The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 265 The Night Sky of the Dusk Forest

Erok's heart tensed up again, and his muscles tensed to the extreme.

He was very familiar with this raven, it was Il's pet.


This means Il is nearby.

That's right. This is definitely the nest of the anti-will!!!

Claws suddenly flapped its one-meter-wide wings, like a real raven fighting for territory, driving away outsiders.

Sebas flew three meters away in fear, out of the attack range of Claws. But Erok stood there without changing his expression, flapped his wings a few times, covered his voice and said:

"Do you want me to leave? It's dangerous here?"

Claws did not pay attention to Erok's words, but intensified the intensity of the drive, and the sharp claws had left a mark on Erok's body.

Erok's left wing was a little painful, but it seemed that he understood Claws' intentions.

He spread his wings, took off decisively, and then left far away.

A little white light of memory appeared in the corner of Alok's eyes, and then dissipated with the wind.

The sunset had already fallen, and there were still some pink clouds in the sky. The air currents in the high altitude made Alok's eyes a little uncomfortable.

He chose a direction and flew towards the Elizabeth District.

In the dim light, he found another alley and cast the transformation spell again to transform himself and Sebas into two wild cats. Then continue to move forward.

He did not choose to enter through the main gate of the Dark Night Rose rashly, but chose to enter the Dusk Forest and prepare to walk into the Dark Night Rose from the back door. This seems to be more in line with the image and temperament of a wild cat.

At the back door of the Dark Night Rose, he changed his body shape again and became two gentlemen. Night has fallen, and Ariel probably has gone to work.

And it seems a bit unreasonable not to visit the goddess and queen who protect him in the temple after passing the Dusk Forest.

Alok hesitated for a moment and turned to walk towards the Dusk Forest.

The Dusk Forest at night seems a little quiet. Maybe it was because this was the territory of the Moon Goddess, the moonlight here was particularly bright, allowing Alok to see the road ahead clearly while walking in the forest.

The branches of the trees in the distance were hanging down from the trees, emitting a faint blue light, which calmed Alok's mood.

He tidied his clothes and walked towards the big tree in his memory.

That was the center of the entire Dusk Forest, and Ariel must be there.

It would be good to say hello. And I still have something to ask her. Ask about the side effects of clear leaves and whether there is any way to avoid it.

A ghost-like person in the woods in the distance gradually became clearer as Alok approached. She exuded a soft silver-white light all over her body, and her long silver hair fell on her waist.

It was Ariel.

She was standing under the big tree with her back to him. She lowered her head slightly, clasped her hands gently in front of her chest, closed her eyes, and muttered something.

A few verses of Elvish poetry came from Ariel's mouth to Alok's ears. They were poems praising the moon and the sea of ​​stars.

Alok stopped ten meters behind Ariel, patiently waiting for the sacred scene.

He also lowered his head slightly, but did not chant the poem praising the moon with Ariel.

Sebastian was also moved by the calm and natural atmosphere of the Dusk Forest. The tension and excitement when he went out with Mr. Phasma just now had returned to peace.

He stood calmly behind Alok, looking down at the soil under his feet. He felt that the sky was getting brighter and brighter.

After silently reciting "Praise the Moon" in the Elvish he had learned secretly, he raised his head.

He saw a huge full moon hanging in the sky, occupying 80% of Sebastian's vision.

In addition, the stars were shining, and the galaxy like an oil painting flowed around the moon.

Sebastian was stunned under such a night sky, staring at the sky of the Dusk Forest infatuatedly.

After an unknown amount of time, he felt a pain in his neck, and then he looked down at Alok and Ariel in shock.

Alok was quite calm, he had seen similar scenes before, and he was no longer the ignorant young man.

Alok had seen the huge moon on the third floor of Dark Night Rose.

And the galaxy, that is the starry world.

Every day when Alok turned on his astral vision, the galaxy above his head was what he saw now. Although it was not as magnificent as it is now. But Alok could still recognize it.

"Praise the Queen." Ariel said in a short Elvish sentence at the end, completing the ceremony.

Alok also stroked his chest with his right hand and whispered in Elvish:

"Praise the moon."

Then, he looked up at Ariel, then looked at the sky above his head and said:

"Is it not disturbing you? This prayer ceremony is really shocking. The starry sky is so beautiful."

Ariel turned around, looked in the direction of Alok's finger, and smiled:

"No, because of your mouth that only says nice things, you are still welcome here for now."

Alok smiled a little awkwardly and responded:

"What I said is true."

"This is part of the beautiful scenery of the Dark Moon Forest. How about it? Is it more beautiful than the Dark Night Rose?" Ariel said with a somewhat sinister smile.

"Hmm~~~~ I think, each has its own beauty. The star realm and the moon hang together in the sky, and the contrast and foil will make the moon look more gorgeous. But only the sky with the moon, the pure beauty of the moon It’s also indescribably beautiful,” Alok continued after thinking for a moment.

"Okay, okay, you win." Ariel surrendered. "You are good at talking."

Alok smiled slightly, knowing what the answer to this question would be.

We are all adults, why are we still doing multiple-choice questions?

I want them all, they are all beautiful.

"Maybe you should come back in two weeks. You can see the dark moon then."

Ariel sat down on the roots of the big tree, exposing his smooth feet and swinging them in the air.

"Dark Moon? Hmm~~Sorry, I haven't seen it yet. Is this where the name Dark Moon Forest comes from?" Alok asked doubtfully.

Ariel nodded and continued to explain:

"That's right. It can range from light purple to as dark as a black hole, and sometimes there will be a blood-red moon. It's different every time. There's a sense of anticipation. The most magical one was dark blue, and it was summer. of a night.”

"Dark Blue Summer." Alok seemed to remember hearing this name somewhere.

"Isn't that the wine of Dark Night Rose?"

"That's right. The name I gave you. How is it? How is it?" Ariel suddenly stood up from the ties at the root of the tree and looked at Alok expectantly.

"And Autumn painted with gold? Hmm~~ It's a very poetic name. It looks like an oil painting." Alok didn't hesitate to praise it.

It is indeed a very poetic name.

"How did you come up with it?" he asked.

"Haha. I knew it. I based it on my painting." Ariel showed a crescent-shaped smile. His eyes narrowed into slits. Looks like he's in a great mood.

"By the way, did you save my painting last time?" Ariel suddenly asked.

Alok suddenly fell into embarrassment, and I seemed to have forgotten that painting. . .

He had no choice but to tell the truth: "Ah~~~? I'm sorry. There was a fire at my house last time."

Ariel looked a little surprised, hearing what Elok meant, but did not blame him, but asked:

"Fire? Was it a fire nearby a few days ago?"

"That's right. Have you heard? In fact, they were retaliated against. So now they are causing trouble for them." Alok explained casually.

"Who set the fire? What elves hate the most is arson. In the Dark Moon Forest, those convicted of arson will be imprisoned until death." Ariel's brows suddenly furrowed and he raised his voice.

"Although no elves will set fires, most fires are caused by unruly human travelers who accidentally start fires for cooking. But as long as the person who sets the fire is caught, unless there is an extremely good reason, there will be only one Imprisoned in a water prison until death."

In the forest, arson should indeed be the biggest crime. Although he has done it himself. He sighed and said:

"A cult called Anti-Will. I'm currently causing trouble for them, although I'm basically trying to trick them."

"But that's not why I came here this time. I just want to ask questions about clear leaves."

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