying to step on cat poop on the road.


Damn it.

Alok rubbed his right foot against the ground and the tree several times.

"Damn it, it must be Dabai." He frowned and complained with a twitching mouth.

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