"I understand." Zero and the worker whispered.

"In addition, we need to allocate some people to the drug market in Damia at this stage. Zero, you are responsible."

"I know." Zero replied briefly.

He was silent for a few seconds, and suddenly said to Ken Bock:

"What do you think of starting from Iver? I always think that Iver is Captain Jack's weakness. When Iver was kidnapped to the anti-will, Captain Jack came to Damia to save him regardless of anything, even at the risk of his life."

"Compared to the slippery pirates, a witch is obviously easier to target."

Ken Bock frowned again, tapped the table and said: "Although it is true, Iver is definitely not easy to deal with. I am afraid that we can't catch it without more than a dozen people. A witch who can transform and fly with a broom is difficult to catch."

"If we split our forces, Jack may also be short of manpower."

"Moreover, we need a certain number of people to take over the drug industry in Damia and support a drug dealer. All these need to be done." Ken Bock frowned.

"But once we find Ivel, Jack will come to save her in the end. Then we can~~~" Zero suggested again.

"I'm afraid it's a little late." The worker interrupted Zero's analysis.

He opened his eyes and continued to explain:

"I can't find any news about Ivel anymore. She has lost her trace. But according to my inference, she may escape to the Dark Moon Forest. Or the Northern Kingdom Alliance. To find the Miracle City, Listanwell. But the former is much more likely."

"What is your astrological result?" Ken Bock asked again.

"Not just that."

Ken Bock sorted out his thoughts, tapped the table, and finally said:

"It's probably too late to send a large force to chase Ivel now. Witches move much faster in the material world than we do. I remember we have two witches, right?"

"Three, and one more recently." Zero replied.

"Let three witches and a third-level judge go after him, and send a message to Chelansi's colleagues to let them take care of Ivel. We will focus on Jack."

"In fact, we can send more people." Zero suggested with a light cough.

"But our target is Jack. No one knows how long it will take for Jack to show his hand if Ivel is caught. And we don't know if we can catch Ivel." Ken Bock explained with his head down.

"I understand, I'll follow your instructions." Zero nodded and responded.


The next day.

In front of the bar of Dark Night Rose, Alok has been posing for a long time. He held a glass of beer in front of him in his right hand, but he didn't drink it.

He was thinking about how to attract more attention from the anti-will. So that Il can have more living space.

Last night, he wrote another letter to Il, mentioning the use of the medal and telling her to go to Dark Moon Forest to seek a way to transform the elves first.

Although he has not received a reply yet, he is not in a hurry.

The back of his gloved left hand became hot again, and a not very clear voice of Il could be heard from inside: "It's safe. Wait~~~I'll write you a reply~~in the evening."

The transmitted voice was mixed with the interference sound of 'chi chi la la', which made Il's voice a little distorted. But hearing Il's response still made Alok feel relieved.

It seemed that Il had run far away, so there should be no problem.

He smiled unconsciously, which gave Majik goose bumps.

In his many years of experience in the bar, this is often a sign of love.

He shuddered and said, "Ailok. You look very happy."

"That's right. My sister is out of danger, of course I'm happy." Alok said in a relaxed tone.

Majik shrugged and reminded Alok helplessly: "Okay, be careful not to be too happy, nature is reminding me of the coming of danger. Shadows are invading nature."

Hearing this, Alok looked at Majik and pondered for a moment.

Reminder of nature.

Invasion of shadows.

Has the Anti-Will realized that I'm hiding here?

It seems so.

No, I have to be vigilant.

But the Anti-Will will never go against the two gods and directly attack the Dusk Forest and the Dark Night Rose, so this is still a safe island. But if you want to go out and cause trouble, it will be a bit troublesome.

However, he quickly denied his conservative thoughts.

No, I can't stay here all the time, it's too passive. Even if the traitors of the Anti-Will can't come in and kill me directly, they can still entrust others to kill me. As long as I find my people accurately, I will be in absolute danger.

The enemy is in the dark and I am in the light, this is too dangerous.

"They surrounded this place?" Alok asked with a frown.

"Probably. This makes people very angry. I don't know the attitude of the goddess and the queen, but it will never be good." Majik sighed.

"Also, as the initiator, the queen likes to hold grudges."

Alok's heart suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley again, making his originally wonderful mood depressed.

I have to find a way to break through.

Right, Frank.

He smiled and changed his appearance. A handsome guy with blond hair and blue eyes suddenly appeared in front of Magic. He was surprised: "Wow. Amazing magic. What kind of skill is this?"

"Yesterday again." Alok replied with a chuckle.

At this moment, Alok obviously heard a familiar voice. He looked back and happened to find Florian's majestic figure standing at the door searching for something.

But Florian was followed by another black man in plain clothes. Alok knew this without even looking.

"Hey, big guy. Long time no see." Alok did not choose to change his appearance. Instead, he said it in the appearance of Frank.

He did not know how reliable the black man was, and the threat from the anti-will outside made him choose a safer way.

Florian heard the shouting, but saw an unexpected person, Frank, in the position where Alok often sat.

He looked around and didn't find the person he was looking for, so he frowned slightly and walked towards Frank, saying casually:

"Long time no see, Frank."

"Big guy, do you have any commissions recently? My recent financial situation is not optimistic. My sister has a serious illness, but unfortunately my father doesn't care at all. Alas~~~~" Alok said casually.

But Florian heard the meaning of the words of the person in front of him.

First of all, Frank would never call him big guy, he didn't know this title. And he and Frank were not familiar with each other, even if he knew, he wouldn't call him. I didn't pay attention to it the first time I heard it, but it was emphasized again by the person in front of me.

Second, about the commission. At present, I have only cooperated with Lepton and Captain Jack, and others definitely don't know about it.

Third, about Frank's sister, he only has an uncle, Professor Palmer, where does his sister come from?

Fourth, he doesn't have a father either.

And I know that there is only one person who meets these conditions, Alok.

In addition, the seat where the person in front of me is now is exactly where Alok often sits, and opposite is the owner of this bar.

He understood what Alok said at once, and glanced at the monitor beside him. He didn't notice that he had discovered his abnormality, so he pulled the corner of his mouth and replied to Alok:

"My work has not been going well recently. There are always many people who make trouble for me. I hope to leave this place of dispute as soon as possible. I have to cooperate with some temple to hunt down a fugitive. It's really fucked up."

He took out a bounty from his pocket and handed it to Frank, and then said: "Don't think about it. Can I really catch a person worth 5,000 gold coins?"

"Oh?" Alok was startled at first, and then opened the bounty made of parchment, which showed his appearance.

Jack Jones (formerly known as Alok Phasma)

Reward for intentional homicide, arson, and organizing terrorist attacks.

5,000 gold coins regardless of life or death.

This made his heart sink suddenly.

Think of many possibilities.

Blackie and the Temple are cooperating again, and Ken Bock has an ambiguous relationship with the Temple and the nobles. It seems that he is under more pressure this time.

However, Blackie should not turn to the cult directly.

It should be that he was corrupted by the cult, or made the decision under the pressure of the nobles and the Temple driven by interests.

Otherwise, let's just call the Hutt Empire the Anti-Will Empire.

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