The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 332: Strategically despise the enemy and tactically take the enemy seriously

When Alok and the other two gathered at the dark corner of the city gate, they saw the people present clearly.

Not counting those ordinary people, there were seven extraordinary people including myself.

In other words, there were six of my opponents.

None of them were mid-level. It was not easy to find mid-level extraordinary people.

The strongest fighting force was three knights carrying big swords.

This was also the characteristic of Cherancy.

Because of the war here, knights were the most common profession.

One was level three, one was level two, and one was level one. It was quite layered.

The level one was still wearing a military uniform. . .


This was too blatant.

The other three were Jasmine, a level two witch.

A level two judge, and a level one binder.

The pink heaven staff did not participate in it. This made Alok a little regretful.

I was planning to kill the pink heaven staff as well.


"Captain Jack is in there? How can such an arrogant person make those good-for-nothings in Damia suffer?" The third-level knight frowned and questioned Jasmine.

The second-level knight beside him did not give Jasmine a chance to speak, and continued to mock:

"You said it. He is a good-for-nothing."

The judge obviously did not like Damia's anti-will organization very much, and said with a hint of meaning:

"Forget it. Let's go in and kill him. Set an example for Damia's arrogant good-for-nothings."

"We should be careful. Captain Jack is not like that. There must be a trap if you do this. He is the most dangerous enemy I know." Jasmine's voice was very low. But she still said it reluctantly.

Although he hated the group of self-righteous colleagues of Cherancy, he did not want the power of the Lord to be weakened.

Captain Jack was definitely the most dangerous person she knew. No one else.

The death of colleagues one by one, and the anti-will had no way to deal with it, made her feel terrified.

"Tsk~~~ Overly cautious Damian idiot." The third-level knight said disdainfully.

He was extremely strong, with shoulders as wide as Alok and two others, and only slightly smaller than Florian.

"Oh? Idiots? You? Anti-will idiots?" A discordant voice suddenly sounded from the darkness.

Everyone turned their heads to look over, and Alok's figure slowly walked out of the darkness.

He held a roadside weed in the corner of his mouth, folded his arms and said disdainfully:

"I'm not targeting anyone. I'm saying that everyone present is an idiot!!"

(It seems that there is nothing wrong. I scold myself? It doesn't exist.)

"What?" The third-level knight was immediately upset.

Just as he drew out the greatsword behind him and was about to shout "For protection, charge!!"

A thick gray fog suddenly surrounded everyone present.

The surroundings instantly became silent. Not a single sound could be heard.

The connection between the sea of ​​spiritual power and the material world was also cut off.

I already knew that knights are afraid of silence. A knight's insider told me.

The anti-will crowd suddenly fell into panic.

But the three knights were very tacit.

They were originally standing very close, which was a reaction to military training and long-term dealing with various enemies.

Although this third-level knight was very hot-tempered, he quickly calmed down at this moment.

The three stood back to back. Defending against possible sudden attacks.

In his heart, he silently used "sacrifice". Sacrificing his limited vitality in exchange for the effect of removing silence.

But unfortunately, the fog is a continuous skill.

Even if the control effect is removed by using sacrifice for a short time, it is still within the range of the fog.

In fact, as long as you use this time to run out of the range of the fog, you can avoid the effects of silence and blocking vision.

But these people obviously have not dealt with high-level assassins. Or, they don't know this skill at all.

And Alok will not give such an opportunity.

When the fog appears.

The main body ‘Bilke’ used the dagger to teleport behind the witch, and before the cautious anti-will idiot from Damia could react, he had already ended her sinful life.

The clone Captain Jack used yesterday’s reappearance to recall a dagger and teleported behind the judge. The same method, different target, same result.

Exactly the same.

As for Mr. Binding Mage. There was no threat to Alok at this time. But he still used a Binding Mage’s uncharged tearing skill to hit him. I hope he will take care of himself.

The three knights have formed a defensive formation. This is not good news for Alok.

But he did not panic.

He directly took out the storm of Karame in Il’s pocket. He activated the storm skill.

The clone took out another scepter and began to gather electrophoresis at the head of the scepter.

Hmm~~ Why is the power a little insufficient today?

Could it be that Il just used it!

The fog will become thinner as time goes by and the air flows, and its effect will decrease when it becomes thinner.

Especially in a storm, it will dissipate faster. It will probably only take a few seconds.

Elok must hurry up.

However, these knights are really stupid. Could it be that their brains have been rusted on the battlefield? You are standing in place and turning in circles, which is a good way to defend against external enemies, but it is obviously not flexible enough to deal with me.

He silently chanted "The Path" and used this skill that he was not very proficient in and did not like to use.

A dagger appeared in his hand and he quickly threw it at the third-level knight in front of him.

In the sea of ​​mental power, the dagger accurately hit the back of the target's neck, which startled him and made emergency defense measures.

He held the big sword horizontally in front of him, as if to block the sudden attack.

But Elok did not attack directly, but retreated a few steps. Retreating to the side of the clone.

Waiting for the electrophoresis to end.

A flash of lightning suddenly appeared in the air for a short moment and disappeared in the sight of everyone in an instant.

But the third-level knight suddenly froze on the spot. He trembled all over and fell on the spot.

Well~~~ What a careless and stupid traitor of Chelansi.

As a gust of wind blew, the fog on the field finally dissipated.

But obviously, there were only two knights left to fight.

"You should listen to what Moli-san said. Captain Jack does have a deep meaning. He is the most dangerous enemy." Alok said to the last two knights who were shocked after the fog dissipated.

He crossed his arms and continued to teach respectfully:

"Strategically despise the enemy and tactically respect the enemy. This is the correct attitude towards the enemy. Obviously, you don't understand this."

"For honor, charge~~" When the voice appeared again.

The strong wind also appeared.

Before waiting for the two people to react. Four consecutive bullets have already rushed straight towards the reckless knight who rushed towards Alok.


Bang! ! ! ~~~

Although the first three shots hit the iron, the last one was a fierce attack of demon fire. It was not something that the iron sword could stop.

A huge pit appeared at the corner of the gate of the West City. Outside the huge pit fell a fallen knight.

As for the last trash.

I just need to... again.

Well~~~ I won't explode again.

But why did you kneel down?

He put down the sword in his hand, knelt on the ground, held his hands and begged for mercy loudly:

"Brother, brother, brother Jack. I am one of us, one of us. I am just a handyman. Captain, bring me here!!"

Hmm? ? ? ? ?

Alok scratched his head at a loss.

Don't kill him? What if he is a traitor.

Kill him? What if he is a victim.

Look at his memory? What if he is in danger.

It's really difficult.

But, how many good people can follow the anti-will and become officers here? ?

If he didn't have the intention of betrayal, how could he be with the people of the anti-will. And he followed the strongest fighting force of the anti-will. That means he is trustworthy.

Kneeling on the ground and thinking he can escape? No ambition at all.


No matter what, Alok still felt that he should not be let go. He ended his life with a knife.

He stood on the last knight who was still kneeling on the ground but had died. He sighed with disdain.

Then, he looked around. The battle was so fierce, but no one came to bother me?

How strange.

But never mind. Let the little bear deal with these things.


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