The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 8: Internal strife among pirates

Seeing that the blue and white star was at the wall on the other side, Alok casually said:

"I'll go over there and take a look. Captain."

Lepton didn't even raise his head and ignored Alok.

The torch in his hand was already a little weak, and the flame was much smaller. Alok walked towards the blue and white star with the help of extra vision.

From a distance, Alok saw a man with dark blue hair holding an oil lamp and carefully observing the murals on the wall.

This is similar to Alok's hobby. He shouted from a distance:

"Second Officer Roger."

The dark blue-haired man turned around and saw that it was Alok, and replied:

"Alok? How did you find me?"

"What a coincidence, I was looking at the murals on the other side and planned to take a look at the murals on this side." Alok replied with a smile.

"Oh? Didn't expect that we have the same hobby?"

"Yes. I didn't expect it." Alok replied hypocritically.

Roger turned around and continued to observe the murals in front of him with the help of the weak firelight, muttering to himself:

"Those people don't understand that the murals are the most content-rich things in the temple."

Moving forward, Alok also agreed:

"Yes, the content on the murals here is very rich."

"Yeah. But the murals here are very strange." Roger said.

Alok asked in surprise: "Why is it strange?"

"The murals on this wall are all about the life of the elves in the Dark Moon Forest, and there is nothing about the gods. Don't you think it's strange? In a temple, the paintings are all about the life of the elves?" Roger turned his head and looked at Alok, "Even if it is the gods of the elves, it shouldn't be like this."

Hearing this, Alok began to look at the murals in front of him carefully.

After a long time, Alok nodded:


Seeing Alok agree, Roger added:

"And. The protagonist in the painting should be the god of this temple, but you can't see his face."

Seeing Alok still observing the content of the murals seriously. Roger asked:

"Is the mural over there like this?"

Alok shook his head, "No, it's not. The painting over there is a war story of the gods."

"Can you tell me more about it?"

Looking away from the mural, Alok thought about it. He told Roger the details of the mural over there. But he omitted the mural of the right hand escaping.


"So, this is the temple of the goddess of vengeance?" Roger looked into Alok's eyes.

"I think so."

Holding his arms tightly, Roger said in a low voice:

"As far as I know, the goddess of vengeance is an evil god. And she is a terrifying existence among the evil gods. She is listed as the most dangerous evil god in various countries."

Alok felt a little uncomfortable when he heard this.

"Ahem, no way."

"Why not. She is the most terrifying god." Roger looked around furtively, "It is said that she has killed gods. I think it is the man painted on the mural."

"Who is the unlucky god?" Alok asked.

Before Roger could answer. The entire temple hall suddenly began to shake, and some rocks collapsed from above. The falling dust made Alok cough twice.

As if he had recalled whether he had said something wrong, Alok was fed up with his own crow mouth and shouted:

"It's not the unlucky god, that damn god. Damn it. Oh~~ I was wrong."

Roger frowned on the side, and heard the sound of fighting in the distance, and shouted to Alok:

"Don't be stupid, there is a fight over there."

Alok stopped shouting in vain, breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to look over there. Under the additional vision, the gray shadows and the three-color strange stars jumped up and down.

He immediately realized that it was Lepton and Sorok.

Roger looked at the direction where the sound came from, and said hurriedly:

"It must be the captain and Sorok. Let's go over there."

He led the way in front with hurried steps. Alok followed behind. On the way, they encountered a corpse, the corpse of a pirate sailor.

Roger looked down, observed the wound, and said:

"Sorok did it, there are probably not many people left. Let's go quickly."

As they got closer, they could no longer hear any sound, and the temple stopped shaking. They only saw two torches burning feebly on the ground. In front of them was a huge statue. The torchlight could not illuminate higher places, and only the lower body of the statue was slender, which seemed to be a woman.

Under their feet was an altar, on which the small stone box was placed. The dagger on the stone box disappeared.

It was the one that Alok saw on the mural.

Alok's pupils shrank, and he was more convinced of the speculation that there was a part of the evil god here.

Closing his eyes, in Alok's sight, the three-color star representing Sorok had gradually dimmed, and finally flickered and lost its color.

And the gray shadow also looked weaker than before.

Roger said to the surroundings:

"What happened, Captain."

After a while, Roger stood still. Alok was also frozen by this atmosphere. Until the voice of Captain Repton came from the left:

"Nothing, Roger."

Repton slowly walked out of the shadow on the left, his eyelids drooping. He held a dagger in his right hand. There was fresh blood on it.

