The three looked at each other, and Noland agreed: "Good idea."

He walked into the station first, and a group of people surrounded him and started chattering about business. He didn't speak, but suddenly closed his eyes and began to check the memories of these drivers.

Shayna, who had just come in and covered her nose, cooperated very well when she saw Noland's serious expression. She didn't say a word and stopped Dirk who wanted to speak.

After a long time, the drivers around even felt that the three idiots standing there were playing tricks on them. They all cursed and shook their heads and slowly returned to their carriages.

Noland slowly opened his eyes and said with certainty:

"There is no sign of them. They should not have left yet."

Hearing this, Shayna was relieved, showing a vicious smile, and slapped Dirk's body hard:

"Fortunately you didn't lose them. Now go and find where they went."

"No problem. No problem." Dirk also smiled happily, and didn't care about Shayna's bad words at all. "Then tonight."

"Get out of the way. Go find them. If you can't find them, I'll chop off your bottom and feed them to the dogs." Shayna stared at Dirk with disgust.

"Ah, then next time. I'll go find them first." Dirk smiled and bowed slightly and turned away.

It really fits the old saying: smiling on the surface, but MMP in the heart.

Damn Noland.


After walking out of the city for most of the day, Alok really didn't expect Richie to be so efficient.

There really is no trace at all.

Compared with Alok's third-rate interference, it is more than a little bit stronger.

Compared with the hustle and bustle in the city, the wilderness of the new continent has a different flavor.

Due to the underdeveloped social system, the natural environment has been completely preserved.

Even if farming is still the main way of survival for people in this era, it still can't change too much of the natural environment.

In fact, the land area of ​​the Hutt Empire is considered to be very large. However, most of the land is still allocated to the nobles as their territory.

On the way, Alok encountered a lot of baronies and viscounties.

The way of survival of the people in the territory is mainly farming and hunting. There are also many miners, workers, blacksmiths and the like.

Perhaps with his status as a lord, he can stay overnight in a noble manor at will. He can also have a dinner by the way.

However, generally speaking, it is June now, which is the social season, and there are mostly no nobles in the manor.

Most of them went to the city to participate in the so-called noble social.

Therefore, it is not polite to come directly to the door like this. Alok didn't want to do this either, as it would expose himself extra.

The coachman Brand deliberately chose a route that was easier to walk and more comfortable. That is, he traveled through the various noble territories.

Looking at the moonless night sky, the stars were particularly bright. But Alok just felt hungry.

He had to find something to eat quickly.

The bumpy ride of the carriage had already made his butt hurt a little, and he couldn't wait to get to the next city as soon as possible.

"How long will it take? Brand." He shouted loudly.

The carriage did not stop at all. The breeze blew by, and Brand's voice came from the window:

"It will be soon. Go to this viscount's territory. To be honest, I am also very hungry. It is really not good to go without food at night. The horses are hungry too. I will have to trouble Master Jack to take care of their meals later."

"That's good. How long will it take?" Elok continued to ask.

Brand's hesitant voice came from the window: "Uh~~~Twenty minutes."


Brand is very experienced and looks like he has been working on this road for a long time.

After twenty minutes, I really saw a little light in the distance. It was like a guiding light at night.

Brand did not change the speed and drove the carriage steadily to a post station in the city. Specialized in providing accommodation services.

It is necessary for the existence of post stations to build good relationships with these coachmen who often travel on the same route, which can provide him with a steady stream of customers.

The boss and Brand are old acquaintances. Although it was late at night, he still opened the door for him enthusiastically.

"Hey, Brand Harman. Why are you so late this time? Didn't you spend the last night with your wife?" The boss was really enthusiastic.

"Customers are the gods, and wives are nothing." Brand laughed and said. "Help me feed the two horses with the best hay."

The boss saw that the horses were indeed a little tired, stroked their necks, and said, "No problem. Brand, you always put your horses first. As if they are more important than yourself."

"That's my guy for dinner. These two cost me a full 38 gold coins." Brand said boastfully.

"Okay, okay, you always say it. Do you want some food? I'll prepare some for you now." The boss shrugged and said helplessly.

At this time, Alok and Roger also got off the carriage. Seeing that the boss and Brand were chatting very familiarly, they probably knew that this should be Brand's regular station. So they looked at each other and nodded.

"Help us get some midnight snacks first. Then give me three rooms and a bucket of hot water in my room." Alok said calmly.

"Okay." The boss knew that this was the sponsor and quickly changed the subject of the conversation.

He then led the three people to the inside of the post station and directed the waiters who had not yet gone to bed to help settle the carriage. This is also the basic job of these waiters.

Then, he served a rich but not extravagant supper for the three people according to Alok's arrangement.

"You are really the most generous passenger I have ever seen." Brand's face was full of smiles, as if it was New Year's Day.

"Don't brag. Eat and go to bed quickly. We will get up early tomorrow." Alok waved his hand nonchalantly.

Brand quickly waved his hand and said, "No, no, no, this is not bragging. I have seen so many passengers going to Damei, and you are indeed the first passenger who does not bargain and does not treat me badly. Including accommodation and meals, Mr. Jack, you are so picky. You are not a nobleman."

"You are much more low-key than those passengers who like to show off to me all day long. I wonder if I can ask about your income. These things are always people's favorite topics of conversation. It is also the most need to show off." Brand looked at Alok with some curiosity.

Seeing that Alok and Roger had no desire to talk, Brand was not embarrassed at all, but he also knew that he would not continue.

He smiled while picking at the rice in the bowl.

"Let's take another road tomorrow." Alok suddenly said after a long time.

Hearing the customer's speech, Brand hurriedly asked: "What? Why?"

"Do you know another road? Let's change one." Alok repeated. This is to add another layer of insurance to avoid being caught up. Although there is interference, there is still a risk. What if someone follows this road?

Brand thought for a while, nodded and said: "Uh~~ I know, but that will put us in a little danger and slow us down for a day."

"What danger." Alok asked casually.

"I have walked that road before. Once there was a heavy rain, and a passenger wanted to go to Damia. There was a river in front that was flooded, so we took another road. That was the original riverbed. Then we walked to another road to Damia." Brand fully demonstrated the qualities that an old driver should have, and explained in detail.

"It will take about two days to walk this road, and the danger is also on this road. The main reason is that this road is not so easy to walk, and dangers such as landslides and rolling stones often occur."

"Also, since it is not the territory of the nobles, no one manages it and no one lives there. There are many groups of wild beasts in the wild. We have to find a small amount of food to bring with us. We can't do it like today."

Alok Roger is not afraid of dangers such as wild beasts. After all, he is a transcendent. As long as it is not a transcendent species, it will not be a big problem.

As for natural disasters such as landslides, it depends on luck.

I can't control this.

But for safety reasons, we have to go this way.

"No problem. Go that way tomorrow." Alok nodded and said.

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