The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 290 Shennong ascends the throne

Fuxi took a step forward and said: "Thanks to the saints and the God of Creation for coming to watch the ceremony, Shennong will be the co-master of the human race in the future."

Under the witness of the saints and the God of Creation, Shennong became the new co-leader of the human race. This made Shennong aware of the arrival of a mysterious power.

There are merits falling from the nine heavens.

Pushing Shennong's state to the half-step Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, Shennong felt that in this process, a mysterious power diffused from the Kongtong Seal.

This allowed him to become a half-step Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

Without this mysterious power, although his realm would increase, he would not become a half-step Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal. Shennong was convinced of this.

Chen Yuan saw this process again.

Compared with Shen Nong Fu Xi, he understands why he became the co-master of the human race and can prove to be the half-step Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. This is actually the Kongtong Seal at work.

The Kongtong Seal is not an ordinary treasure. What is truly powerful about it is its power of humanity.

Without the power of humanity, Shennong and Fuxi would not be able to achieve half-step Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal. The power of humanity is a power comparable to the power of heaven.

It's just that the power of humanity at this time is very immature and cannot be compared with the power of heaven that has penetrated the heaven and earth.

But the power of humanity has the potential to become a force comparable to the power of heaven.

Chen Yuan said: "Fuxi, if you step down from the position of co-master, it will be difficult for you to stay among the human race. As the saying goes, there are no two days in the sky and no two masters in humans."

Fuxi had no objection and understood that what Heavenly Lord Creation said was reasonable.

No two emperors will exist at the same time in any race. Although other emperors in the previous Demon Clan Heavenly Court had great rights, the one with the most power was Di Jun.

Although Di Jun did not survive the Lich Catastrophe.

Fuxi bowed and said: "But it is like this..."

Chen Yuan said: "The human race needs a dojo for the Three Sovereigns, Five Emperors and the great sages of the human race to live. Ordinary caves cannot bear it."

Shennong stood up and said: "You can go to Huoyun Cave, which is a blessed land of fairy mountains. Nowadays, all the good fairy mountains and blessed lands in the prehistoric world have owners. This is the birthplace of my previous life."

Chen Yuan nodded and said: "Yes... you were innately sacred in your previous life, so Huoyun Cave is very suitable. In the future, Huoyun Cave will be the holy land of the human race."

Nuwa made a voice at this time and said: "Brother, this human race does not have an innate treasure to suppress the luck, so it needs the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors to suppress the luck. If there is no big problem and it is difficult to get out of the Fire Cloud Cave, unless one day, the human race has the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian Only when you are born will you be free.”

After Nuwa finished speaking, she looked at Fuxi's expression, fearing that Fuxi would be unhappy.

Fuxi smiled and said: "Sister, I reincarnated into the human race and resurrected. With this, I became the half-step Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal. I opened the door to the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and suppressed the fate of the human race. I am willing to do so."

Nuwa breathed a sigh of relief. If Fuxi was unwilling, it would be very difficult for her.

Shennong became the new co-leader, and the saints dispersed.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Cult Leader also achieved their goals, and appearing together with Laozi, Nuwa, and Creation Tianzun was enough to illustrate their identities.

Their actions today will spread their fame throughout the human race.

Fuxi went to Huoyun Cave. Huoyun Cave was a little far away from the human race, but Fuxi, as a half-step Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, regarded the infinite distance as a short distance.

In a blink of an eye, we arrived at Huoyun Cave. Although Huoyun Cave is the birthplace of innate sacredness, it is extremely crude. Hongyun stays in Wuzhuang Temple all year round and does not take care of Huoyun Cave.

Fuxi had no choice but to use his magic power to build the simple Fire Cloud Cave into a human holy land.

In the future, there will be too many great sages from the human race staying there, and the Fire Cloud Cave will have the most powerful force of the human race. Although it is not usually visible, it is really at the critical moment of life and death for the human race.

You can see the power of Fire Cloud Cave.

Chen Di and Xuandu saw that Shennong had become the co-leader of the human race, and his realm had advanced by leaps and bounds, reaching a point where the mountains stood tall.

Xuandu also benefited from the merits and his realm improved by leaps and bounds.

Accepting Shennong as his disciple, Xuandu became a Da Luo Jinxian, and Xuandu was very happy.

Then he went to Shouyang Mountain.

Shennong felt that Xuandu had left and did not come out to see him off. Now he was a little embarrassed to see Xuandu. He had two memories. In Shennong's opinion, it was better not to meet him.

This is also the reason why Xuandu did not go to Shennong. Xuandu knew that the fate between them was broken.

Both parties get what they need.

As the co-leader of the human race and half a step into the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, how could he really become a disciple of Xuandu, unless he was a saint and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian was almost the same.

After Shennong ascended the throne, he married Tingqi. As a human being, Shennong had to practice human ethics even though his realm was advanced.

Haotian in the thirty-third heaven realm also has a queen.

Fuxi also had a wife, and Shennong saw Tingqi protecting him along the way.

Decided to marry Tingqi.

Ting Qian was naturally willing. After Shen Nong got married, he gave birth to a daughter, named Nvwa. The girl was cute and well-behaved, and was deeply loved by people.

After having a daughter, Shennong felt more integrated into the human race. Since recovering his memory, Shennong felt that there was some distance from the human race, but he had a daughter.

Let Shennong feel something different.

Shen Nong dealt with a large number of things every day. The number of human beings was extremely huge. According to Shen Nong's observation, there were trillions. With such a huge number, there were too many things to deal with.

Sometimes other races are involved.

A thousand years later...

Shen Nong inspected the human race, came to a small tribe, and transformed into an ordinary human race. He did not use his divine will, magic power, or any other extraordinary power.

Shennong wanted to observe what ordinary humans needed.

Shennong, who had magical powers, could not see what ordinary humans needed.

He stood too high.

What he saw was the universe and the myriad great ways.



At this time, the girl had grown up and had a strong interest in the outside world. She wanted to see what the outside world was like.

In Chendi.

The girl saw that they were all people with high realms. Wherever they went, there were people following them. At the beginning, the girl could still adapt.

But this time lasted for a thousand years.

It made the girl deeply tired. If it was any other time, even if the girl wanted to go outside, she would not have the slightest chance. She knew how powerful her father was.

No matter where she went, it was useless.

He could find her back in the blink of an eye, but this time the girl heard that her father was going to return to the ordinary for a while, so the girl did not doubt it.

But Shennong did this a lot.

He firmly believed that only by being in the same position as ordinary humans could he see what they needed.

Although the girl was tired of the day-to-day life, she was still very concerned about her father.

She still admired him very much.

No matter where she went, she could hear about her father's contributions. The medical science he created saved countless lives.

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