The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 359 Preparations before departure

Alok still felt something was not right. Was it really because I was too careful and cautious?

As the saying goes, once bitten by a snake, one will be afraid of the rope for ten years?

"Have you seen my skills? Is there anything you don't understand?" Il asked casually, like a teacher.

Alok touched his chin, but did not continue to dwell on the previous question. After hearing Il's question, he replied:

"A little bit."

"Tell me about it."

"Regarding the substitute straw man, can you make one for me? So that I can also have a gold medal of immunity from death?" Alok asked with some expectation.

Il looked at Alok in surprise, and said with some disdain: "You don't know that skill. You can't use it even if I give it to you. Do you want to learn another skill? But you have already learned it?"

"Is that so?" Alok said awkwardly:

"You still need to learn skills? Forget it. There is another question. About psychic communication and origami. What do these two skills mean?"

Il looked up and forgot about the sky. She recalled and explained:

"Psychic communication is to communicate with the spirits in the world, such as will life, such as the spirit of a tree, such as the spirit of a stone. In fact, it is a way to communicate with the sea of ​​spiritual power. You can get more information."

"As for origami, it is origami." She suddenly smiled and took out a thousand paper cranes from her pocket.

She threw the thousand paper cranes gently, and it magically flew up by itself, turned a circle in the air, and fell back into Il's hands. Said:

"That's it. But there are many functions. It is a skill with great potential. There is a whole book of advanced application books for this skill alone. It is more troublesome than the Transfiguration Spell."

"Of course, this is not the most difficult among witches. The most difficult is the curse. Although I know a little bit. But compared with the curse methods in those books, it is just the tip of the iceberg."

"The skill of cursing actually has five or six books of advanced applications. It is said that this is not all. There are higher-level curses at higher levels. My God."

Ailok sighed speechlessly, looking at Il as if he had eaten a fly.

Seriously suspected that Il was in Versailles. So he said helplessly:

"Okay, okay. Don't you have the Book of Prophets? And so many inheritance books. You really made a fortune by becoming an elf. Il."

In an instant, Il changed from a depressed state to an optimistic state, and said excitedly:

"That's right. Thank you. My dear brother."

"Forget it, my dear sister. Just don't cheat me." Alok replied helplessly. "Have you changed your clothes? Are we ready to go?"

"Yeah~Okay. Let's go directly." Yi'er said with a smile.

"Are all the things ready? Food for the road, and clear moonlight." Alok asked with some concern.

Yi'er patted his pocket with a beaming face, and said generously: "Don't worry. I bought a full 10 Starlight Coins of clear moonlight. As for food, don't worry, I brought seasonings. I'll have to trouble you to catch some rabbits when the time comes. You can pick any fruit."

"You are really capable..." Alok patted his head. "Didn't you bring cassava?"

Yi'er pinched his waist and replied impatiently: "I brought it. Why are you so troublesome? I think you have been too cautious recently."

"I was deceived by you. Should we go to the library first to see if there are any books about the Sunset Mountains? I think it is necessary to understand some things about the Sunset Mountains." Alok said cautiously again.

"You have so many things to do. But this is OK. Let's ask Ramir when we pass by the World Tree." Ir thought for a while and said. (The World Tree is the big tree in the center, the elves call it that.)

"Any more questions?" Ir asked impatiently with his hands on his waist.

Alok thought about it, then waved his hand and said, "No more. Let's go!"

He turned around and walked out of the room first, striding towards Darkmoon Village. Turning around and seeing a black raven, he asked in confusion:

"Is Claw following us?"

Ir, who was following behind, shook his head and rolled his eyes. He heard Alok's question and answered helplessly:

"Claw is our guide. We follow Claw."

"That's right. It's much better to have one flying in the sky." Alok nodded and said with understanding.

The sunset had ended, and the two came to the World Tree with the dim light of the night light grass and asked an older elf named Wulfk. And saw Ramir behind him.

"Hi. Why are you here? I just finished a meeting." Ramir seemed very energetic, holding the hand of the listless Emile and jumping in front of the two.

"We are about to leave for a mission outside the Sunset Mountains. I just happened to pass by and said something." Ir explained.

"Also, I came to ask if there are any books about the Sunset Mountains."

Hearing this, Ramir tilted his head, glanced at Emile beside him, and then looked at Speaker Wulfk who was looking at a few people beside him, and said:

"This~~ You may have to ask Speaker Wulfk. He is the most knowledgeable elf I have ever seen. Right, Emile. He~he~"

"Of course, of course, Speaker Wulfk's erudition is known to everyone." Emile replied weakly.

After working all day, I had to run from Quanshui Village to have a boring meeting, and then return to Quanshui Village after get off work. Compared to Ramil, Emile works at least two hours more every day. No wonder she always looks sleepy during meetings.

Wofk was stunned for a moment, why did he get involved with me? But when it comes to elves being knowledgeable enough, I dare to say that they are fifth. Who dares to say that they are fourth? ?

The first, second, and third ones are of course Sir Mafak, the Queen, and the Goddess.

Ramiel's flattery hit him right on the butt, making Wovk feel comfortable for a while. He seemed to have forgotten about the ridicule he had just received at the meeting. Then he looked at Alok and said:

"Hmm. Do you want to read a book about the Sunset Mountains? There is one here. It's about the history of the Sunset Mountains. As for the geography, I'm about to write one, and it still depends on your exploration. Don't think about it."

"Oh~~ Really? Wofk, Speaker. I would like to borrow it for a look so that I can be more prepared during the exploration." Alok said with some surprise.

"Well, no problem. Come with me." Wofk nodded casually and said.

Afterwards, Alok and Il said goodbye to Ramiel and followed Wofk to a room on the higher floor.

This is the speaker's office, but it seems a bit stingy. Mainly because the area is a bit small. The room looked very neat and tidy, and there was a natural atmosphere lingering in the room.

Wofk picked up an opened book from the table and introduced it to the two of them:

""Dragon Mountain Range, Sunset", only copy. The Dragon Mountain Range is also the Sunset Mountain Range. In fact, I just borrowed this book from the library. It's a coincidence that you are here. If you go to the library, you can't borrow it. Come back. Remember to give it back to me.”

"What a coincidence?" Alok asked in surprise.

Wofk handed the thin parchment book to Alok, sighed and said helplessly:

"Yes. Recently, the elves have made some moves towards the Dragon Mountains. I have to take a look. I can't count on Ramil and Mi'er."

"Um~~Thank you, Mr. Wulfk." Alok inspected the parchment cover of the book, then looked at Wulfk and thanked him seriously.

Wofk waved his hand casually and said:

"No, no, no. Just complete the task. I will have to write a book by then. I will still have to thank you at that time."

"Please note that the most dangerous thing in the Sunset Mountains is not the extraordinary species, but erosion. If you feel something is wrong, come back quickly. Or seek the Queen's asylum urgently."

Hearing this, Alok nodded solemnly and said, "It's the same as what I thought. I also think erosion is the most dangerous."

Then, Wofk stood up from his seat, walked slowly to a small bookshelf, and took down a small crystal bottle from it, about five centimeters high and two centimeters wide. After giving it to Il, he said:

"The essential oil of clear leaves. It's similar to perfume. Hanging it on the body can effectively prevent the erosion of the astral realm. If it doesn't work, just drink a drop. Don't take too much. It's best to drink it mixed with water."

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