The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 271: The Wrath of the Stars of Sodaril

Ariel frowned slightly, looked at Alok in confusion, and asked as he walked:

"What do you use it for?"

"Remember those arsonists?" Alok threw out another reason that the elves could not refuse.

"You mean the people who burned your house?" Ariel's expression instantly became angry and asked.

"That's right. I want them to pay a price for their unreasonableness." Alok's mouth twitched, and he said viciously, obviously extremely angry.

He was not pretending. It's not an exaggeration to describe him as gritting his teeth.

Ariel stopped and looked at Alok's expression, and said angrily: "For arsonists and persecution of elves, all means are allowed."

She was not pretending, she was just angry at the arsonist, and Alok was angry at the anti-will.

"Come with me." She turned and walked towards the Dark Night Rose.

Alok breathed a sigh of relief.

It was so easy to borrow weapons.

Fortunately, the relationship with the elves was very good before. The money was not wasted.

It may also be related to the fact that I have no bad intentions towards the elves.

He calmed down his complicated mood and followed Ariel through the back door of the Dark Night Rose.

The moonlight on the third floor was still so pure, which quickly calmed Alok's mood.

He followed Ariel to her bedroom. And under Ariel's guidance, he sat on the small wooden stool.

I saw Ariel tiptoeing and taking down a small harp from the wall of the tree house.

It was a small wooden bow harp, the harp was plain and the strings seemed dim.

But as Ariel gently took it down, his right hand passed over the strings, plucking a clear and beautiful sound, Alok suddenly felt a sense of emptiness in his heart.

"An artist's field weapon - Sodalir Stars' Wrath." Ariel said in Elvish while playing.

What a domineering name.

Although Alok had a hard time listening, fortunately he could still understand. So he continued to carefully distinguish what Ariel said.

"Most of the skills are related to chanting, and its powerful power comes from one of its active skills - Meteor."

"It is worth noting that you must chant the appropriate poem in Elvish to use it. Otherwise, it would be good if you don't get backlashed."

"In addition, for those who have just mastered its use, a mark is needed, otherwise the meteor is really a meteor, passing through the sky, and is only used to make wishes. The accuracy is very poor."

She stopped singing, picked up a paintbrush next to the stool, and drew a cross on the blank canvas in front of Alok.

Take down the painting, then cut off the cross casually and handed it to Alok. And said:

"Here, the meteor will fall to the place where this mark is, exactly. When the meteor falls, be sure not to stand around."

Alok took the mark that looked like a child's painting, and carefully took the harp. He sighed in his heart:

This is really simple!

Meteor? A meteor passing through the sky?

Well, from an astronomical perspective, the power of a falling meteor is indeed great.

But shouldn't artists be beautiful and their skills be graceful and melodious?

Or after the intermediate level, the artist becomes a moon realm, and the characteristics of the skills will change greatly?


Also, what level is this thing, it can't be a high-level weapon.

Damn, fuck it

He quickly put the mark in his pocket and scratched his head as if nothing had happened. While following Ariel downstairs, he recalled the method of use that Ariel said.

You must chant poems in Elvish to activate the power, and mark the location.

Hmm~~ The second one is not difficult to do. The problem lies in the first condition.

I know nothing about art.

I can only let Sebastian try it. But he just entered the extraordinary, can he do it?

After all, he is better than me.

We have to break this concept, Sebastian performed well, didn't he?

Well~ Let Sebastian cram for two days of Elvish.

Thinking of this, Alok said to Ariel in front of him a little embarrassedly:

"Ahem. Ariel. I have another request. I want Sebastian to learn Elvish and help me use this weapon."

"Sure. Let him come to the Dusk Forest tonight." Ariel agreed generously.

"But I hope he can learn faster. I don't have much patience."

"Don't worry, you just need to teach him how to use it." Alok said with a smile.

"Hmm~~" Ariel frowned slightly, looking a little hesitant, but finally agreed and said: "Let him wait half an hour to come to the Dusk Forest."

"Okay. Thank you. Ariel." Alok smiled immediately.

"You're welcome, remember to return it to me after use. It's my mother's thing." Ariel waved his hand and said casually.

"Got it. I will return it intact." Alok said, looking at Ariel's back.

Afterwards, they "parted ways" in the corridor on the first floor of Dark Night Rose. One went to the Dusk Forest, and the other went to Dark Night Rose.

Elok smiled and called Sebastian who was performing on the stage, asking him to come down, saying that he had something to say.

The music stopped abruptly, causing the audience to lament. Sebas apologized, followed Alok's instructions, and sat down at the bar.

"In half an hour, you will go to the Dusk Forest. Learn the Elvish language and the use of a musical instrument from Ariel." Alok said bluntly.

He handed the small harp in his hand to Sebas, and said:

"This is a very valuable item, Ariel's, remember to use it carefully."

"I hope you can learn it within two days, this is very important."

"In addition. This is also your opportunity." Alok glanced at Sebas and said seriously.

Sebas' heart suddenly became excited. He had always hoped to ask Ariel about the artist's problems.

Although he said verbally that it was nothing, the artist was lonely, but he still hoped to have a teacher to guide him. Especially in the extraordinary field.

And what Mr. Phasma called a valuable item must not be comparable to his own violin.

Sebastian carefully took the harp, swallowed his saliva, and tried to say:

"Can I try to play it?"

"No." Alok said bluntly. "If you don't want to die yet."

Sebastian's hand holding the harp trembled slightly, and a bitter smile appeared on his face. Restraining his impulse, he said:

"Okay. It looks very dangerous."

"The extraordinary realm is more dangerous than safe." Alok said in a low voice.

Just as Alok finished this sentence, a girl with long brown hair suddenly inserted between the two of them.

She turned her back to Alok, and squeezed Alok with her buttocks to make him stay away. She looked at Sebastian with little stars in her eyes and said:

"Are you the musician who just came to Dark Night Rose?"

"Oh~~~Sebastian. Your first fan. I won't bother you. Remember to come in half an hour." Alok said helplessly.

He ignored Sebastian's extremely embarrassed expression, asking for help, and patted the bar, called the bartender over, and said:

"Today, three rooms. I'm still where I was yesterday."

After saying that, he jumped down from the high platform of the bar, shook his head, and walked towards the room on the second floor with a drunken pace.

It was still a familiar room, and it still smelled familiar.

Elok sniffed the light rose scent in the room and shook his head helplessly.

Sitting on the chair, he opened Il's pocket quite familiarly.

The letter inside was still in its original position, but a reply from Il was left next to the letter.

Two of the clear leaves that Ilok had pulled off by hand were missing.

But the Book of the Prophet had not changed, and there was no signature of Il on the title page. Instead, one of the elf books was missing, and it was obvious that Il had taken it out to read.

He took out the letter to see what Il's message was.

"My stupid brother, Alok:"

Uh~~~This title. . . .

Forget it. You are just smart.

Alok shook his head and sighed, then continued to read.

"Enough of small talk.

For the first question, I have never heard of the method you mentioned, but since you, my brother, know it in such detail, and it is indeed feasible and a complete solution, I will certainly try it. As for the issue of abandoning race, it is not important to the extraordinary. Erosion is the biggest enemy."

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