The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 270 Preparing for a Great Gift

"I like this method too. If the problem can be solved by violence, it won't be a problem." Alok said with a hypocritical smile. Take a swig of beer.

"I won't disturb Captain Jack. I hope our cooperation can achieve its goal. If necessary, you can go to see me at No. 13 Tulip Street." Ketman Bourne also showed his kind smile.

Alok raised his glass and said, "We will meet soon."

Soon, Ketman Byrne turned around and left the Night Rose Bar under the gazes of Alok and Roger.

He was walking on the streets of Rose Street, with a victor's smile on his face. The younger brother beside him was a little confused, but he just smiled.

"Boss, it seems that your business talks are going very well. Our business will get bigger and bigger." He said with a chuckle.

"Haha~~~ A paranoid maniac. He doesn't care how much he weighs." Ketman Bourne sneered.

"Hey. No boss, you have such a broad mind. You have the world in your mind."

Ketman Byrne ignored this useless flattery, rubbed his chin and thought: "Maybe using them as a forward is not a good choice."


Among the roses of the dark night. Alok and Roger were still sitting in their original positions, no different from before.

"Captain, working with such a person is not a good choice." Roger clicked his tongue and said.

Alok looked at Roger with a look that looked like a fool and said: "Of course I know. I have no intention of cooperating. Are you stupid enough to think that I will find a drug dealer to cooperate with such a perfidious person and talk about integrity?" Right. What’s the difference between that and politicians talking about honesty?”

Roger suddenly fell into embarrassment, and changed the topic with a haha: "Uh~~~ Haha. Of course I will not be so stupid. Talking about honesty with politicians is like talking about 1+1=3 with a bully. I Just remind the captain not to be fooled."

"I think. I hope you won't be fooled. Did you lure the Japs here?" Alok glanced at Roger and asked.


"I mean that person followed you here?"

"Um~~~That's probably it." Roger shrugged and said.

"Then be careful next time and don't be petty. No, I hope there won't be a next time." Alok said with a gloomy face.

Roger's heart skipped a beat and his eyelids twitched, but he still pretended to be nonchalant and replied:

"Got it, Captain."

"I hope you won't fall into the trap of anti-will. It's nonsense to say that you can get more by giving up everything." Alok said again with meaning.

"It's better to be a pirate than to be in the drug business."

"I am a pirate." Roger replied simply.

"Yeah." Alok responded in a low voice.

He took out the wad of bills from his pocket. He picked out 20 cards and put them in his pocket, then placed the remaining 80 cards on the bar.

Called the bartender at the bar. When the bar came to the stack of bills, he said:

"800 gold coins, deposit it in my name."

"Oh. Mr. Elok, you are so generous. But you still have a lot of money in your name. Are you sure?" the bartender said in surprise.

"Of course. Don't you want the money given to you?" Alok said in a joking tone.

"Of course not." The bar laughed dryly, then took the wad of bills, counted them and put them in the cabinet under the bar.

What a strange guest. He must like Ariel or Danielle.

It's also possible to like both.


The sudden incident caused ripples in Alok's heart.

There are such useful people, why don’t you do anything?

He used me to get a share of Dalmeia's drugs, so why didn't I use you?

Well~~~Just when I was at my wits end and decided to use force, I was so lucky to have such a great teammate. Hahaha~~~

He gave a silly smile, which made Roger feel contemptuous.

"Don't go out. I'm just waiting at the Night Rose. I'll call you when there's a mission." Alok ordered Roger.

"It's just what I wanted. I really don't want to run around anymore. I'm exhausted during this period. I want to take a rest." Roger cheered and said loudly while holding a beer. "This is the life I should have."

"By the way. Have you established a comprehensive intelligence organization?" Alok continued to ask.

"Of course, otherwise all my money will be wasted?" Roger said matter-of-factly.

"That's good. Anyway, my goal has been achieved. Is the alchemist still in contact?" Alok continued to ask.

Roger glanced at Alok in surprise and said:

"Contact, but not frequently. Extraordinary people don't do much business. Captain, what business do you have?"

"I have some ideas. Can you order a weapon of mass destruction for me?" Alok said, stroking his chin and thinking.

Roger's expression was very exciting. He looked at Alok in confusion and asked:

"Huh? What kind of bomb are you referring to? You don't want to blow up the cave, do you?"

Alok glanced at Roger with disdain and joked:

"Of course not. It's just like washing powder. I want to be a terrorist."

"Huh?" Roger looked at Alok confused and confused.

"Forget it. The explosion is very powerful and sudden, so I'm going to give Anti-Will a big gift." Alok fully explained.

"Well. I suggest you get a cannon on the ship and shoot him." Roger rolled his eyes and gave advice.

"I'm serious." Alok said seriously.

"I'm serious too." Roger also responded seriously.

There was a brief silence between the two.

Finally, Magik, who suddenly returned to the bar, interrupted the "warmth" between the two.

"What are you two doing? You look like a couple in love." Magik joked.

Roger was the first to come back to his senses, took a sip of beer and answered generously:

"Nothing. It's just that my captain is looking for a big gift."

"What big gift? Do I need a gift?" Magik looked at Alok in surprise.

"It's okay to want a gift. But it has to be a weapon with super lethality." Alok looked at Magik silently and said.

Hearing Alok's words, Magik thought for a while.

I'm afraid this is not a normal gift from Alok.

Do normal gifts require powerful weapons?

But speaking of powerful weapons.

"Oh? Well~~~ Maybe you can go to Ariel to borrow one. I remember she showed off." Magik looked at Alok and said. "Although I don't know if she will lend it to you."

"What?" Alok exclaimed. But thinking back, it seems reasonable. He hurriedly stood up from the stool and said:

"Thank you. Magik. I just recharged. Remember to tell Danielle, so that I won't be urged."

But then, he thought about it. It was noon now. As a moon god priest, he might still be sleeping. He turned back to the stool and asked for two beers to spend the afternoon.


Dusk. Sebastian had just got up. This was the price he paid for his dedication to art all night last night.

Alok greeted Roger and Sebastian, then tidied his clothes and sat in the seat at the stairs waiting for Ariel.

Not long after, Ariel rubbed his sleepy eyes and came to the corridor barefoot. It looked like he was going to work.

"Hey, Ariel." Alok called out hurriedly.

He smiled, stood up from his seat, and walked side by side with Ariel.

"What's up, Alok." Ariel turned around and saw Alok following him, so he didn't stop, but continued to walk towards the Dusk Forest.

Alok followed Ariel with a smile, lowered his head slightly, and tried to say: "Oh, haha. Elves are always straightforward. I heard from Magik that Miss Ariel has a powerful weapon."

"Why did that bastard Magik tell you everything?" Ariel pouted, pinched his waist, looked at Alok fiercely and asked.

"Oh. Haha. Because I recharged 30 cups of clear moonlight to Dark Night Rose." Alok found a reason that the elf couldn't refuse and answered.

"Oh." Ariel's face suddenly changed, becoming much calmer, and then smiled. Asked:

"Why are you asking this?"

"Uh~~ I just want to borrow it. Considering our friendship, it shouldn't be a big problem." Alok rubbed his hands and asked.

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