Behind him.

Thinking of this, Alok decided to give it a try.

How do you know if you can succeed if you don't try?

Nick has very few offensive means. Only the one that can erode the astral body. But the defensive means are surprisingly strong.

There is nothing wrong with a bold attempt. At least you won't get hurt.

He half-crouched down, dodged a fireball and took out the dagger from his boots.

Activated the throat-cutting skill of the dagger and moved to Nick's back instantly.

Seeing the scene behind Nick, it was just as he expected.

There was a small statue behind him, and a man hanging upside down was tied to an inverted cross. The statue was floating on Nick's vest.

It was the image of the "Fallen God".

He was not surprised, but quickly took the next step.

He didn't waste his time attacking Nick with the dagger, but used the dagger to sweep the small statue behind him aside.

Just like the last time he destroyed the ritual of Little Bear and Roger. Alok is very experienced.

At this moment, Nick was caught off guard and fell down suddenly as the statue fell.

Alok saw the opportunity and cut Nick's throat directly with a dagger.

In order to prevent Nick from resurrecting again. He used another "Rip".

In an instant, the storm of spirit turned Nick's weak will into pieces.

At this moment, Alok finally put his heart at ease.

But the moment he swept down the statue, it seemed to have poked a hornet's nest.

The protesting crowd suddenly lost their voices and turned their heads to stare at Alok.

Their eyes turned completely black. Their bodies moved towards Alok stiffly like undead zombies.

It was like a horror movie of zombie siege.

Alok was not panicked at all when such a group approached.

The reason was that he always had a big killer to deal with the weak people in the group.

Undead Annie.

At this time, Annie was in the hunter's hammer.

He calmly patted the hunter's hammer lightly to wake Annie in it.

He manipulated her to use a "scream".


The sharp sound rushed into everyone's ears.

Alok, who had his back to Anne, did not suffer the ravages of the scream. He only heard a little aftermath.

But the ordinary people in front of Anne were not so lucky.

As Anne screamed, they all fell to the ground with their heads in their hands.

Struggling, struggling, and finally unconscious.

Seeing this, Alok exhaled.

Looking back at the statue of the fallen god.

As long as it is still here, it is always unsafe.

How to deal with it is also a problem.

Dump it directly into the sea? ?

No, that will pollute the environment.

Of course, this is not the key. The key is that no one knows whether such a statue will have more bizarre characteristics.

Suddenly, an abnormal sound was heard on the ship.


Even in the heavy rain, Alok heard the huge footsteps coming from the deck.

Pierre was wearing a white captain's uniform and his face was black.

His eyes also turned pure black like Nick.

"Sir Phasma. You shouldn't kill people on my ship. You can't kill Edward! You can kill him!! You can't!!! No one can do whatever they want on my ship. I am the righteous Pierre!!!" Pierre screamed at Alok at the top of his voice.

He pointed at Alok and suddenly said sacredly: "I am justice. Judgment!!!"

Damn it.

How could the righteous Pierre be corrupted? ?

Damn it.

Alok suddenly felt a beam of light in the sky hit him, as if he was in a cage and couldn't move.

The sudden situation made Alok unable to react in time. And Pierre's skill speed was too fast, and the light shone directly on Alok's body.

He was like a prisoner on trial. He was firmly controlled in the prison.

Pierre suddenly raised a metal scepter in his hand.

Lightning suddenly gathered towards the top of the scepter.

Alok's eyelids jumped when he saw it. He knew that this was Pierre's powerful weapon.

It looked like a weapon for charging attacks.

The power must be good.

He didn't panic, and tried to break free from Pierre's skill. But it didn't work well.

Watching the lightning on the top of Pierre's scepter getting bigger and bigger. Alok decided to give it a try.

Silently saying:


Instantly, Alok broke free from control. But it also made Alok's own mental power drop by more than half, almost reaching the bottom.

But this also gave Alok a chance.

He raised Silver Pain and activated the aiming skill above.

The fourth bullet of Silver Pain, combined with the huge power generated by aiming, accurately hit the top of Pierre's scepter.

Pierre failed to hold the scepter tightly, and the scepter was knocked down far away by the huge impact force.

The lightning instantly lost control.


A huge lightning flashed across the sky.

The ball of lightning originally gathered at the top of the scepter exploded instantly, and the lightning flashing across the sky also hit the scepter that fell to the ground in an instant.

His right hand was still raised in the air, looking a little overwhelmed.

But the dark spot in his eyes reminded Alok.

It's not over yet.

"For glory, charge!!!"

The sound of Florian charging rang out from far away on the deck.

Ailok knew that reinforcements had arrived, so he endured the discomfort of his mental power being drained, threw the shadow dagger on the ground casually, and took out the hunter's hammer with his right hand.

He raised the silver pain with his left hand and fired a hurricane bullet.

Aimed at Pierre in the distance.


The long-lost sound appeared again on the Drol.

Pierre's body twisted strangely. He seemed to want to cast a skill to escape the bullet, but was suddenly silenced by the hurricane.

So he failed to dodge. The bullet hit his chest.

A huge wound appeared on Pierre.

The huge impact force made him retreat "deng~deng~deng~".

But he didn't look dead yet.

This surprised Alok.

So he pulled the trigger again and shot a magic arrow. This is also Alok's reserved project.

The magic arrow hit Pierre's forehead. It instantly brightened his eyes.

At this time, Florian also rushed behind Pierre and swung his greatsword to chop him down.

Cut Pier in half.

Seeing this, Alok immediately lost his strength. He sat on the deck at the stern and gasped.

He looked back at the statue.

He wanted to eat it viciously.

Finally figured out what was going on on the Dror.

The damn anti-will targeted me.

Targeted an unarmed transcendent like me.

Didn't I just ruin your plan once?

Is it necessary to think so highly of me?

But they seem to have succeeded.

The fireball hit me. It also hit my astral body.

The erosion has already occurred.

Is this their purpose? ? ?

However, it's not a big problem.

Just take a nap.

Unexpectedly. Hahaha!!! ~~~

He inserted the two guns in his hand into the gun bag, picked up the statue viciously, and saw Florian coming to him. Gnashing his teeth, he said:

"Statue of the Fallen God. Give me two minutes to deal with it. It can't be left here forever. No one knows what the consequences will be."

"Uh~~Are you sure you can handle it, Jack?" Florian's deep voice sounded behind Alok.

Alok looked back at Florian and took a serious look. He stared carefully into his eyes and his astral body.

He looked back and forth several times.

Florian felt creepy. Finally, he couldn't help it and asked, "Captain Jack. What are you doing? I feel a little embarrassed by what you are looking at."

"I'm looking at you to see if you are also eroded." Alok finally sighed and said. "It looks like you are in good condition. It's not a big problem."

"Give me two minutes. Believe me." He said again.

In response, Florian raised his hands in surrender and understood Alok's concerns.

He said, "Okay. I believe you. To reassure you, I'll go back inside first."

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned and walked into the cabin.

It was not until Florian's figure could no longer be seen in Alok's sight and could only be seen with astral vision that Alok placed the statue on the ground.

He smiled evilly.

He closed his eyes and whispered in Azeroth:

"I will kill my enemies with my own hands.

He is the embodiment of revenge and the synonym of assassination.

The Lord of Shadows - the Goddess of Vengeance."

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