The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 264 Two speculations, two actions

Elok knew how to get along with Florian, so he said bluntly:

"I found a third-level traitor against the will. A criminal."

He raised his head and looked at Florian's interested face and asked:

"I remember that the attitude of the Department of Extraordinary Events towards criminals is to kill them as soon as they are discovered, right?"

"Yes. That is one of the five never allowed professions. Where did you find out." Florian answered in the affirmative.

He asked again: "How did you find out."

"I asked my father for help." Alok replied directly without thinking.

"That's it. It seems there's no problem." Florian said immediately.

He knew Alok's father.

Richie Phasma, historical advisor to Archduke Dror.

A registered historian. Although it is only registered at Level 3, Florian believes there are definitely more.

He thought about it and then asked:

"Where is the criminal?"

"An hour ago, Hao Hai Wanjia." Alok replied briefly.

"Okay. I understand." Florian took note of this information, stood up from the sofa, and said, "Without further ado."

Alok also stood up with Florian and said: "Indeed. It has been an hour. I don't know if it is still there. I will leave it to you, and I will not participate."

"It's too dangerous for me there," he added.

"Yeah~~No problem." Florian nodded hastily, returned the cane to Airok and hurriedly left the lounge.

When Florian left Alok's sight and hurried upstairs, Alok put on his hat, looked lost again, and led Sebas out of the police station.

Even Isa felt pitiful looking at it.


"If I hadn't known that you made it all up, I would have almost believed it. You didn't see the expression on Miss Isa's face at the front desk just now." Sebas whispered as he walked behind Alok.

"Actually, I saw it." Alok glanced at Sebas. "But there's no guilt in my heart. She's a good person."

Sebas shrugged secretly, noncommittal to Alok's answer.

Alok raised his head and glanced at the sky. The distant sky was already glowing red, and the light of the setting sun shone on the clouds on the horizon, forming a large flaming cloud.

He stopped where he was and admired the bloody sight.

The tall buildings in the distance were just under the burning clouds, and the white spiers of the cathedral glowed red. The horizontally long and vertically short cross representing the scale at the top looks particularly upright under the reflection of red light.

His expression did not change, he lowered his head and kicked the small stone beside his shoe, letting it roll away.

"We have a third goal." He said calmly.

After a short time, Sebas also recovered from the beautiful scenery on the horizon and responded: "I know. Do you need to change your clothes again?"

Alok pondered for a moment and continued:

"The next target is an indulgent family. In view of the special nature of this profession, we will transform into the past. This will allow you to experience the charm of a transformation spell."

Sebas directly nodded in agreement with Alok's decision, but then he asked doubtfully:

"What is special about indulgent homes? How special?"

"Hmm~~~" Alok thought for a moment, organized his words, and explained:

"The indulgents are protected by evil gods, and the 'Pink Paradise' established by them is a cult focused on collecting intelligence. But they have deep intersections and cooperation with my current opponents. We must be careful."

"Understood." Sebas agreed briefly.

Soon after, the two appeared in a dark alley, and Alok used his door-opening skills to break into a dirty, uninhabited room.

He endured the smell of garbage here, took out the drift bottle and compass again, and then cut off the third fragment.

The protagonist of the fragment is a graceful lady. Her clothes are not as revealing as those of ordinary indulgents, but her curves can still be vaguely seen.

A first-rate indulgence.

As for why she chose this one, it was because the person standing next to her was Ken Bock.

Maybe a lover or something.

After inputting that memory fragment into the compass, Alok saw the needle spinning crazily again, finally settling on the current northeast direction.

He pocketed the watch. Then he said to Sebastian:

"Be prepared, the Transfiguration Spell can actually be a bit uncomfortable, especially when used for the first time."

"Don't worry. I can't wait." Sebas said expectantly.

Airok nodded and began to use yesterday's reenactment to recreate the appearance of El casting the transformation spell.

"Witch Queen Yvel's Universal Transformation Spell"

Alok silently recited this strange spell in his heart. The two people's bodies twisted for a while, and finally turned into two black ravens.

He did not choose a wider range of creatures such as cats because he had to change his taste and always use one image to easily be discovered.

Moreover, the skills I just learned can’t let me show off? ?

Although there are many conditions required to reproduce the skill yesterday, and it can never be activated without chanting a spell.

However, as a very versatile spell like the Transformation Curse, most of the occasions for its use are not in combat. It doesn't matter if you want it smooth or not.

He screamed a few times and took off first, flying out of the broken window.

After waiting for a while, the giant raven that Sebastian had transformed into flew out of the window in a somewhat lame manner.

It was obvious that he had not yet adapted to this method.

But soon, he found his balance and kept up with Alok's pace.

The two flew at an altitude of nearly 100 meters. At this altitude, Alok could see the celestial bodies on the ground to determine the target.

Alok turned on the celestial vision and used the will arrow representing the compass in the celestial vision to find the direction.

After flying for less than five minutes, when Alok looked at the pointer again, it had turned to the opposite direction of what it had just been. He knew that it might have flown over and was just below. So he took Sebastian to lower the flight altitude and look for the celestial body that had just been missed.

After gliding in the air for a circle, watching the pointer turn again and again. Alok finally determined the location of the target.

It was a three-story stone villa building in the Garosan District, full of Damian style. It was an independent small villa along the river, and was often only purchased by the wealthy middle class.

However, to his surprise, he still did not find the astral body belonging to the indulgent family in the astral vision.

Something is not right!

When this happens, he often becomes highly alert.

Because the last time such a thing happened was on the Drol, and the last time was the anti-will altar in the underground temple.

His heart suddenly rose to his throat. He could even feel his pounding heart.

But he still had to stabilize his impulse and keep himself calm.

The spirit of adventure played an important role again.

He pretended to be nonchalant and flew through the sky, then landed outside the fence of the villa.

He now had two speculations in his mind.

The first speculation was that this was the anti-will headquarters that Ir had mentioned. According to the direction Ir left that day, this was indeed possible.

The second speculation was that this was a trap set by the anti-will to wait for me. Using the skills and characteristics of some hidden astral bodies of the traitors, hiding the traitors inside, waiting for me to come and launch a counterattack.

But he had no more information and could not be sure which one was possible.

He was a little nervous and uneasy.

If it was the first possibility, he might have been lucky. He could observe here and look for more information.

But if it was the second one. Then his previous action might have been exposed. Let the anti-will be on guard against him, and the next action should be canceled.

Although it has been a long time since the first target was killed, the anti-will is likely to find out. However, based on Alok's many experiences, the anti-will is a relatively loose organization. They are scattered and hidden in various places, and they will only gather together when there is a mission.

His actions may not be discovered.

Just as Alok was hesitating, a huge black raven fluttered and stopped three meters in front of him.

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