It is always boring on the road.

Fortunately, there are birds singing in the morning, sunset in the evening, and stars paving the way at night.

Alok followed Brand's advice and did not rush to travel. He had to ensure that the horses were in good condition, otherwise it would be difficult to travel later.

Alok thought about it and it seemed to make sense.

Now he is not so anxious. At least he has done so much.

That night, Alok also made a relatively poor interference and directly cut off all the information about Alok and Roger.

Although poor, it was effective enough.

Along the way, there were indeed no other pursuits against the will, and no indulgent people were encountered.

Obviously, there are more ordinary people in this world, and the extraordinary people are kept secret.

This made Alok feel relieved suddenly. Alas~~ The journey should be like this.

It would be even better if he could lie under the parasol on the deck while talking about mountains with Florian and others on the Dror.

Unfortunately, damn Anti-Will.

I didn't expect that as a pirate, the first thing he started to escape was not the pursuit of the temple, but to walk around Anti-Will and Pink Paradise.

Now, every time he arrived at a bar or post, Alok always had to observe whether there were other extraordinary people, especially indulgent people.

In the territory of the Hutt Empire, most people still abide by the rules, otherwise they would not live up to the name of the God of Order.

So, I didn't see any robbers along the way, which disappointed Alok.

I still want to help society eliminate evil.

It's really boring. If there were airplanes and high-speed trains, it would be great.

The days were probably spent in such time. Just like flowing water.

In addition to meditating for two hours every night, Alok really has no other entertainment.

Occasionally he would practice his skills, including memory removal, shadow path and split.

However, these three skills are not as versatile as they were yesterday. The function of shadow path can only hide extraordinary power, and split can only tear apart other people's will bodies. It was that memory removal that made Alok think of a way to use it in battle, and Alok became almost proficient in controlling this skill.

Removing the enemy's memory of the previous second, making him forget what to do next, will make the enemy temporarily at a loss, achieving the effect of control.

The experiment on Roger proved that it is indeed effective. But it is better to send it smoothly, otherwise it is easy to miss the opportunity if you have to recite the spell.

The undead Annie changed her home and possessed the "Storm of Karame". Alok needs an "air conditioner" to make himself cooler in the hot summer.

As for why it is not silver pain.

Annie doesn't like to be abused.

"Sir Jack. We will probably arrive in the evening. I am not very familiar with this road, but it is probably correct." Brand changed his address to Alok, from Mr. to Sir.

This is probably due to Alok's generosity on the road.

"No problem, I will pay the rest of the fare at that time." Alok knew what to say most at this time, which is also a fundamental issue of people's livelihood.

Only those evil capitalists will continue to exploit without raising wages.

Except for Roger. Who made him owe me money and want to default on it.

"That's not what I meant. I just want to remind you. Hahaha," Brand said verbally, but his laughter has exposed his mood at the moment.

Sure enough, in the evening, Alok successfully arrived in Damia.


The capital of the empire, known as the City of Hope, is also endowed with more meaning as the oldest city in human history.

This is the birthplace of human civilization. The first hero of mankind, Prometheus, was born here and led mankind out of trouble to become the race that now dominates the continent.

Damia lies quietly on the south bank of the Levit River, the mother river of mankind. This is why it is possible to reach here by boat.

Brand put Alok and Roger at his destination, outside the city of Damia.

As for why he didn't go in, according to Brand, he was not suitable for it. He didn't need hope, he just needed to live a good life.

Elok smiled back and handed the agreed 25 deben to Brand.

Thus, Elok's assets became 870 gold coins.

Elok carried a cane in one hand, and the little bear was carried by Roger, who was not afraid of hardship or fatigue. This made Roger look more like a servant.

They found a bar where they could stay at random, and waited for Elok to look around with astral vision before entering with confidence.

Dark Night Rose Bar.

This bar was not like Sanhe, very quiet, probably similar to a pub, with a small stage in the dim light, and a man with a saxophone playing music on it.

Some kingfisher feathers unique to the surroundings of Dark Moon Forest dotted the environment of the bar.

The color of kingfisher feathers has been very popular in Damia recently, which has made kingfishers more and more scarce, and the price of kingfisher feathers has risen again and again.

But this does show the unique artistic atmosphere of Damia.

Since it is dinner time now, there are already many people in the bar.

This small bar is more like a restaurant with mixed services.

Of course, this won Elok's love.

He sat quietly in the corner of the bar, gently took off the tricorn hat on his head and put it beside him, and asked the waiter for two dinners and two glasses of Damian beer.

I don’t know what it feels like to drink Damian beer in Damian. Alok thought a little funny.

“What are we going to do next?” After the waiter left, Roger asked in a low voice.

“Don’t you know why I came to Damian?” Alok asked back with his head down.

There were two young women staring at the two of them with a smile. Roger looked back and nodded slightly, then turned back and answered in a low voice:

“Of course I know. Anti-will.”

He only said the key words to prevent revealing more information.

“Our purpose is very clear, so the most important thing at the moment is to find it.” Alok looked up at Roger and said seriously.

Then, looking at Roger's puzzled eyes, he continued to explain:

"Tomorrow, you go directly to the docks and other places to start looking for clues and establish a small organization that can receive intelligence. I will give you funds."

"It's better to inquire about the underground supernatural organizations in Damei and join a few to get more information."

Roger frowned slightly and said, "It's a good idea, but it's a bit too hasty. We haven't settled down yet."

"No. The sooner the better. While the anti-will hasn't noticed us yet." Alok said with his head down.

"But~~~" Roger wanted to argue, but the waiter brought two glasses of beer, so he could only interrupt in time and said with a polite smile:

"Thank you."

After the waiter left, he thought about it and said again:

"Okay, this is my strong point, this is the job that a second mate should do, I'm not a handyman."

"I never said you were a handyman, I also took the initiative to help you carry your suitcase?" Alok responded.

Roger gave Alok a helpless look and said, "Come on, you are after my money. Don't think I don't know your bad nature."

"Don't talk about this, I promised you. But how do we contact each other? We don't have accurate contact information yet." He said after taking a sip of beer.

"How about here. Today is Wednesday, next Wednesday at 2 pm. I'll wait for you here. If we have the exact address, we will exchange it." Alok suggested.

"No problem, such decisiveness really matches your personality." Roger raised his glass and agreed. Then he said:

"You have to give me enough funds. It costs a lot to set up an intelligence organization, especially the kind of intelligence organization that can find out about the extraordinary."

"Don't worry. It doesn't have to be so high-end. We are not a pink paradise. Haven't you figured out the law of anti-will?" Alok looked at Roger sarcastically and said.

"What law?"

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