Roger smiled slightly:

"I knew long ago that Solok wanted to rebel. Sure enough, he came after all. The captain is really powerful. After all, he is one level higher than us."

Lepton listened to Roger's flattery.

"Don't talk nonsense. Gather the men."

"I'm afraid Sorok has killed them all. I saw several corpses on the road." Roger spread his hands and said.

Repton narrowed his eyes, "Damn Sorok. Bah, dead."

He turned his head to look at the box on the altar. Alok and Roger also followed his gaze to the box.

"Hey, treasure." Repton laughed sinisterly. There was a greedy light in his eyes.

Alok interrupted at an inopportune time:

"Ahem, Captain. Please allow me to interrupt. Isn't it better not to open this box."

Repton laughed contemptuously. No longer care about Alok.

What I really want to say is that this box is empty. It's the right hand of an evil god. Are you sure you want to open it? Aren't you afraid of being slapped to death? You are not afraid, but I am.

Who knew that Repton would have such a tone, and Alok's nose was crooked. Humph, if you miss, don't drag me along. I came here out of kindness.

The surface of the stone box is engraved with unknown patterns, and the lid is engraved with a nine-pointed star formed by three triangles intersecting each other. There is also a gap in the middle of the lid.

That is where the dagger is inserted.

Touching the pattern on the surface of the box, Lepton took out the stone dagger that was once discarded by Alok from his arms, with the human hand on it.

Showing a weird smile:

"Key, haha."

Are you crazy? Take a statue you picked up casually as a key. Alok complained crazily in his heart.

Suddenly remembered something. Touched the souvenir on his chest. No way. No way. The stone dagger souvenir I picked up casually.

Now I think about it, the more I think about it, the more it looks like the dagger inserted in the box in the mural.

Alok complained crazily. Damn it, today is too... that!!!

After the first attempt failed, Lepton's heart skipped a beat.

After trying again, he smashed the statue with great force and cursed:

"Damn it, it's not."

Roger smiled strangely behind Alok and said temptingly:

"Maybe you should try to open it directly."

It seems that Captain Repton is not in a good state, a little confused and irrational. This has been shown since he got off the ship. Now it is even more serious.

Repton's eyes are full of madness:

"That's right, hahaha. If it doesn't work, just smash it."

He grabbed the lid of the box with his hands and lifted it up with force. Alok decisively moved away a little.

A crack opened, and some black smoke seeped out, but it was not obvious in the dark environment.

But Alok saw it, his eyes slightly opened, and his pupils contracted. His breathing became rapid. He looked behind him along the flow of the smoke. Roger, who was originally there, had disappeared, but the blue and white stars were still shining.

The light of Roger's oil lamp had disappeared, leaving only the light of the two torches under his feet.

Repton lifted the lid of the stone box with force, and was suddenly stunned when he saw the empty interior.

At this moment, Alok saw the blue and white stars suddenly flicker.

Repton seemed to feel something and hurriedly dodged to the back.

A dim transparent air blade cut off a strand of Repton's hair. It fell to the ground.

After a backward roll, Repton snorted in a mocking manner:

"I've been on guard against you for a long time. Roger. Humph."

His figure suddenly disappeared.

In the light of the fire, Roger's figure appeared in the distance, and Repton suddenly appeared behind him. A dagger passed across Roger's neck. But it was blocked by an unknown force.

Repton frowned slightly, but did not stop at all. His figure disappeared again.

Roger rolled on the ground for a week, and a gust of wind suddenly blew in the air, blowing Alok a little unable to open his eyes.

Roger's voice was heard:

"I found you."

He then cast two air blades in succession.

The strong wind suddenly stopped, and Repton simply showed up, rolled on the ground, and dodged the two air blades.

Then he leaned down, took out a few darts from his boots, and threw them at Roger.

This interrupted Roger's recasting. Forcing him to use the unknown skill to resist damage again.

At this time, Repton had disappeared again.

Roger looked around vigilantly. But he showed a strange smile.

"Dear Captain, the longer the time, the more dangerous it is."

After a few seconds, it seemed like a whole century.

Roger suddenly fell forward, and Repton, who suddenly appeared behind him, flashed with a dagger in his hand, and pounced into nothing.

The moment Repton was in the air, two wind blades seemed to be prepared, passing through Repton's body from bottom to top. Blood gushed out.

Roger rolled on the ground to avoid the falling Repton, not caring about gentlemanly manners.

He stood up and dusted off his body. He smiled and tilted his head to look at Alok.

After seeing Alok's actions, he shouted in horror:


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