Unfortunately, the rewards for this battle are not generous.

Alok was still hoping that this big ticket would bring him at least a few hundred gold coins.

Who would have thought that these people from Cherancy were a bunch of poor guys. Several of them didn't even have any cash on them. They really didn't care about their face!

No, these three knights must have money. Just based on the three big swords in their hands, they can sell for hundreds of gold coins.

But they didn't bring them out. Do I have to go to the door to get the money? ?

Forget it, it's too arrogant.

The three big swords are all knight professions, three, two, and one level respectively. It's really a layered level.

I guess they are all military standard weapons. It seems that these three are military officers or something like that.

Unfortunately, it's really not suitable for me to use.

It's too big.

Don't you see how tall those three big guys are. This big sword is almost taller than me. How can I use it?

Even if I can shrink it a little with the help of the Transfiguration Spell, this skill is not suitable for me.

Unless I give it to my clone. But I can only use the one that was reproduced yesterday.

All three weapons have the same charge skill.

The first-level greatsword has "guard". The second-level greatsword has "courage", and the third-level greatsword has "strong attack".

All of them require stacking momentum. I really have no use for them.

Why are all the weapons I got recently cheap?

There is not even a usable one.

As for the three poor guys. Well~~~

Forget it, the crystals can be worth some money.

The other Muggles. They are also poor guys.


Forget it. With these five crystals, it can be considered a~~~~ harvest.

But it can't be cashed in now. Otherwise, it will be exposed again.

After this period of time is over, I will find a place to sell. Set up a small stall, make a living, and earn food money.

He sighed again, a little disappointed with this harvest. Then he looked around, still no one appeared, and simply shrugged. He turned into a bird and flew out of the city carefully.

In a small town outside the city, he found a hotel to stay in and ordered a dinner to comfort his stomach.

When he sat downstairs in this restaurant, reading the newspaper to kill time while waiting for his big meal, he cursed the stupid report in his heart.

Who would have thought that it was Richie who served him the meal.

Alok put down the newspaper, looked up at Richie, and said in surprise: "My dear father, you came at the right time."

"Hahaha. It just so happens that I haven't eaten yet. I ordered two by the way. You shouldn't mind treating a poor unemployed man to a meal." Richie said with a smile.

Alok rolled his eyes and really believed his lies.

It's true that men's mouths are lies.

He said helplessly:

"I mean. I just came out of the mountains and you came. It's not the meal time."

"Oh, you said this. I just asked. That old friend is really a bit far away." Richie said, pressing his wig.


Do you believe what you said? Aren't you teleporting?

"Are there any results? Let's go in and explore again?" Alok asked doubtfully.

"No, no, no. It's not the time to explore yet." Richie hurriedly shook his hand and refused.

He picked up the knife and fork and prepared to start eating the dinner in front of him. He said perfunctorily:

"It's too dangerous there. It's not time yet."

"Huh? Dangerous? Why do I feel okay? When is the time?" Alok asked in surprise.

He saw Richie start to eat, so he also picked up the knife and fork and started to finish the steak set in front of him.

Richie nodded affirmatively and said:

"Of course. It's quite dangerous. So, you'd better go around in the future. When you are strong enough, I will naturally take you there."

"Tsk~~ Wait until you are strong enough. You said before that you will wait until you finish fishing. Where is the source of danger? I have always been curious about this." Alok continued to ask. This is a question that has troubled him for a long time.

"Fish from the sea of ​​spiritual power? Nightmare? Or fog?"

"Oh~ hehe." Richie smiled awkwardly. Explained: "I didn't expect the danger there to be so serious. When I asked my friends, I found that~~~ my level was not enough. After all, it is not my professional field. I am just good at fishing."

Richie held a knife and fork, looked at Alok and answered seriously: "As for the dangers you mentioned. I can tell you for sure that they are all!! And more than that. There are many sources of danger, but the essence is only one."

"The fish in the sea of ​​spiritual power is a concrete manifestation of very terrifying erosion, you should know this. The higher the level, the more serious the erosion. The horror of nightmare comes from its special dream that will trigger the deepest fear in your heart. The fog is a hiding method and the reason for the disappearance."

"The source of these dangers comes from the special nature of Mount Vatrice. And that 'spirit'."

"Spirit?? Is there really a spirit?" Alok asked in surprise.

"You can understand it this way." Richie nodded affirmatively.

But then, he changed the subject and asked, "Do you know the principle of dreams?"

Alok was slightly stunned. Although Dude had told him, he still shook his head slightly, indicating that he didn't know.

Seeing this, Rich looked at Alok and continued to explain, "Dreams are a self-protection mechanism of human beings and a manifestation of human desires."

"Dreams are filled with all your subconscious and all your desires. But at the same time, they will protect your will from harm. Protect you from the outside world. In Mount Vatrice, dreaming is a kind of protection for yourself."

In his previous life, Alok also knew a little about dreams, and at least Dode told him about it. This made it easy for him to understand what Richie said. He nodded to show that he understood.

Richie saw that Alok seemed to understand very well, so he stopped explaining and continued to talk about Mount Vatrice:

"The spiritual power sea in Mount Vatrice is a very special existence. The erosion there is particularly pure and dangerous. So, this is why it is best to fall asleep immediately at night."

"At the same time, dreams are also a very special existence. It is a channel connecting the spiritual power sea and the material world. And in Mount Vatrice, there is a very huge dream. It is this dream that makes the erosion here particularly pure and terrifying."

Listening to Richie's words, Alok suddenly remembered a sentence.

Brock had said to his father, Dod, "You are not afraid of waking up the spirit's dream with such a loud voice."

He was a little dazed, and he speculated a little uncertainly: "The spirit's dream?"

"Yes." Richie smiled and nodded.

Eilok got the affirmation, and continued to ponder:

"So, the spirit's dream connected the material world and the sea of ​​spiritual power, which led to the wonders in Mount Vatric? It is also because this spirit is too powerful and the dream is too huge. It makes the erosion of the sea of ​​spiritual power particularly dangerous. Just like not getting close to the gods?"

Rich confirmed Alok's words again, and added: "That's right. But the place where you are is not fully connected. That is not a dream, there are only some images and concrete phenomena."

Eilok suddenly pulled out a small memory from his mind.

That was the memory of him observing the center on the third day.

"It must be here." He answered affirmatively.

Rich took over the memory and twisted it gently in his hand.

After a moment, he said, "It's possible. Can you give me this memory? Um~~ Although this request is a bit bad. But can you give me all your memories of Mount Vatricis?"

"Of course. There's nothing to hide." Alok said casually.

Then, he spent a while to cut out all his adventures in Mount Vatricis. Handed it to Richie. Said:

"I hope it will be helpful to you."

"Thank you. This helped me a lot." Richie said sincerely gratefully.

He nagged again: "Also, I have to remind you again. Don't go there to continue exploring."

"I know, since I know there is a strong man there, I still won't go there when I am not strong enough. Don't worry! I will go to the Dark Moon Forest to condense crystals first. I haven't been meditating much recently." Alok shrugged and answered indifferently.

"That's good." Richie said with relief.

They talked about some family matters. And some extraordinary experiences and experiences of Il.

This made Richie's face full of smiles. He ate happily.

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