Alok suddenly felt his whole body become quiet.

He knew that this was the goddess of vengeance, you have paid attention to him.

So he immediately continued to say in Azera:

"I pray that you open the door of the kingdom.

Your followers will dedicate to you."

He gently picked up the small statue and raised her with an evil expression.

A small shadow crack suddenly appeared in front of him.

Alok swallowed hard.

He had seen this shadow before.

It was the goddess he saw in the underground temple that time.

A drop of cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

Recalling the method of the goddess that time. Put the statue directly in the shadow.

Sure enough, the statue gradually sank into the shadow.

Finally disappeared.

The violent storm hit Alok again, but the lightning in the sky was getting less and less.

After staying there for two minutes, Alok slowly stood up from the ground.

Picked up the dagger that fell on the ground and inserted it into the boot.

Ignoring the corpses on the ground, he walked heavily into the cabin.

Seeing that Florian seemed to be looking around, he twitched his mouth slightly and said weakly:

"I have to go to sleep. The rest is up to you. Remember to keep the spoils for me."

"No problem. This is my specialty." Florian blinked and said. "I will distribute the spoils fairly."

"The captain is dead. So you have to comfort the other crew members. For example, the physicist I have never seen." Alok added.

"Don't worry. I am good at all these." Florian patted Alok's shoulder seriously.

"That's good." Alok said finally.

He turned and walked towards room 312.

After opening the door, he went straight to the bedroom before changing clothes, lying on the bed and fell asleep.

After an unknown period of time, Alok suddenly felt groggy.

He only felt that his whole body fell into tranquility.

Seeing the ripples of the spiritual power sea under his feet, the aurora of the distant star world, and the stained star spirit body in front of him.

Suddenly, he reacted.

Is this the dream? ?

It seems to be correct.

His consciousness seems to be separated from his astral body. The mental power seems to form a human figure, standing in front of the astral body.

Looking at the astral body with a milky white base and various marks engraved on it, Alok couldn't help but sigh.

It's really strange.

There is the soft white light of the historian, the tentacles of the binder, and the gray mist of the necromancer floating on it. Of course, there is also the deep black like a black hole, which is the skill of the traitor.

On the surface of the astral body, a mass of black pollution is stirring there. Like a living heart.

Although there is no tendency to expand to the naked eye, I know that it is definitely erosion. If I don't deal with it, I'm afraid I will become a traitor sooner or later in the future.

However, the fallen god didn't expect that he could still "wipe the dishes". Hahaha~~

Fooling a god is really a very fulfilling thing.

Of course, it is also a very dangerous thing.

He felt a treacherous smile unconsciously appear at the corner of his mouth, and the tentacles of his spiritual power viciously poked the filth.

Pull it down with force, and then throw it into the sea of ​​spiritual power.

Watching the filth dissolving in the sea of ​​spiritual power, Alok's face gradually returned to normal.

Damn, I was still affected.

Thinking about the various actions before, I suspect that I have been affected.

Including the ritual of praying to the goddess for sacrifice. It is definitely not something that a normal me can do.

There are still some stains left on the astral body, and Alok wiped it gently with the tentacles of his spiritual power again.

When the surface of his astral body was as smooth as new, he nodded complacently, and then washed his hands with the "sea water" of the sea of ​​spiritual power.

Well~ wash your hands after washing the dishes. Rinse off the detergent on it.


When he woke up from the boat again, it seemed to be the next morning.

The storm had passed, and the sea was as calm as a lake.

He stretched himself and felt full of energy.


But what's with this sneeze?

Could it be a cold?

My throat hurts so much~ My head hurts too. My whole body aches.

Fortunately, my butt doesn't hurt.

He rubbed his head and sat up from the boat.

I went to bed without taking off my clothes yesterday, and my whole body was wet by the wind and rain. It would be strange if I didn't catch a cold after sleeping like this all night.

I need a hot bath. And a hearty breakfast. Soothe my tired body and stomach.

He shouted loudly:

"Roger, Roger~~"

After shouting at least ten times, Roger's figure slowly appeared at the door of the bedroom.

This made Alok feel dissatisfied.

He rubbed his temple and said to the sleepy Roger:

"Go get me a bucket of hot water and give me a hearty breakfast."

"When can you get up so early, Captain? I'm still sleeping." Roger complained.

"Go, stop complaining. I have a cold." Alok said with his head down. "Aqiu~"

"Okay, okay. You are the captain. You should find some crew members." Roger complained while turning his head. "You can't always let the second mate do these chores."

He was still wearing pajamas, wiped his eyes, and came to the door.

After opening the door, he shouted loudly to the waiter a few times.

Then he gave a few instructions to the waiter.

After closing the door, he shouted loudly to Alok's bedroom:

"I've done it for you. Hot water and breakfast will be here soon. I'm going to bed now. Don't call me if there's nothing to do, and it's better not to call me if there's something to do."

Half an hour later.

Alok lay quietly in the hot water. He moaned comfortably.

This made Florian, who was sitting next to the wooden barrel, feel sick.

He rushed over as soon as he heard that Alok had woken up to check on Alok's condition. It looked like he was in a bad state yesterday.

Of course, he didn't look very good today either.

"How are you?" He asked, pinching his eyebrows like Alok.

"Take a bath, I feel much better. Aqiu~" Alok said comfortably with his eyes closed.

Florian said, "That's good."

Then he patted his thigh and continued:

"The aftermath has been arranged for you. I have to say that yesterday was a great harvest."

"Stop, stop, stop, what is the aftermath? That's called follow-up affairs." Alok quickly cut off.

"Okay. Follow-up matters." Florian quickly agreed.

Then, he took out two will crystals from his pocket and said:

"This is the will of Pierre and the bodyguard. Pierre's belongs to you, and the knight's belongs to me."

"No problem, we agreed." Elok agreed.

Seeing Elok nod, he picked up the scepter next to him and said:

"Pierre's extraordinary weapon. A level 4 extraordinary weapon, meteorologist profession. Although it was a little damaged yesterday. But it can still be used. It would be better if you can find a binder or alchemist to repair it for him. It's yours, I won't rob it."

Damn, level 4.

This is my first mid-level weapon.

"Is Pierre so rich?" This is Elok's question.

"Who knows, as a captain. His salary is not enough to buy it, but I don't know about other income." Florian also wondered.

"This scepter requires at least 1,800 gold coins to buy. And it's still out of stock." Florian said helplessly, sighing.

"In addition, Pierre has some personal property. About two hundred gold coins. These are all yours." He took out a wallet and put it on the bedside table next to Alok's bed.

Alok was excited to see it.

Money is still interesting.


"As for the passengers you killed at the bow. Uh~~ 327 people died. No one survived. Only the passengers who did not participate in the protest survived. Although we also found a lot of property from their bodies, as a policeman, I think they should be returned to their families."

"Well, this is what we should do. I think their families will be sad to know about this. They are just victims." Alok said heavily. Agreed with Florian's arrangement.

"The surviving waiters on the ship are following up on the follow-up matters." Florian saw Alok nod and agreed and continued.

"The crew has been appeased. Including the few extraordinary people working at the bottom of the ship. They are all research madmen, don't worry."

Listening to what Florian said, Alok felt like listening to a subordinate's work report.

He smiled and said:

"I believe you, Florian. In comparison, you are more like the captain of justice."

Florian wanted to pat Alok on the shoulder, but when he saw that he was taking a bath, he retracted his broad right hand and said:

"Of course, our cooperation has always been like this."

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