Next, he had no scruples about sitting in front of the public, nor did he shy away from Majik in front of him. He swaggeringly took out a small drift bottle from his pocket.

He dug out a small ball of light from his head with his fingers and put it into the drift bottle.

This was a signal to ask for help from his father, Rich.

It's not like he's asking for help, it's just a distraction for himself and El.

He knew how his father Richie treated him and El. He will only help himself and Iyer at critical moments. Most things need to be handled by yourself.

However, Alok accepted this readily, and he did not want to live completely under the protection of others.

This idea of ​​​​interference was actually reminded by the anti-will person, otherwise he would really not seek his father Rich.

After doing all this, he put the drift bottle into his pocket again and said to Majik:

"I still want a room."

"No problem." Majik responded carelessly.


the other side

Although the meeting was over, Florian felt extremely disappointed.

He desperately wanted to tell the truth about the incident. But he also knew that his own strength was not enough. Before there is absolute power, a person's justice is not enough to argue with reason.

There was a fire in his heart, but he seemed to be suppressing it and unable to vent it, so he could only bear it silently and alone.

Probably because he doesn't know how to integrate into these people's interest groups, and he doesn't know how to be hypocritical and cover his ears. Maybe it's because he has too much integrity in his heart, not politics.

His huge body seemed like a helpless and lonely duckweed in the dark night, and he also seemed like a traveler walking alone in the darkness.

But there is light in his heart, the light of glory and the light of righteousness. It was his own light that kept him from losing himself in the darkness.

"I still have friends." He comforted himself. Let the light in his heart shine a little brighter.

The arrest team he led had a total of nine members, two of whom were his subordinates. Although they were not close confidants, they still obeyed him.

The remaining six were all people sent by other police chiefs to monitor him. Not to mention that these six people can listen to their own arrangements and not cause trouble for themselves, which is considered good.

Of course, I didn’t want to do it well. It is my purpose to inform Airok.

This was my last effort as a friend at that time.

He is an upright man, a righteous man.


is it my fault?

As a black man, I was indeed wrong. I shouldn't have leaked it.

But as a knight of justice. Knight of glory. This is my justice! ! !

He walked to another conference room and looked at the eight people present who naturally sat at the head of the table.

His subordinates are all Level 1 Transcendents, while those sent to monitor him are all Level 2.

In fact, with so many Level 2 Transcendents sitting together, it may not be enough for Alok to fight alone. Florian couldn't help but think.

"You're finally here. We don't have much time. Chief Florian." A black man sitting under Florian said.

"What were you discussing just now?" Florian asked.

"We are discussing how much bounty should be offered for Captain Jack?" he answered naturally.

"Hmm~ So what was the outcome of your discussion?" Florian asked.

He smiled, lowered his head slightly, fully showing his respect for Florian, and then replied hypocritically:

"The result of our discussion is that it will be no less than 5,000 gold coins, but you still need to decide the specific amount. After all, you are our captain."

"But judging from what we know, to be able to launch such a powerful attack, there must be a high-level weapon to do it. In addition, he is dangerous as a cult member. I suggest no less than 10,000~~"

Before he could finish speaking, another police officer opposite him who was originally in charge of the finance of the Paranormal Incident Handling Department immediately refuted him:

"But based on the information we know, Captain Jack may only be a second-level transcendent. Forget it, let's call him his real name, Alok Phasma. It is said that he was once introduced by Sheriff Florian to the talent within our black-skinned ranks.”

"And he was only a second-level transcendent when he was on the Dror. We should not set such a large bounty for such a low-level transcendent. This will make the outside world think that our extraordinary incident handling department is incompetent. "

"In my opinion, 5,000 is already the limit. Usually only mid-level extraordinary people can afford this price."

The scene suddenly fell into a heated discussion. The black man who was the first to speak spoke again and replied:

"But have you ever seen a low-level transcendent being able to create such a powerful attack? We should not only set the reward based on strength, but also based on the harm he will cause to society. I think 10,000 is the starting point."

He pointed at himself, then at the opposite side to refute him, and at the same time looked at Florian, and said: "You, me, captain. Who can do it?"

"But such a weapon definitely has side effects. It's impossible to use it without causing negative effects. Who knows if he can use it again?"

Both sides held their own opinions and argued endlessly. Florian gradually frowned, tired of such low efficiency, and he said:

"Enough, how do you know that the meteorite was an attack launched by Captain Jack? Do you know the situation at the scene? What exactly is the scene like? Who are the dead and injured? Are there any accomplices?"

The people present suddenly fell silent, looking at each other, no one spoke.

"It seems that you know nothing. We should go to the scene first. Investigate these issues before we talk about them. Instead of sitting here arguing about such trivial matters, it is better to do something practical." Florian replied.

"For the bounty, first set 5,000 gold coins. Then see the situation. Let's go now, any objections?"

Seeing that the scene was silent for a long time, he stood up from his seat, opened the door alone and walked out of the depressing meeting room.


Benjamin District. In a more remote manor.

People against the will gathered here.

They also discussed the problems of Alok and Il, and began to plan for the future.

There are only four people in this small reception room, but they are all people who can speak for the Anti-Will in the Damian area.

One is Ken Bock, a third-level judge.

Another is the fourth-level shadow walker codenamed "Zero". His secondary occupation is a binder. He is the first shadow walker in Damian and Ken Bock's teacher.

Now Ken Bock has been appointed by the Fallen God to be the general manager of the Anti-Will in Damian, and he has nothing to say.

Another is the fourth-level shadow walker codenamed "Worker" who has been responsible for secret intelligence work, and his secondary occupation is an astrologer.

The last one is the messenger of Pink Heaven in the Anti-Will, codenamed "Dragonfly".

"Based on my analysis and judgment of Captain Jack's whereabouts during this period of time. He is still wandering around Rose Street. In addition to his unclear relationship with the Temple of Life, I can now be sure that he is hiding in that forest." The traitor codenamed "Worker" spoke first.

"To be more precise, he might be hiding near the Dusk Forest. For example, the Dark Night Rose Bar."

"Is this the answer you got from your astrology?" Ken Bock asked.

"Not only that."

Ken Bock got such an answer, he pinched his chin, pondered for a while and asked again: "Is there interference?"

"It always exists."

"It seems that the intelligence means of the anti-will are not very smart. Do you need my help?" 'Dragonfly' half mocked and half suggested. "I just need to send a girl to have a drink inside."

Ken Bock ignored her request, but said to the workers and 'Zero': "It's better not to provoke the elves at this stage. We can't go in and investigate directly. We don't have the advantage like the Pink Heaven, nor are we as stupid as them."

"Hahaha~~~~" This attracted Dragonfly's laughter. As if he was not the one being scolded.

"Play to our advantage. First secretly observe the vicinity of the Dusk Forest, investigate suspicious persons, determine the target, and arrest them in fine equipment." Ken Bock finally ordered.

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